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1. Pre-historic architectures were developed a form based on ______.

a. Megalodon
b. Megaliths
c. Megastar
d. Megara

2. What is the name of this sculpture shown at the right that belonged
from the Pre - Historic era?
a. Venus of Brassempouy
b. Venus de Milo
c. Venus of Willendorf
d. Venus the Goddess of Beauty

3. _______ are the most substantial ancient structures of the world. These are the
funerary of the three kings of the fourth dynasty namely Khufu, Khafa and
a. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
b. Mausoleum at Halicrnassus
c. Colossus of Rhodes
d. The Pyramids of Giza

4. Characterized with thick sloping walls with few openings to obtain stability,
exterior and interior walls along the columns and piers were covered with
hieroglyphics and pictorial frescoes with carvings painted in brilliant colors.
a. Egyptian
b. Pre-Historic
c. Roman
d. Byzantine

5. Paintings from the early age were found inside the caves and believe to be
their way of communicating each other. What drawings are showed inside
the caves that were usually correct in proportion?
a. flowers
b. animals
c. people
d. houses

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