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JERALD: Requesting everyone to please stand for the opening prayer and remain standing for the
singing of the Philippine National Anthem .

Cath: Teachers are like candles, the consume itself to light the path of others. Good morning
everyone and welcome to our teachers day celebration with the theme “Gurong Pilipino, Dangal ng
sambayanang Pilipino” To formally open our program, may I call in our SSG President, Mr. Jerald
Jagonal to give his welcome remarks. A round of applause please.

Jerald : (Welcome Message)

Cath: Now, it is time to give tribute to our dear Teachers. Once I called the name of your teachers,
you may give your cards, flowers, gift or anything that you can offer. To start with our School Head,
Mrs. Charity Mae Savilla. Maam Please come forward.

Kindergarten – Maam Leleth Ramos

Grade 1- Maam Noriflor and Maam Mj

Grade 2- Maam Bayen and Maam Josie

Grade 3- Maam Irene and Maam Joy

Grade 4- Maam Paola

Grade 5- Maam Jean

Grade 6- Maam Bevs

Sub teachers – Maam Ashley and Sir Leonil

High School

Grade 7- Maam Crissa and Maam Marriel

Grade 8- Maam Gra and Maam Kath

Grade 9 – Maam Analyn and Maam Maam Jade

Grade 10 – Maam Gladys and Maam April Par

Jerald : Thank you so much learners, Noe to give an intermission number, May I call in our SSG
officers to give a dance number
Cath : Thank you so much SSG Officers, at this juncture lets have a raffle draw. Exclusive only for

Jerald: Congratulations to all the winners, now lets have another intermission number from selected
grade 6 students.

Cath: Now lets have another game. Bring Me.

Je: Another intermission number from our g9 students

Cath : lets continue the raffle draw

Jerald: Congratulations to all the winners, another intermission number to be given by g10 students.

Cath : Another raffle draw soo goodluck to our teachers

Jerald: Congratulations to the winners, now to have an intermission number, may I call in Fame
Nicole Pacala to sing a song number.

Cath : Lets have another bring me game .

Jerald: Another intermission number will be given by grade 10 learners. Let us all give them a round
of applause .

Cath : Now , it is time to give tribute to our teachers for all the hardwork that they have done for us.
Without them, and their sacrifices, we will never have the good education that we are enjoying right
now. May I call in our SSG President to give a tribute message to be followed by a tribute song.

Jerald: (tribute message)

Cath : now, lets have another tribute song from our SPG officers.

Jerald: Thank you so much officers, Now may I call in Maam Nor to give the souveniers to our
teachers .

__________________________-GAMES _________________________-

Ctah: Now let us close this programe with a closing message to be given by our SSG VP , Ashley
Jaraula .
Je: Thank you, Ash. Now lets have our closing prayer to be lead by our SPG Pres, Jacklord Ampo.

That ends our TEACHERS DAY Celebration, Happy Teachers day to our Sungay IS Teachers and Enjoy
the rest of your days.

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