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Cholesterol Determination

1. State the major functions of cholesterol.

As a sterol produCed by animal Cells, Cholesterol
is also a nutrient because it Can be found in foods
with an animal origin. In addition to acting as a
precursor for the manufacture of Compounds
essential for the organism, suCh as steroid
hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D, its primary
role is to preserve the integrity and fluidity of Cell

2. Define atherosclerosis.
The arteries harden and narrow as a result of
atherosClerosis, whiCh is brought on by
Cholesterol plaques that gradually line the
artery walls. ArteriosClerosis has a partiCular
subtype called atherosClerosis. The
acCumulation of lipids, Cholesterol, and other
ChemiCals in and on the artery walls is known as
atherosClerosis. The acCumulation is known as
plaque. AtherosClerosis Can ConstriCt the arteries
and obstruCt blood flow. The plaque may rupture
and cause a blood clot.

3. What are the classes of lipoproteins

and differentiate them from each other?
CirCulating lipoproteins Can be divided into
four main groups, each of whiCh has a distinCt
protein and lipid makeup. ChylomiCrons,
low-density lipoproteins (LDL), high-density
lipoproteins, and very low-density lipoproteins
(VLDL) are these (HDL).
The largest lipoproteins are known as
ChylomiCrons. SinCe nearly 90% of them are lipid,
they have the lowest protein-to-lipid ratio
and henCe the lowest density. The absorptive
cells of the intestinal lining produCe
chylomiCrons, whiCh are then secreted into
the lymphatiC System, whiCh enters the
blood cirCulation at the subclavian vein.
These partiCles Contain triglyCerides,
Cholesteryl esters, and free Cholesterol
that are produCed during the digestion of
dietary fat.


Similar to the chylomiCrons released by
the intestine, VLDL is a kind of lipoprotein made
by the liver. Additionally, it serves to
transport Cholesterol, Cholesteryl esters, and
triglyCerides to peripheral tissues. In these
tissues, VLDL is largely stripped of its
triglyCeride content and transforms into
an intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL)
residue that is transported back to the liver
through the bloodstream.


The plasma's VLDL and IDL are the precursors of
low-density lipoproteins, whiCh are riCh in
Cholesteryl esters and cholesterol. Their
main funCtion is to distribute these two
types of Cholesterol to the tissues in the
periphery. LDL is linked to about two-thirds of
the cholesterol and its esters that are present in
This family of lipoproteins has the
lowest diameter, 10.8 nm, and highest
protein-to-lipid ratio. The primary funCtion of
HDL is to remove extra cholesterol from cells
and transport it to the liver, where it is
Converted into bile acids and salts and
subsequently exCreted through the gut. The
primary Components in preserving the body's
Cholesterol balanCe are LDL and HDL taken
together. High ratios of HDL to Cholesterol
(mostly as found in LDL) Correlate favorably
with a decreased inCidenCe of this illness in
people due to the strong assoCiation
between blood Cholesterol levels and

4. List 5 factors that affect total cholesterol

and HDL cholesterol levels.

POOR DIET. Unhealthy Cholesterol levels Can

be Caused by eating too muCh saturated or
trans fat. Saturated fats Can be found in full-
fat dairy produCts and fatty animal Cuts. Trans
fats Can frequently be found in packaged
desserts or snacks.

OBESITY. People who have a body mass

index (BMI) of 30 or higher are at risk of
having high Cholesterol.

LACK OF EXERCISE. ExerCise helps boost

your body's HDL, the "good," Cholesterol.
SMOKING. Cigarette smoking may lower
your level of HDL, the "good," Cholesterol.

ALCOHOL. Drinking too muCh alCohol Can

inCrease your total Cholesterol level..

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