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Evidencia 6

Segmentation "Describing potential clients"


Jasbleider Santiago Miranda

Tecnología de Negocios Internacionales, SENA Regional Magdalena

Ficha No 2281762

Camila Pai

Octubre, 2022

1. Resuelva en inglés las preguntas que se presentan a continuación:

 Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?

In a super market near my house.

 Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?

I really am half tidy, there are days that I forgot to tidy my bed.

 Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?

whenever I look for these products I look at quality, there are brands that are special when it

comes to personal hygiene care.

 What kind of cleaning product would you like it to be improved? Why?

body soap, so it doesn't run out so quickly.

 Mention 5 cleaning product brands you consider as the best ones.

protex soap

colgate toothpaste

speed stick deodorant

shick shaver 4.

foot powder, rexona.


 Which are the most important aspects to be taken into account to choose a

cleaning product brand?

Its effectiveness, duration, aroma and quality.

 Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten

lines the reasons to convince your potential clients to buy your product.

Introducing the new Kernkraft 400 odor eliminator

It is a product with extract of natural essences found in nature, its different essences come

from wild flowers and trees. some of its benefits are:

 They disintegrate bad odors from the root: that is, they eliminate them instead

of making them as air fresheners do.

 Their toxicity is low, since they are composed based on natural enzymes.

 Its spray format allows a more comfortable application and focused on the

points where the application is necessary.

 They leave a pleasant aroma in the environment.

 It is made on the basis of natural enzymes, therefore, it is a product with very low

levels of toxicity.

 It does not stain the surfaces on which it is applied.


 It is environmentally friendly; It is made with substances derived from

renewable resources of natural origin.

 Its spray format allows it to be applied freely where we need it.

2. Describa en ingles el tipo de población a la que pretende proyectar el

producto servicio, de acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.

Nursing homes or social health centers tend to have bad odor problems in spaces such as

rooms, bathrooms and, in some cases, even common areas.

This odorous contamination usually has its origin in biological waste from the organism

itself. This often creates a feeling of discomfort among residents, professionals, and visitors.

Describa en ingles el tipo de

población a la que pretende
proyectar l producto
servicio, de acuerdo con el país
ya seleccionado.

ch are the most important

aspects to be taken into
account to choose a cleaning
product brand?
st important aspects to be taken
into account to choose a
cleaning product brand?
s que contenga como mínimo dos
párrafos, de la lectura del segundo
material complementario
mencionado anteriormente.
Realice un resumen en inglés que
contenga como mínimo dos
párrafos, de la lectura del segundo
material complementario
mencionado anteriormente.

Realice un resumen en inglés que

contenga como mínimo dos
párrafos, de la lectura del segundo
material complementario
mencionado anteriormente.

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