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Your Income!
The Framework to Increase Your

Marlon here.

Let’s talk about how to INCREASE your sales.

The chart above is from the Strange Ritual.

And we’ll talk about it in a bit.

But first, last issue I talked about how to make your first buck. I call this a
MAKER. So if you’re a MAKER, make sure you read that issue.

But you’ll get ideas from this issue for INCREASERS also.

How do you increase?

Today I heard the most profound statement from Alex Hormozi in a


He said that advanced people don’t do fancier things. They just SCALE
doing the BASICS.
Here’s the exact quote:



If I recall, that quote is from his podcast episode 402: Let’s Talk Content
Creation – Keynote part 1.

I thought that was incredibly brilliant.



Now, to be fair, I heard a video where he broke down how he ran a

telemarketing room for lead generation.

He had a really incredible SYSTEM to SCALE THE BASICS.

So the END RESULT is he scaled the basics. Which are generate lead. Get
on phone. Close sale.

But to create a SYSTEM to scale this required savvy problem solving. For
example, in telemarketing or sales rooms, people tend to quite after only 8

So he designed a series of small raises that would happen every 8 weeks.

This way, he retained employees.

And he developed a path to being a “closer.” And the closers make

$200,000 a year.
So by doing this, he solved the problem of RETENTION.

Difficult problem to solve.

But still, the END RESULT is he scaled the basics.

Getting leads.

Getting presentations.

Making sales.

Another interesting PROBLEM he had to SOLVE to SCALE the basics was

just getting people on the phone.

The idea was his team would call gym owners, offer free information, and
then transition to passing them along to the next step.

But it took him several weeks to figure out something to offer that was good

In other words, gyms wouldn’t spend the time unless it was big, juicy bait.
You can listen to it on the video. But it was something like walking them
through how he built his phone room.

A really HIGH level of value. And presented under the guise of “Just
helping out gyms in the area.”

That’s known as a RUSE.

It’s a disguised purpose. In fact, the purpose IS to sell the business owner.

But they had to create some trust at the outset.

It’s an interesting solution I’ve never heard before.

The point of this is at the end of the day, all he did


But in order to do so, he had to solve some sticky problems.

He had telemarketers making outbound calls.

What’s the FIRST THING people think of typically?

How can I automate it.

So his interviewer asked “Do you send outbound emails?”

And Alex said they use Phone Burner software. And while it can send
follow up emails, basically they made phone calls.

In other words, the first thing people THINK is “Instead of hiring callers
which is a pain in the tail end, I’ll just send emails.”

In some cases that might work.

But more often than not, no.

You make the calls. Do the work.

To be fair, Alex Berman on Youtube has a system for prospecting with

emails that is successful.

So this isn’t black and white.

Anyway, the point is Alex developed HIS model that he UNDERSTOOD.

And he figured out a way to SCALE IT.



In the “let’s talk about content creation” video above, he says that for awhile
they were distributing 7 pieces of content a week. But that didn’t get many

So they SCALED to 86 pieces of content a week!

And results went bonkers.

Since he had to hire people to produce the content, I believe he said the
budget was $25,000 a month to produce and distribute the content.

The point isn’t that you should do 86 pieces of content a week.

It’s the DO MORE philosophy.

He gave the example that a friend told him he was getting great leads by
passing out flyers.

Alex passed out a bunch.

And got only 1 or 2 calls.

He went back to his friend and asked what happened.

His friend said his MINIUM was 5,000 for a test.

Then 5,000 a day after that.

In other words he just didn’t DO ENOUGH to get a result.

This is NEVER a popular topic.

Telling people they need to work more and do more is a sure fire ticket to
the poor house for the most part.

And unfortunately so.

Because more often than not, the ONE ANSWER to your challenges and
problems is to do creative problem solving like Alex did. Then SCALE.


But in our “instant” society, that’s a horribly unpopular thing to say.

Which to me is great in that it thins the field.

It tells you that if YOU are the one DOING MORE, then you won’t have
much competition.

Now please notice I did NOT say you PERSONALLY needed to do more.
What I said is that your BUSINESS may need to do more.

That means you can hire talent.

That’s what Alex did.

He’s NOT the one banging out the cold calls.

He has employees doing that.

He’s NOT the one closing the sales.

Employees do that.

But his BUSINESS is designed to SCALE THE BASICS.

My Friend Michael Cheney is a Great Example

Michael is an inspiration.


He sends elaborate packages to affiliates to get them to promote his

launches. For example, as crazy as it sounds, in his last launch he sent
something like 60 affiliates GIANT BOXES filled with several helium

And one of the balloons had their PICTURE on it!

How he did that or pulled it off is beyond me. Because he has affiliates in
many countries. And trying to mail that box must have cost a fortune.

But THIS is why he did $3/4 of a million dollars last month.

He has now scaled up to 20 employees. You can’t do it all yourself.

But at heart, all he did was DO MORE.

Instead of paying out 100% commissions, he’s paying out up to 300%
commissions. BECAUSE he has a phone team that sells higher tickets to

Sometimes you see people post in FB groups.

I have 100 clicks and no sales.

What’s wrong?

What’s wrong is you only got 100 clicks.

You just don’t have enough volume to tell jack.

I had a friend once who published 3 products that made a modest amount
of money.

He used that as justification to prove that given his list creating products
couldn’t be profitable for him.

He made NO attempts to recruit affiliates.

Didn’t bother to post on social media.

Basically, the smallest, most minimal effort at promotion a human being

could make.

You see that a lot.

People in FB groups complain about their lack of results. When what they
have is a lack of ACTIVITY.

Do more.

Sometimes the answer to whatever the problem is, whatever the question
is, is just to DO MORE.

It’s really profound.

Somehow Grant Cardone has managed to teach this. And not go broke. It’s
a horribly unpopular message.

No one wants to hear about it.

Everyone wants to hear 80-20 rule baby.

Stop doing the 80% and just do the 20%.

It’s good in theory. But doesn’t work.

And that’s NOT what Richard Koch taught. Much or most of the time,t he
80% HAS to be done.

But his message is to carve out as much time as you can to focus on the 20%

And evaluate your activities to see which ones truly aren’t pro0ducing
results and can be cut out.

What it’s NOT is a justification to do less.

There are books out about doing less. Probably by someone who is a
professional author. And the idea of doing less doesn’t apply to the number
of books they write.

Now, doing more without though or skill is just STUPID.

It’s dumb.

You want to be smart.

And ultimately the key is LEVERAGE.

You want as much leverage you can get as long as it’s smart leverage. I’m
not talking about financial leverage that is ill-advised.

I’m talking about distribution channels, affiliates and things that multiply
your sales and time. Like employees. Like outsourcers.

The ultimate leverage is a banging marketing system.

Whether that’s a content creation and distribution plan, affiliates or paid


The Key To Do More Is The Strange Ritual

Here’s the framework for it:


The reason I call this a secret is you don’t go from 1x to 10x overnight in the
vast majority of cases.

What you do is ramp up your production, activity and results

SYSTEMATICALLY and incrementally.

Even Elon Musks thinks this way.

In his original plan to buy and expand Twitter, he projected an increase of

5x in 5 years. Which would be 10x in 10 years.

Notice, though, that it wasn’t 5x in one year.

5x in 5 years is still massive.

But for someone with massive resources is accomplishable.

In determining YOUR growth, you look at 2 factors:


How much time can you devote. Your own time. And time of your team,
staff, employees or outsourcers.

And how much EFFORT can you devote to it using the same resources?

Elon Musk can 5x in 5 years because he has access to enormous amounts of

time from employees that can provide great effort.

The SYSTEMATIC Way of Growth

Sometimes you hit on a product or marketing method that just goes crazy.
If you do that’s great.

Double down.

Triple down.

But typically, the best way to grow is incrementally based on the average of
your prior 3 months sales and activities.

And you set a goal to increase both the activities that lead to the sales AND
the sales in the current month.

This method of goal achievement is explained in my product:

I learned it from Joe Verde to quote my source.

But he teaches it in reference to the car business. I teach it in reference to

online marketing.

The Strange Ritual

The Strange Ritual steps are spelled out in the graphic above.

You can be a GETTER or an INCREASER.

If you’re a getter, you’re trying to GET your first sales.

If you’re an INCREASER you’re trying to increase sales.

The KEY to increasing is beating your 3 month averages.

And you pick a number that is an INCREASE number.

You pick a number for the year, the month, the week and the day.

Then you plan activities to HIT that goal. I doubled my sales in 1 month
doing it. But that’s ridiculous. Your goal is steady, continual improvement.

I have a book I LOVE

Bob shows you how to run numbers on making a million bucks a year.



In the book he breaks it down to $83,333 a month. Divide by 4.3 weeks in a

month and that’s $19,379 a week.

He divides that by the random number of 86. Which is $1,112.67. So he


He breaks a week into two segments of 3 days each.

So $19,379 / 2 = $9,689.

$9689 / $112 = 86.

So 2 times a week he needs 86 people to pay $112.

I’m probably off on the numbers. LOLZ.

It’s a lot of numbers.

You can read what he wrote yourself on pages 72 and 73.

He’s applying a fundamental principle here from Henry Ford:



THAT is what the Strange Ritual does.

You break the number you need to make for the month and the week down
into small enough parts you can produce them.

For more info, consult the Strange Ritual member’s area.

I did a live stream where I spent one day on each step of the chart above.
It’s really good. And in the member’s area.


And ACTIVITY goals.

And part of ACTIVITY goals are increasing your MINDSET, your



That’s true.

Money is the TARGET.

But it’s CREATED by your activities. Which are the result of planning. And
your mindset, habits and attitudes.

I love Bob Proctor’s It’s not money book. He talks about what he learned
from Napoleon Hill.

He carried Think and Grow Rich with him everywhere. And read from it

Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders


The Fail Safe System (intermediate to advanced)

This zeroes in only on the Info Product Business. On Zoo and W+ you can
buy a lot of beginner courses and possibly a few “intermediate” info product
marketing courses or training. But you won’t find advanced training.
There really is almost no advanced training on the Info Product Business
other than the Fail Safe System. It’s advanced information, although not as
sweeping and comprehensive as the Amazing Formula Full-Blown Course
above. The price reflects that but is considerably more than you’d pay for an
introductory or intermediate course on info products. Click here to see it.

How to Create High Profit Info Products

This is my info product creation training for BEGINNERS.

There’s not a lot of “new” methods in it like my intermediate and advanced

courses above. But it’s 100+ pages of solid, step-by-step information, albeit
not with the numbered steps and screen caps in Product Dashboard.
Recommended for newbies and beginners. See it here.

Take The Lid Off Your Income

Just a fantastic, in-depth 4-module course I put a lot of time, care and
attention into creating for you. If you’re ready to create yourown products
and get traffic, THIS is what you need to get. See it here.

The Long Lost Viral Marketing Ebook Treasure of Jimmy D.


This is best and most definitive ebook ever written on the topic. It’s a long
lost treasure now made available with special permission from Jimmy D.
Click here to see this bad boy. Highly recommended.

Feel Overwhelmed?
Buyers love this product. It’s fresh, new insights into how to overcome
overwhelm and get focused and productive. There is no other course like
this. If you feel overwhelmed, click here for the solution
If you feel overwhelmed, click here for the solution
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

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