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1st Assignment/ 1st Quiz

BME 3101 S. C 1204

TTH 11:30-1:00 P.M

Anne Kelly P. Amisola

RUBRICS FOR ESSAY/REACTION PAPER ASSESSMENT – BME 3101 (Operations in Tourism & Hospitality
NAME: Femmie B. Entac Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday (11:30 – 1:00 PM) s.c. 1204
45-40 pts 39-30 pts 29-15 pts 14-7 pts 6-1 pts 0.0 pts
Meat and Answers are Answers Answers are not inappropriate 45
Composition of comprehensive, are comprehensive Answers are
or completely
content of pts.
the accurate and accurate partial or
stated. Key several
Essay/Reaction complete. Key and incomplete. Key
Paper ideas are points are
complete. addressed, but sections of
points are not
clearly stated, Key points clear. Question report
not well
explained, and are stated supported. not adequately
well supported. and answered.
40-35 pts 34-25 pts 24-15 pts 14-7 pts 6-1 pts 0.0 pts
Answers are Answers are Answers Answers are not Did not 40
clearly thought comprehensive, are comprehensive answer
Answers are pts.
out and accurate and accurate or completely question.
complete. Key partial or
articulated. and stated. Key
ideas are clearly points are incomplete. Key
stated, explained, complete. addressed, but points are not
and well Key points not well clear. Question
supported are stated supported. not adequately
and answered.
15-13 pts 12-10 pts 9-7 pts 6-2 pts 1.0 pt 0.0 pt
Conventions IMPROVEMENT No
Answers are Answers Answers are Did not Marks
Spelling, comprehensive, are not answer
Answers are 15
punctuation, accurate and accurate comprehensive question.
partial or pts.
grammar, and complete. Key and or completely incomplete. Key
complete ideas are complete. stated. Key points are not
sentences.) clearly stated, Key points points are clear. Question
explained, and are stated addressed, but not adequately
well supported. and not well answered.
supported. supported.

As we can see, the topic in the video was about Hospitality Operations Management and it was
divided into two sections so that it is simple for us to comprehend. The first one tackled about the nature
of different hospitality product and services and the second one was about the different influences
affecting patterns within hospitality operations. It is a good idea that in the first section of the topic the
discussion was about the functions as well as the meaning of the word “hospitality” where the definition
was simple so that everyone can understand easily. Not only that, the first section of the topic also
explained the function of operations management and I am glad that it was tackled since this topic will
benefit those who want to work in the industry as they will have a better knowledge of how things
operate. It also includes food operations, where it showed the restaurant managers’ responsibilities in
several areas. I can say that being a manager is not an easy job for everyone due to the number of
responsibilities to fulfill, that is why to accomplish the task flawlessly and without difficulties, one must
be patient and be determined. Information about stewarding was also demonstrated where the
responsibilities of the chief steward were elaborated and the same with the manager, they also have
several of tasks to do. Furthermore, as I have seen in the video, there are various types of bars in a large
hotel and as a tourism student, I am eager to visit and explore each one of them given the fact that they
are applicable to my course and future career. The first section also covered topics such as food and
beverages along with the accommodation facilities, which are the great contributors to the sector and it’s
a good thing, because people nowadays enjoy staying in hotels to relax.

On the next topic which was about the different influences affecting patterns within hospitality
operations. Discussing the various influences that affect demand patterns is highly beneficial when
determining whether the accommodation, services, or products are available. Since, as demonstrated in
the video, hospitality products and services are seasonal, they do not have a consistent nature throughout
the entire year. This information is very significant especially to those people who love to travel or to stay
in an accommodation establishment since they will know what the best season is. Then, in sociological
influences, it explains that if many families will have two incomes increasing disposable income but
reducing time available to cook, this increases the demand for fast food and eats out. I agree with this as it
occurs frequently in our generation as nowadays most family members are unable to cook meals due to a
lack of time. It was also shown that healthy and eating patterns also contributes on increasing in demand
for healthy and organic foods. This information will be useful if I decide to start a food and beverage
business. If I find a location, it will be a good decision if the venue is nearby the city proper because
many people in those areas do not have time to cook. Also, I've noticed that when it comes to hotel
accommodation, tourists prefer to stay in well-known and distinctive hotels. People choose a location
with a breathtaking view that can be shared on the internet to attract others. These days, one of the
quickest and easiest ways to find a place to stay is to search or book online like in TripAdvisor.
Moreover, the topic about Elasticity of Demand was very advantageous for us because it discussed the
law of demand, which states that more of a good will be demanded the lower its price, all else constant,
and less of a good will be demanded the higher its price, all else constant. This topic helped us understand
how price affects demand. It was stated in the video that it is a very important concept in economics and a
foundation for many advanced lessons on how individuals and business owners make purchasing
decisions. As a book reader, I prefer to purchase books at low prices. Also, I noticed that other buyers I
saw on Facebook did not pursue purchasing a high-priced novel if the quality is poor. What's more,
choosing a high quality product, even if it is more expensive, is preferable than choosing a low quality
product that is less expensive.

Lastly, the video was extremely informative because it provided us with a variety of ideas for
operating and managing in the hospitality industry. It covered important information that will help
everyone understand how the industry works. All in all, I am grateful since I learned a lot from the
beginning to the end of the video.

The second video on Hospitality Operations Management was also divided into two parts. The
assessment criteria 1.3 which is the customer profiles and their differing expectations and requirements in
respect of hospitality provision and the assessment criteria 1.4 which is the affecting average spending
power in hospitality businesses. These topics discussed more and focused about the customers as well as
the consumers of an establishment. Through watching this video, it will be easy for business planners or
organizations to know their target market. As a hospitality and tourism management student, I am very
thankful for the leanings and information contained in this clip.

As I have seen in the video, customer profile is advantageous in terms of knowing

potential customers since it helps organizations to market its product and services. There are some factors
to consider when developing a customer profile, and the following questions can assist us in determining
their purchasing behavior. First, finding out who are the said customers, the way they buy products. Why
do they buy it? What are they going to expect from buying the item? As well as what do they value when
they are buying? That is why there are several categories that we need to follow in order to know our
customers. The first is spending power, which indicates that a consumer has enough money to purchase
goods and services. It can be influenced by factors such as their income - for example, if they have a large
business, they will have enough money to spend. Following that, the customer's social status, whether
they are from the lower, middle, or upper classes. Then there are their socio-cultural influences, where we
will learn about what group they belong to or their way of life, and finally, their economic situation. The
next category is the type of hospitality business – some examples are hotel, resort and restaurant where a
lot of people always go. Then the next one is the accommodation range and the menu. Within
accommodation range, customers are profiled based on their desires, which includes the various
hospitality establishments. As what I have seen in the video, menu range defined as low cost or high cost
which we can see if the price is affordable or not for a customer’s budget since as consumer, price really
matters when buying a product. Next one is the number of choices on menu since as s a customer, it is
essential also that menu has a large number of options as not every food is to everyone's liking. We all
have different tastes in foods that we eat, and some of us are picky, so the more options we have, and the
better. Then, the speed of service, this is one of the most common issues I encounter when eating outside.
When I went to a fast food restaurant, I waited for how many minutes before I received my order, even
though the customers were few at the time. It disappoints me since I expected fast food chains provide
quick service because most of their products are already ready to be served. That is why if I am the
customer I will choose an establishment where the service is fast. Especially If I’m hungry already, I
don’t want to waste my time in restaurant with slow service. The type of services was also tackled such as
the self service and the high level of service. Nowadays, the most common self-service establishments are
convenience stores such as 7/11 and Quixmart. Based on my experience, it is a good place to relax, eat,
and study, especially since it is open 24 hours a day. Besides, having an excellent ambience is important
for customers like me, especially if the establishment is not crowded and has a clean environment, similar
to how they keep their comfort room clean. This is an important factor in obtaining positive customer

Finally, the video shows how many factors influence the hospitality industry. From the type of
customers, prices, competitors, location, service, menu designs, meal experience, and status. This video
taught me three tips on how to create an ideal customer avatar, and I believe that future managers,
entrepreneurs, and hospitality workers will benefit greatly from understanding how the hospitality
industry operates and functions. It is critical to understand Hospitality Operations Management because it
will guide us in our everyday lives as consumers. This will benefit everyone, not just those who will or
are already working in the industry.

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