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Day / date : Tuesday, 20 – 04 – 2021

Name : Nadya Kautsar Rafa

Class / no : XI MIPA 4 / 22

Ki Hajar Dewantara
1. Why do we need biographies? what is their purpose?
 Answer :
We need biography to reflect on other people way of life
and absorb all of the good and moral value within their
story and applied in our life, As for purpose is to tell a
complete story about someone's life for readers to read
2. What information can we find about a person by reading a
biography? Discuss!
 Answer :
We can find many informations by reading a biography,
such as their full name, parents name, spouse, place and
date of birth, achievements, etc. Also we can find his/her
story since his/her child till death, any events happen in
his/her life, tragedy, happy or conflict, his/her friends,
betrayal or gaining new friends, that’s all can be found in
3. From Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography, how would you
discribe him?
 Answer :
Ki Hajar Dewantara is a wise man with high intelligent,
outstanding patience and also a very reasonable person.
4. Can you find any similarities between ki Hajar Dewantara and
yourself? Describe!
 Answer :
As for similarities, reasonable might be the closest for me
to him.
5. Responsbility is being accountable to God and to others as
you do your duties or obligations in a faithful way. do you think
ki Hajar Dewantara was a responsible person? how did he show
it? Discuss!
 Answer :
Yes, he’s a very responsible person. Everytime praying
time is up, he immediately pray wherever he can pray.
6. Think of an example of task or event in your life that required
responsibility! Were you responsible in fulfilling this duty or
obligation? share your example!
 Answer :
I was selected to become one of the member of my school’s
choir extracuricular. We asked to perform in graduation
ceremony event, to make the event success, we should
practice twice a week. Of course i take that as an obligation
so i always come to practice in order to make the event
success and we can show our beautiful voice.
7. Do you think there were some significant events that changed
Ki Hajar Dewantara's life? how did those events shape or
change him? Discuss!
 Answer :
When the Netherlander decided oppress the people of
Yogyakarta, he decided to take action and revolt against the
8. What kind of impact did Ki Hajar Dewantara have on people?
 Answer :
He’s very charismatic and able to rally follower to revolt
against invader.
9. Ki Hajar Dewantara has had great impact on indonesian
struggle for freedom, especially education. discuss with your
peers what may have been different if he was not there?
 Answer :
Indonesia might not have any resilience and will to study to
become much more better person.
10. Ki Hajar Dewantara made lot of sacrifices for his country. if
you were in his place, what would you do? Describe!
 Answer :
 I will stand toes to toes with the invader and drive away
them as fast as i can and built the most impenetrable
defense mentally and physically so the invader will not able
to go in.
11. What did you know about the Ki Hajar Dewantara’s prior to
reading his short biography? did you learn anything new about
him? did anything you read changed your opinion about him?
 Answer :
i learnt a lot like how to be a wise leader and able to lead
people, i have changed my opinion about him quite a bit as
for i disagree with his method towards his enemy.

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