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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Differentiate types of speech context
B. Identify scenarios under the different speech context
C. Perform a short role-play in a given speech context
II. Subject Matter:
TOPIC- Types of Speech Context
REFERENCE- Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School
( Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Garcia Balgos)

MATERIALS USED- White cartolina, Marker

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
Prayer: The teacher will ask one student to lead the prayer.
Greetings: The teacher will greet the students. (Good morning class)
Checking of attendance: The teacher will ask the class secretary or the mayor who are the
absentees for that day.
Review: The teacher will call some students and ask about their past lesson.
B. Motivation: The teacher will give five (5) situational phrases then the students will identify them
whether it is (A.)communication in public,(B)communication with self, (C) communication
between two persons, (D) mass communication, or (E)communication in small group.
1. Comforting a friend who is feeling down.
2. Cheering yourself up before an important event.
3. Delivering your graduation speech to your fellow graduates.
4. Discussing your assigned report with your groupmates.
5. Articulating your stand on a certain issue in the editorial page.
C. Presentation.
The teacher will post the visual aids.
The teacher will discuss what is Speech Context and the pDifferent Types of Speech Context and
Cite some examples.

According to the Oxford Dictionary (2020), speech is the ability to express thoughts and feelings. While context
is the circumstances that form the setting of an idea.Thus, speech context is defined as the situation or
environment where communication occurs.

Two types of speech context:

1. Intrapersonal communication

2. Interpersonal communication


According to Sipacio and Balgos (2016), Intrapersonal communication is when one person acts as the speaker
and the receiver of the message. Meaning, It refers to the communication with one’s self.

Example: You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a student from the other class talked to you on the
way home and you decided it probably meant nothing.

Here are several examples of intrapersonal communication, as listed by Spacey (2018):

1. Internal monologue
2. Meditation

3. Introspection

4. Intuition

5. Emotion

6. Rational thought

7. Reading

8. Learning

9. Conceptual thinking

10. Mind’s eye

11. Counterfactual thinking

12. Conjecture

13. Heuristics

14. Imagination

15. Mind-wandering

16. Undirected thought

17. Directed thought


According to Sipacio and Balgos (2016), interpersonal communication refers to communication between and
among people and is used to establish personal relationships between and among them.

You offered feedback on the speech performance of your classmate.
You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling down.

Two types of Interpersonal Context

Dyad Communication- According to Sullivan (2020), dyad communication is a type of face-to-face

communication that involves two people and allows for accurate and immediate feedback.

The types of communication meant here may vary and can be a formal, intimate, or casual conversation.

• Husband and wife are talking about their marriage. This example can be a formal or intimate
conversation, depending on the couple’s mood and the particular topics.
• A police officer is interrogating a suspect in an interrogation room. This example can be formal or
casual communication, depending on the voice and tone used by the interrogator.


According to Sipacio and Balgos (2016), this type of communication consists of at least three – but not more
than ten – people engaging in face-to-face communication, all working together to achieve a common goal.
Formal and informal networks form small group communication.Formal groups tend to have a hierarchy and
fixed members, while informal groups tend to be casual and invite anyone to join (University of Minnesota,

Here are the characteristics of a small group (University of Minnesota, 2016):

1. Interdependence

2. Shared identity

Here are the functions of a small group (University of Minnesota, 2016):

1. First, the group meets an instrumental need.

2. Second, the group meets interpersonal needs.

3. Third, the group meets the identity needs,

Here are the types of small groups (University of Minnesota, 2016):

1. Task-oriented groups

2. Relational-oriented groups

3. Primary groups

4. Secondary groups

5. Virtual groups

3. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION-This type of interpersonal communication aims to deliver a message in a

public area in front of a specific group (Sipacio, & Balgos, 2016).
You deliver a graduation speech to your batch.
You participate in a declaration, oratorical, or debate contest watched by a number of people.

The following are the three categories for public communication:

1. To inform

This is to increase the audience’s awareness about a certain issue and demonstrate facts.

Example: Demonstrating how vegetarianism works

2. To persuade

This is to change the attitudes, beliefs, and/or behavior of the audience to suit the speaker’s needs.

Example: Campaigning for a certain politician

3. To entertain

This is to engage or amuse listeners. Occasionally, this may involve story-telling.

Example: Entertaining guests at a debut.

4.MASS COMMUNICATION- According to Sipacio and Balgos 2(016), mass communication occurs through
television, newspapers, radio, billboards, social media, etc. The goal of mass communication is to produce and
distribute messages to a large audience (Spacey, 2019) Here are 15 examples of mass communication by
Spacey (2019):

1. Journalism

2. Entertainment

3. Sports

4. Events

5. Music

6. Publishing

7. Advertising

8. Marketing

9. Media

10. Interactive media

11. Video games

12. Social media

13. Broadcasting

14. Public relations

15. Campaigning


The teacher will summarize the discussion and will ask the students to differentiate the different Types of
Speech Context.

Group Activity each group will present a short role-play about the different Types of Speech Context.

Group 1: Intrapersonal Group 3: Public

Group 2: Interpersonal Group 4: Mass Communicati

IV. Evaluation:
A. Identify the appropriate speech context on the following scenarios
1. Delivering a message of peace to the senior high school students.
2. Reflecting about the wrong choices you have made last day.
3. Posting your insights about fake news on your social media accounts.
4. Telling your love ones about your future plans.
5. President Marcos delivering his SONA.
V. Assignment:
Have an advance reading about TYPES OF SPEECH AND SPEECH ACT

Prepared by:


Prepared to:

Ms. Eliza Joyce E. Valdez

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