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Name: Pancho, Joshua, Raet 04/23/2020

Student Number: 19-4275-62 STAS 111

Course: BSN
Section & Room Number: MD 1Y2 – 6/FUMC 710
Schedule: Tuesday / 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Submitted To: Macanda, Jhumerzon, A.

CHAPTER 6 – Climate change and the Energy crisis.

1. What are the difference between weather and climate change?

 We hear about weather and climate all of the time. Most of us check the local weather
forecast to plan our days. And climate change is certainly a “hot” topic in the news.
There is, however, still a lot of confusion over the difference between the two.

Climate is the average of that weather. For example, you can expect snow in the
Northeast in January or for it to be hot and humid in the Southeast in July. This is
Climate. The climate record also includes extreme values such as record high
Temperatures or record amounts of rainfall.

So when we are talking about climate change, we are talking about changes in long-term
Averages of daily weather. In most places, weather can change from minute-to-minute,
Hour-to-hour, day-to-day, and season-to-season. Climate, however, is the average of
Weather over time and space.

2. What is Climate Change? What are the contributing factors that trigger this phenomena
(Natural and man-made driving forces)? And what are the effects of this changes on both living
And non-living things in our planet?

 Whereas weather refers to short-term changes in the atmosphere, climate describes

What the weather is like over a long period of time in a specific area. Different regions
Can have different climates. To describe the climate of a place, we might say what the
Temperatures are like during different seasons, how windy it usually is, or how much
Rain or snow typically falls. When scientists talk about climate, they're often looking at
Averages of precipitation, temperature, humidity, sunshine, wind, and other measures
Of weather that occur over a long period in a particular place. In some instances, they
Might look at these averages over 30 years. And, we refer to these three-decade
Averages of weather observations as Climate Normals. Looking at Climate Normals can
Help us describe whether the summers are hot and humid and whether the winters are
Cold and snowy at a particular place. They can also tell us when we might expect the
Warmest day of the year or the coldest day of the year at that location. But, while
Descriptions of an area’s climate provide a sense of what to expect, they don't provide
Any specific details about what the weather will be on any given day.

3. What is Global warming? How about Global cooling? How does Climate change stimulate this
Fluctuations in global climate?

 More specifically, weather is the mix of events that happen each day in our atmosphere.
Even though there’s only one atmosphere on Earth, the weather isn’t the same all
Around the world. Weather is different in different parts of the world and changes over
Minutes, hours, days, and weeks. Most weather happens in the part of Earth’s
Atmosphere that is closest to the ground-called the troposphere. And, there are many
Different factors that can change the atmosphere in a certain area like air pressure,
Temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and lots of other things. Together,
They determine what the weather is like at a given time and location.
CHAPTER 7 – Environmental Awareness

1. How important is environmental awareness?

 Environmental awareness proves important for several reasons. It fosters a sense of

Connection to the natural world. Promotes sustainable development and encourages
Conservation of irreplaceable natural resources and vulnerable plant and animal

Considering the growing environmental concerns. The need for environmental science
As a subject was the need of the hour. Not only are we polluting the environment. But
The degrading health of our planet that can only sustain life is something to ponder

Environmental science as an emerging discipline has been accounting for all those
Growing environmental concerns and in the awareness creation process. The awareness
Creation will help us understand the fragile state of our environment and the
Importance of its protection. It’s the only means by which we can ensure our
Descendants a clean and healthy environment to live in.

2. What is “Sustainable development”? Give at least 1 example of action that considers

Sustainable development.

 Although sustainable development is defined in multiple ways, the most often cited
Definition of the term comes from the Bruntland Report titled. “Our Common future.”
According to the report, sustainable development is “Development that meets the
needs Of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own Needs.” From this particular definition, sustainable development can be
reduced to two Key concepts: needs and limitation. Needs refers to those in need-the
world’s poor. The Limitations are those “Imposed by the state of technology and social
organization on the Environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.”

 Solar energy – The greatest advantages of Solar Energy are that it is completely
Free and is available in limitless supply. Both of these factors
Provide a huge benefit to consumers and help reduce
pollution. Replacing non-renewable energy with this type of
energy is both Environmentally and financially effective.
3. What is “ Environmental degradation”? What causes environmental degradation?

 Environmental degradation is the disintegration of the earth or deterioration of

The environment through consumption of assets, for example, air, water and
Soil, the destruction of environments and the eradication of wildlife. It is
Characterized as any change or aggravation to nature’s turf seen to be
Pernicious or undesirable. Ecological effect or degradation is created by the
Consolidation of an effectively substantial and expanding human populace,
Constantly expanding monetary development or per capita fortune and the
Application of asset exhausting and polluting technology. It occurs when earth’s
Natural resources are depleted and environment is compromised in the form of
Extinction of species, pollution in air, water and soil, and rapid growth in

Environmental degradation is one of the largest threats that are being looked at
In the world today. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction characterizes environmental degradation as the lessening of the limit
Of the earth to meet social and environmental destinations, and needs.
Environmental degradation can happen in a number of ways. At the point when
Environments are wrecked or common assets are exhausted, the environment is
Considered to be corrupted and harmed. There are a number of different
Techniques that are being used to prevent this, including environmental
Resource protection and general protection efforts.

Environmental issues can be seen by long term ecological effects, some of which
Can demolish whole environments. An environment is a unique unit and
Incorporates all the living and non-living components that live inside it. Plants
And creatures are evident parts of the environment, but it also includes the
Things on which they depend on, for example, streams, lakes, and soils.

Environmental surroundings get to be divided when technological advancement

Splits up areas of land. Some examples of this can include streets which may
Slice through woods or even trails which wind through prairies. While it may not
Sound all terrible on the surface, there are bad results. The biggest of these
Results are felt by particular animal and plant groups, the vast majority of which
Are specific for their bio-region or need a large area in order to make sure that
Their genetic lines are kept intact.
Some environmental life species require substantial areas to help provide food,
Living space, and other different assets. These creatures are called area specific.
At the point when the biome is divided, the vast patches of living space don’t
Exist anymore. It gets to be more troublesome for the wildlife to get the assets
They need in order to survive. The environment goes on, even though the
Animals and plant life are not there to help sustain it properly.

1. Land Disturbance - A more basic cause of environmental degradation is land

Damage. Numerous weedy plant species, for example, garlic mustard, are
both Foreign and obtrusive. A rupture in the environmental surroundings
provides for Them a chance to start growing and spreading. These plants can
assume control Over nature, eliminating the local greenery. The result is
territory with a solitary Predominant plant which doesn’t give satisfactory
food assets to all the Environmental life. Whole environments can be
destroyed because of these Invasive species.
2. Pollution - Pollution, in whatever form, whether it is air, water, land or noise
is harmful for the environment. Air pollution pollutes the air that we breathe
which causes health issues. Water pollution degrades the quality of water
that we use for drinking purposes. Land pollution results in degradation of
earth’s surface as a result of human activities. Noise pollution can cause
irreparable damage to our ears when exposed to continuous large sounds
like honking of vehicles on a busy road or machines producing large noise in
a factory or a mill.
3. Overpopulation - Rapid population growth puts strain on natural resources
Which results in degradation of our environment. Mortality rate has gone
Down due to better medical facilities which has resulted in increased
Lifespan. More population simple means more demand for food, clothes and
Shelter. You need more space to grow food and provide homes to millions of
People. This results in deforestation which is another factor of
Environmental degradation.
4. Landfills - Landfills pollute the environment and destroy the beauty of the
City. Landfills come within the city due the large amount of waste that gets
Generated by households, industries, factories and hospitals. Landfills pose a
Great risk to the health of the environment and the people who live there.
Landfills produce foul smell when burned and cause huge environmental
5. Deforestation - Deforestation is the cutting down of trees to make way for
More homes and industries. Rapid growth in population and urban sprawl
Are two of the major causes of deforestation. Apart from that, use of forest
Land for agriculture, animal grazing, harvest for fuel wood and logging are
Some of the other causes of deforestation. Deforestation contributes to
Global warming as decreased forest size puts carbon back into the
6. Natural Causes - Things like avalanches, quakes, tidal waves, storms, and
Wildfires can totally crush nearby animal and plant groups to the point
Where they can no longer survive in those areas. This can either come to
Fruition through physical demolition as the result of a specific disaster, or by
The long term degradation of assets by the presentation of an obtrusive
Foreign species to the environment. The latter frequently happens after tidal
Waves, when reptiles and bugs are washed ashore.

Of course, humans aren’t totally to blame for this whole thing. Earth itself
causes ecological issues, as well. While environmental degradation is most
normally connected with the things that people do, the truth of the matter is
that the environment is always changing. With or without the effect of
human exercises, a few biological systems degrade to the point where they
can’t help the life that is supposed to live there.
CHAPTER 8 – Alternative Energy Resources

1. Define renewable energy. What are the examples of this type of energy resources? And
Discuss its advantage and disadvantage.

 Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural

Sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or
Wind keep shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and

While renewable energy is often thought of as a new technology, harnessing

Nature’s power has long been used for heating, transportation, lighting, and
More. Wind has powered boats to sail the seas and windmills to grind grain. The
Sun has provided warmth during the day and helped kindle fires to last into the
Evening. But over the past 500 years or so, humans increasingly turned to
Cheaper, dirtier energy sources such as coal and fracked gas.

Now that we have increasingly innovative and less-expensive ways to capture

And retain wind and solar energy, renewables are becoming a more important
Power source, accounting for more than one-eighth of U.S. generation. The
Expansion in renewables is also happening at scales large and small, from
Rooftop solar panels on homes that can sell power back to the grid to giant
Offshore wind farms. Even some entire rural communities rely on renewable
Energy for heating and lighting.

Solar Energy

 Humans have been harnessing solar energy for thousands of years to grow
Crops, stay warm, and dry foods. According to the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, “more energy from the sun falls on the earth in one hour than is
Used by everyone in the world in one year.” Today, we use the sun’s rays in
Many ways to heat homes and businesses, to warm water, or power devices.
Solar, or photovoltaic (PV), cells are made from silicon or other materials that
Transform sunlight directly into electricity. Distributed solar systems generate
Electricity locally for homes and businesses, either through rooftop panels or
Community projects that power entire neighborhoods. Solar farms can generate
Power for thousands of homes, using mirrors to concentrate sunlight across
Acres of solar cells. Floating solar farms or “floatovoltaics” can be an effective
Use of wastewater facilities and bodies of water that aren’t ecologically

Solar supplies a little more than 1 percent of U.S. electricity generation. But
Nearly a third of all new generating capacity came from solar in 2017, second
Only to natural gas.

Solar energy systems don’t produce air pollutants or greenhouse gases, and as
Long as they are responsibly sited, most solar panels have few environmental
Impacts beyond the manufacturing process.

Wind Energy

 We’ve come a long way from old-fashioned wind mills. Today, turbines as tall as
Skyscrapers—with turbines nearly as wide in diameter—stand at attention
Around the world. Wind energy turns a turbine’s blades, which feeds an electric
Generator and produces electricity.

Wind, which accounts for a little more than 6 percent of U.S. generation, has
Become the cheapest energy source in many parts of the country. Top wind
Power states include California, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Iowa, though
Turbines can be placed anywhere with high wind speeds such as hilltops and
Open plains or even offshore in open water.

Hydroelectric Power

 Hydropower is the largest renewable energy source for electricity in the United
States, though wind energy is soon expected to take over the lead. Hydropower
Relies on water typically fast-moving water in a large river or rapidly descending
Water from a high point and converts the force of that water into electricity by
Spinning a generator’s turbine blades.
Nationally and internationally, large hydroelectric plants—or mega-dams—are
Often considered to be nonrenewable energy. Mega-dams divert and reduce
Natural flows, restricting access for animal and human populations that rely on
Rivers. Small hydroelectric plants (an installed capacity below about 40
Megawatts), carefully managed, do not tend to cause as much environmental
Damage, as they divert only a fraction of flow.

Biomass Energy

 Biomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals, and includes
Crops, waste wood, and trees. When biomass is burned, the chemical energy is
Released as heat and can generate electricity with a steam turbine.

Biomass is often mistakenly described as a clean, renewable fuel and a greener

Alternative to coal and other fossil fuels for producing electricity. However,
Recent science shows that many forms of biomass especially from forests
Produce higher carbon emissions than fossil fuels. There are also negative
Consequences for biodiversity. Still, some forms of biomass energy could serve
As a low-carbon option under the right circumstances. For example, sawdust
And chips from sawmills that would otherwise quickly decompose and release
Carbon can be a low-carbon energy source.

Geothermal Energy

 If you’ve ever relaxed in a hot spring, you’ve used geothermal energy. The
Earth’s core is about as hot as the sun’s surface, due to the slow decay of
Radioactive particles in rocks at the center of the planet. Drilling deep wells
Brings very hot underground water to the surface as a hydrothermal resource,
Which is then pumped through a turbine to create electricity. Geothermal plants
Typically have low emissions if they pump the steam and water they use back
Into the reservoir. There are ways to create geothermal plants where there are
Not underground reservoirs, but there are concerns that they may increase the
Risk of an earthquake in areas already considered geological hot spots.


 Tidal and wave energy is still in a developmental phase, but the ocean will
Always be ruled by the moon’s gravity, which makes harnessing its power an
Attractive option. Some tidal energy approaches may harm wildlife, such as tidal
Barrages, which work much like dams and are located in an ocean bay or lagoon.
Like tidal power, wave power relies on dam-like structures or ocean floor–
Anchored devices on or just below the water’s surface.
Solar Power

 At a smaller scale, we can harness the sun’s rays to power the whole house
Whether through PV cell panels or passive solar home design. Passive solar
Homes are designed to welcome in the sun through south-facing windows and
Then retain the warmth through concrete, bricks, tiles, and other materials that
Store heat.

Some solar-powered homes generate more than enough electricity, allowing the
Homeowner to sell excess power back to the grid. Batteries are also an
Economically attractive way to store excess solar energy so that it can be used at
Night. Scientists are hard at work on new advances that blend form and
Function, such as solar skylights and roof shingles.

Geothermal Heat Pumps

 Geothermal technology is a new take on a recognizable process the coils at the

Back of your fridge are a mini heat pump, removing heat from the interior to
Keep foods fresh and cool. In a home, geothermal or geoexchange pumps use
The constant temperature of the earth (a few feet below the surface) to cool
Homes in summer and warm houses in winter and even to heat water.

Geothermal systems can be initially expensive to install but typically pay off
Within 10 years. They are also quieter, have fewer maintenance issues, and last
Longer than traditional air conditioners.

Small Wind Systems

 A backyard wind farm? Boats, ranchers, and even cell phone companies use
Small wind turbines regularly. Dealers now help site, install, and maintain wind
Turbines for homeowners, too—although some DIY enthusiasts are installing
Turbines themselves. Depending on your electricity needs, wind speeds, and
Zoning rules in your area, a wind turbine may reduce your reliance on the
Electrical grid.

Selling the Energy You Collect

 Wind- and solar energy–powered homes can either stand alone or get
Connected to the larger electrical grid, as supplied by their power provider.
Electric utilities in most states allow homeowners to only pay the difference
Between the grid-supplied electricity consumed and what they have produced—
A process called net metering. If you make more electricity than you use, your
Provider may pay you retail price for that power.
Renewable Energy and You

 Advocating for renewables, or using them in your home, can accelerate the
Transition toward a clean energy future. Even if you’re not yet able to install
Solar panels, you may be able to opt for electricity from a clean energy source.
(Contact your power company to ask if it offers that choice.) If renewable energy
Isn’t available through your utility, you can purchase renewable energy
Certificates to offset your use.

Advantages of renewable energy

 Using renewable energy over fossil fuels has a number of advantages.

1. Renewable energy won’t run out

 Renewable energy technologies use resources straight from the Environment to

generate power. These energy sources include sunshine, Wind, tides, and
biomass, to name some of the more popular options. Renewable resources
won’t run out, which cannot be said for many types of Fossil fuels as we use
fossil fuel resources, they will be increasingly difficult To obtain, likely driving up
both the cost and environmental impact of Extraction.

2. Maintenance requirements are lower

 In most cases, renewable energy technologies require less overall Maintenance

than generators that use traditional fuel sources. This is Because generating
technology like solar panels and wind turbines either Have few or no moving
parts and don’t rely on flammable, combustible fuel Sources to operate. Fewer
maintenance requirements translate to more Time and money saved.

3. Renewables save money

 Using renewable energy can help you save money long term. Not only will You
save on maintenance costs, but on operating costs as well. When you’re Using a
technology that generates power from the sun, wind, steam, or Natural
processes, you don’t have to pay to refuel. The amount of money You will save
using renewable energy can vary depending on a number of Factors, including
the technology itself. In most cases, transitioning to Renewable energy means
anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars In savings.
4. Renewable energy has numerous health and environmental benefits

 Renewable energy generation sources emit little to no greenhouse gases or

Pollutants into the air. This means a smaller carbon footprint and an overall
Positive impact on the natural environment. During the combustion process,
Fossil fuels emit high amounts of greenhouse gases, which have been proven To
exacerbate the rise of global temperatures and frequency of extreme Weather

The use of fossil fuels not only emits greenhouse gases but other harmful
Pollutants as well that lead to respiratory and cardiac health issues. With
Renewable energy, you’re helping decrease the prevalence of these Pollutants
and contributing to an overall healthier atmosphere.

5. Renewables lower reliance on foreign energy sources

 With renewable energy technologies, you can produce energy locally. The More
renewable energy you’re using for your power needs, the less you’ll Rely on
imported energy, and the more you’ll contribute to U.S. energy Independence as
a whole.
Disadvantages of renewable energy

 Renewable energy has many benefits, but it’s not always sunny when it Comes
to renewable energy.

1. Higher upfront cost

 While you can save money by using renewable energy, the technologies are
Typically more expensive upfront than traditional energy generators. To combat
This, there are often financial incentives, such as tax credits and rebates,
Available to help alleviate your initial costs of renewable technology.

2. Intermittency

 Though renewable energy resources are available around the world, many of
These resources aren’t available 24/7, year-round. Some days may be windier
Than others, the sun doesn’t shine at night, and droughts may occur for periods
Of time. There can be unpredictable weather events that disrupt these
Technologies. Fossil fuels are not intermittent and can be turned on or off at any
Given time.

3. Storage capabilities

 Because of the intermittency of some renewable energy sources, there’s a high

Need for energy storage. While there are storage technologies available today,
They can be expensive, especially for large-scale renewable energy plants. It’s
Worth noting that energy storage capacity is growing as the technology
Progresses, and batteries are becoming more affordable as time goes on.

4. Geographic limitations

 The United States has a diverse geography with varying climates, topographies,
Vegetation, and more. This creates a beautiful melting pot of landscapes but
Also means that there are some geographies that are more suitable for
Renewable technologies than others. For example, a large farm with open space
May be a great place for a residential wind turbine or a solar energy system,
While a townhome in a city covered in shade from taller buildings wouldn’t be
Able to reap the benefits of either technology on their property. If your property
Isn’t suitable for a personal renewable energy technology, there are other
Options. If you’re interested in solar but don’t have a sunny property, you can
Often still benefit from renewable energy by purchasing green power or
Enrolling in a community solar option.
2. What are the existing renewable energy resources that are already used in our country?
In your opinion, which of this is the most sustainable and environmental friendly?

The Philippines utilizes renewable energy sources including hydropower, geothermal and solar
Energy, wind power and biomass resources. In 2013, these sources contributed 19,903 GWh of
Electrical energy, representing 26.44 percent of the country's energy needs. Renewable
Electricity production (GWh) by source.

The Philippines as a tropical archipelago has the potential to generate a lot of energy
From natural resources. In recent years, solar panels in the Philippines have come to
Fhe forefront in cost efficiency with regular consumers. In truth, the Philippines has
Been generating energy from renewable resources for a long while now. It has only
Been in recent history that more and more of the Filipino people are recognizing the
Benefits of renewable energies as an alternative to oil and carbon. Listed below are the
Renewable energies found in the Philippines, as well as the geographic location of the
Power plants where they can be found.

Hydroelectric Power

Moving water is a powerful source of energy. The power harnessed from moving bodies
Of water is called hydroelectric power. The Philippines make use of two methods in
Order to harness power; dam storage or impoundment, and run-of-river. While
Impoundment makes use of man-made dams in order to store water, run-of-river relies
On flowing bodies of water like waterfalls. Both methods turn a turbine in order to
Generate power. Hydroelectric power plants in the Philippines are located in
Pangasinan, Benguet, Laguna, Isabela, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Ilocos Sur, Bohol, Lanao del
Sur, Lanao del Norte, Bukidnon, Davao del Sur, and Misamis Oriental.
Geothermal Power

Geothermal energy comes from the heat beneath the Earth’s surface. There are two
Methods of extracting geothermal energy used in the Philippines: the flash steam and
The binary cycle. Geothermal energy extracted through flash steaming extracts water
With a temperature greater than 182 °C using steam pipes. The steam is used to power
Turbines that generate energy, while the remaining water is released back into the
Ground. The binary process extracts water at a lower temperature than flash steaming.
The extracted water is then used to boil a working liquid with a lower boiling point that
Will power the turbine. The water is also released back into the ground. Geothermal
Plants in the Philippines are located in Laguna, Sorsogon, Albay, Batangas, Negros
Occidental, Leyte, and North Cotabato.

Solar Power

Solar energy is used as a source of energy in the Philippines through industrial sized
Photovoltaic plants in the country. The Philippines has only recently incorporated large
Scale solar farms in the country, despite the fact that the country is geographically
Located in a region that receives a high amount of sunlight each year. Major solar farms
In the Philippines can be found in Cavite, Pampanga, Ilocos Norte, and Cagayan de Oro.

Wind Energy

Like water, moving air also generates energy through wind turbines that supply kinetic
Energy through mechanical power. The turbines then power a generator to produce
Energy. Wind power plants in the Philippines are located in Ilocos Norte, Rizal,
Guimaras, and Aklan.

Biomass Energy

Biomass energy is similar to fossil fuel in that it is combusted in order to boil water to
Produce steam that will drive a generator. Being an agricultural country, the Philippines
Is rich in natural resources like bagasse, rice husks, and coconut husks are used instead
Of fossil fuel. Biomass power plants in the Philippines are located in Isabela, Nueva
Ecija, Rizal, Laguna, Isabela, and Metro Manila.

The Philippines has plenty of sources for generating energy through the renewable
Energy plants spread out in the country. At present, there have been an increased
Number of consumers incorporating the use of solar panels in the Philippines. This rise
In awareness has sparked the Filipino community to recognize the many benefits of
Having clean energies powering our homes and businesses.
 We should always think about the future especially the future of our children.
One of the ways in which we can plan ahead for future generations is through
Making our cities and provinces more sustainable. A sustainable urban planning
Can do magic not only for our environment but also for other factions of our
Country like transportation, businesses and so on.

Fortunately, the local government is doing their best in providing laws and
Projects that can help us achieve a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.
And some cities are taking it to the next level.

Puerto Princesa City

 Palawan is not only known for its gorgeous lagoons, white sand beaches, and
historical Caves. It’s also known for being preserving its natural beauty through
resisting Commercialization. Worth the mention is the city of Puerto Princesa,
the reigning Cleanest city in the Philippines. The capital of Palawan received
many citations from Both local and international groups for its never ending
efforts in protecting the Environment.

Bacolod City

 Bacolod City continues to shine as one of the prime outsourcing locations for
many Businesses. It’s also known for its various environmental efforts. In 2010,
Bacolod City Received the 3rd best environmental conditions to live in in the
Philippines and 4th for Best tourist attractions.

Davao City

 The central for commerce in Mindanao, Davao City is known for its strict laws
that Compass its environmental efforts. Davao City got the award as the 2nd
best city that Caters to natural adventures and so on. Citizens of this area are
known for strictly Abiding rules when it comes to segregation and cleaning. No
wonder that it continues to Appear on top of every eco-friendly list.

Marikina City

Aside from the gorgeous shoes that it produce, Marikina City is also proud to be the
Cleanest city in the National Capital Region. The national government gave Marikina a
Citation for having the best environmental efforts in their community. It perfectly
Managed the balance between the pureness of rural living and modern urbanity.
Makati City

The financial capital of the Philippines is also popular for its undying and courageous
Environmental efforts. Aside from tall buildings, Makati prides itself for having five parks
That accommodate to the city dweller’s need for environment. It’s also known for its
Various projects like Earth Hour and Palit-Ilaw Program.

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