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Findings of the Study

The following conclusions are obtained through data analysis and interpretation.

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

The majority of respondents are between the ages of 16 and 18, accounting for 88 percent

of the total number of respondents, with the remaining 12 percent being aged 19 and over. This

age bracket includes adolescents.

1.2 Gender

It was showed that men make up a larger part of the overall number of respondents,

accounting for 57.3 percent of the total proportion of respondents, closely followed by female

respondents 42.7 percent.

1.2 Strand

Results showed that all of the number of the respondents are from the ICT

(Information and Computer Technology) Strand.

2. Computer Literacy Skills of Respondents

2.1 Word Processing Applications

The findings revealed that 65 respondents had good knowledge of word processing

applications and 10 had acceptable knowledge.

2.2 Web Search Engines

The findings revealed that 70 respondents had good understanding of web search engines

and 5 had acceptable knowledge.

2.3 Spreadsheet Applications

The findings revealed that 6 respondents had good spreadsheet applications knowledge,

60 had acceptable, and 9 had poor spreadsheet knowledge.

2.4 Presentation Appilcations

The findings revealed 65 respondents had good knowledge of presentation applications, 9

had acceptable knowledge, and 1 had poor knowledge.

2.5 Learning Management Systems

The findings revealed, 65 people had good knowledge of learning management systems,

8 had acceptable knowledge, 1 had poor knowledge, and 1 had very poor knowledge.

2.6 Social Networking Services

The findings revealed, 70 people had good understanding of social networking services,

whereas 5 had acceptable knowledge.

2.7 File Sharing Sites

The findings revealed, 67 respondents had good knowledge about file sharing sites, while

8 have acceptable knowledge.

2.8 Dictionary Apps

The findings revealed, 60 respondents had good knowledge of learning management

systems, 10 had acceptable knowledge, 4 had poor knowledge, and 1 had very poor knowledge.
3. Strategies to Improve Computer Literacy Skills of Respondents

3.1 Allot time to study about computers

According to the findings, 68 respondents strongly agree, 6 are neutral, and 1 disagree.

3.2 Try and retry to discover how computers are manipulated

According to the findings, 67 respondents strongly agree and 8 are neutral.

3.3 Look for learning resources to improve skills in computer

According to the findings, 67 respondents strongly agree, 7 are neutral, and 1 disagree.

3.4 Look for video tutorials on Youtube

According to the findings, 67 respondents strongly agree and 8 are neutral.


According to the findings, 18 respondents strongly agree, 48 are neutral, 7 disagree, and 2

strongly disagree.

3.6 Use websites like “” when confused

According to the findings, 60 respondents strongly agree, 7 are neutral, 4 disagree, and 4

strongy disagree.

4. Factors Affecting Computer Literacy Skills of Respondents

4.1 Doesn’t have functional devices

According to the findings, 4 respondents strongly agree, 3 agree, 60 neutral, 4 disagree,

and 4 strongly disagree.

4.2 Not interested in learning about computers

According to the findings, 2 respondents strongly agree, 5 neutral, 55 disagree, and 13

strongly disagree.

4.3 Lack keyboarding skills

According to the findings, 2 respondents strongly agree, 3 agree, 4 neutral, 58 disagree,

and 8 strongly disagree.

4.4 Doesn’t understand the commands

According to the findings, 2 respondents strongly agree, 3 agree, 7 neutral, 56 disagree,

and 7 strongly disagree.

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