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Field Study Student: _ ____________ Subject: MIL- Media Information Literacy

Resource Teacher: _ _ ________ Teacher’s signature: ________________

School: ____________ Date of Observation:

Grade/Year level: __Grade 12________________________________ Section: _HUMSS_____________

INSTRUCTION: Below is a list of facilities that may be available in the school that you are tasked to visit and observed.
Check (√) the available facilities, describe them, and indicate their contribution to the learning environment.

Facilities √ Description Contribution

1. Principal’s office √ The Office of the Principal A principal’s office is
has complete facilities, responsible for overseeing
tables and desks, desktop the daily operations of the
and a couch where the institution. They coordinate
visitors of the principal can staff schedules, oversee
lay by. the development of
curriculum and enforce
school policies relating to
themes like discipline or
2. Vice Principal’s office √ A senior administrator of a An assistant principal,
school, college, or other sometimes called a vice-
educational institution, principal or Deputy
ranking directly below the Principal, assists a principal
principal in the general governance
and leadership 
3. Registrar’s office √ Provide back-up for records The Registrar assists
and registration services, students, faculty, staff, and
including registering alumni with a variety of
students, issuing academic services in
transcripts, answering managing academic
phones, scanning, policies and procedures,
reporting grades and maintaining student
working special events records, student
registration, transcripts,
enrollment verifications,
course scheduling,
commencement services,
conducts degree audits,
provides assessment
4. Library and learning resource center √ A facility within a school, Libraries can engage
staffed by a specialist, students with learning in
containing several many ways. Librarians help
information sources to students learn the best
facilitate education for ways to access and use
students and staff. It differs quality information and
from a regular school resources, help them to
library in its additional enhance their study and
focus on multimedia research skills and explain
resources and information how to use the latest
technology. technologies to enhance
their learning.
5. Guidance and counselling center √ The administration, scoring The major aim of Guidance
and interpretation of Counseling Services is to
standardized psychological encourage students'
tests in the areas of academic, social, emotional
intelligence, aptitude, and personal development.
personality, interest, needs To reach this aim, guidance
or other affective scales counseling services help
utilized to generate a more students get to know
comprehensive picture of themselves better and find
student/client traits or effective solutions to their
characteristics. daily problems.
6. Medical clinic √ A medical clinic is a type of The school medical clinic is
facility that's focused on really necessary in order to
outpatient services. Being provide first aid and triage
an outpatient means that for illness and injuries, to
you can go home after you provide direct services for
receive care. Medical students with special
clinics can be operated needs, and to provide
publicly, privately, or by health counseling and
the government. medical education for students,
attention when you're sick. staff, and parents
7. Canteen/Cafeteria √ The Canteen is located school canteens/cafeteria
beside the school oval; provide a service to the
food that is being sold is school community. provide
nutritious and healthy. a variety of nutritious and
attractively presented food
and drinks at a reasonable
cost and reinforce
classroom learning.
8. ICT laboratory √ The computer lab aims to Computer labs provide a
provide basic functional time and space to develop
computer services for users skills not directly related to
who may not have access classroom curriculum.
to such technology at These skills can be first
home or elsewhere. These learned in the lab. Then
labs are used has a place mastered through ongoing
for free Internet access to application at home and in
students and a place to the classroom.
perform Computer Based
Examinations and Web
Based Examinations.
9. Science laboratory √ a special facility where Laboratory teaching
experiments are done and assumes that first-hand
typically contains experience in observation
equipment, beakers, and manipulation of the
burners and other tools materials of science is
necessary to complete superior to other methods
experiments. of developing
understanding and
appreciation. Laboratory
training is also frequently
used to develop skills
necessary for more
advanced study or
10. Gymnasium √ The Gymnasium is The school gymnasium
appropriate to students plays important role in the
when performing their P.E. school, gymnasium is use
classes, because it’s for school activities like
spacious enough and has a school program,
complete facility (e.g., Intramurals, field
rings, nets, balls, score demonstration, culminating
boards) program, graduation and
11. Auditorium √ A room built to enable an the auditorium may serve
audience to hear and as a place for general
watch performances. entertainments,
Auditoria can be found in community meetings, and
entertainment venues, lectures. possible to see
community halls, and any part of the stage from
theaters, and may be used any seat in the house. An
for rehearsal, presentation, auditorium of this size will
performing arts accommodate groups of
productions, or as a pupils of two or three
learning space. grades at a time, as seems
12. Comfort room for boys √ The Comfort Room for Boys Comfort rooms are
is separated from the Girls. designed to help reduce
It’s also very neat. tension and assist the child
with developing personal
coping skills so that they
can maintain control in
triggering situations.
13. Comfort room for girls √ The Comfort Room for Girls Comfort rooms are
is maintained clean for designed to help reduce
hygienic purposes. tension and assist the child
with developing personal
coping skills so that they
can maintain control in
triggering situations.
14. Drinking fountains √ A drinking fountain is a Providing access to drinking
device that ejects a water gives students a
fountainlike stream of healthy alternative to
water that can be drunk sugar-sweetened
from without a cup placed beverages. It helps to
in designated area in the increase students' overall
school. water consumption,
maintain hydration, and
reduce energy intake if
substituted for sugar-
sweetened beverages.
15. School playground √ The school playground is School playgrounds are a
located besides that promising setting to
provides a safe outdoors promote children's physical
environment within the activity for sustained health
school that stimulates outcomes. School
children to use their playgrounds provide
creative energy in healthy accessible physical activity
interactions with one opportunities for all types
another. Children sit at of children being a safe
their classroom desk for
many hours each day. They
are given breaks in
between where they go
outdoors to the
16. Outdoor covered court √ The outdoor covered court Outdoor covered court
located besides the school provided children with
canteen and it is use for safe, fun, multi-purpose
outdoor activities. places to play.
17. PTA office √ PTA meetings happened in The Parent Teacher
the classroom of a specific Association (PTA) is a
student. partnership between
parents and educators who
strive to enhance student
learning and enrich the
lives of the students within
the school.
18. Student’s formation center office Student Formation is an student formation includes
educational resource mentorship programs,
center for any learner in retreats, leadership
any stage of life who opportunities, and service
desires to become a better experiences that
student. encourage students to
engage in self-reflection
and identify their deepest
19. Student centered office √ The student centered is A student center is a place
located in front in college every student can take a
building and school chapel. rest, socialize, and make
their academic task in their
free time.
20. Others (please specify): √ The school chapel is a place where the faculty
 School chapel located besides high school can meet with the
library. students, not in the
teacher-pupil relation, but
with the common interest
of discussion and worship.

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