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King’s way Christian Academe, Inc.

San Roque Naic, Cavite

Name:_______________________________________________ Score: ___________
Gr. & Section __________ Date:___________

I. Identify the following. Choose from the list of words inside the box. Write your answer on the space ovided
before the number.
Conjunction Clause Subordinating Conjunction
Noun Clause Complex sentence Subordinate Clause
Compound Sentence Adjective Clause Independent Clause
Coordinating Conjunction
________________1. A joiner, a word that connects parts of the sentence
________________2. A group of words containing a subject and predicate
________________3. Connects two independent clauses to form a compound sentence
________________4. A group of words containing a subject and a predicate
________________5. A subordinate clause that modifies a noun or pronoun in a sentence
________________6. It is used to complete the thought of the main clause
________________7. Consist of two or more independent clauses
________________8. Introduces clauses that is subordinate to another sentence element
________________9. Consist of one independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses
________________10. A dependent clause used as a noun in a complex sentence

II. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.

____1. How many coordinating conjunctions are there?

A. 7 C. 8
B. 6 D. 5
____2. What is the acronym we use to remember the coordinating conjunctions?
____3. In the acronym, what does the F stands for?
A. forget C. from
B. for D. favorite
____4. Which sentence below is a correct example of a compound sentence?
A. Misty loved training water Pokemon, but she was afraid of Gyarados.
B. Misty loved training water Pokemon. She was afraid of Gyarados.
C. Misty loved training water Pokemon but she was afraid of Gyarado
____5. What conjunction should you use to make these sentences into a compound sentence? The Doctor always enjoyed
meeting new people. He also loved time traveling.
A. for C. and
B. Nor D. but
____6. What is the conjunction in the following sentence? Luke Skywalker and Han Solo set out to rescue Princess Leia. 
A. set C. rescue
B. And D. to
___7. What is the definition of the conjunction "but"?
A. Contradicts, offers a contrast, or introduces something unexpected
B. Adds information
C. means "because" and introduces the effect of a cause-effect relationship.
D. As a result
____8. Which conjunction should you use to connect the following sentences? May loves to compete. She entered a
beauty contest.
A. and C. but
B. so D. for
____9. Which conjunction should you use to connect the following sentences? Brock is a good cook. He spends a lot of
time in the kitchen cooking for his family
A. and C. but
B. so D. for
_____10. Instead of starting a sentence with the word "and," what could you start the sentence with?
A. However C. Otherwise
B. Also/In addition D. As a result
IV. Underline the noun clauses in the following sentences and tell how they are used. Choose from the list
below. Write the letter your choice on the space before the number

A. subject D. appositive

B.  predicate nominative  E.  indirect object

C. direct object  F. object of the preposition

1. How the prisoner escaped is a mystery.

2. My feeling is that the robbery was an inside job.

3. Everyone is wondering how he could just disappear.

4. The news that he had escaped frightened the whole town.

5. The police have offered whoever finds the stolen diamonds a reward.

6. The family has had no word about where he might be.

7. That we were ready to go was a miracle.

8. Give whoever wants to go a ride to the game.

9. That you are losing ground was evident from the polls.

10. Whoever injured the handicapped woman must be feeling guilty.

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