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Why I Have to Join IEEE ITS SB

I am Toen and now I study at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember on Electrical

Engineering major.I have an interest to knowing about how electric can be useful for
everyone,how does it made and how to growing it up.
Electrical Engineering is the one of major which is very insightful,we can see
everything in our life,look your laptop,television,smartphone,magic jar,lamp,even
construction truck also using electric to do their job,electric is everywhere!When I was an
elementary school student,I have an interest with electric in my toys,sometime I demolish
my toys to know what things in it and usually I can arrange it well again with a little
modification.Next step,when I study in junior high school,I can not do it again because
I’m not life in my house.But,I have many experience in mathematics competition in
junior high school and it continue in senior high school.The last year in senior high
school,I think I have to follow my hobby “ngoprek” and then I choose ITS to continuing
my hobby before.Also,I choose Electrical Engineering because it is the major that fit with
my interest.
At the beginning of my journey in college,I know about robotics team,laboratory
assistant,and many more,also the electrical organization.One of the organization that
focusing in research,development and standardization electric product is IEEE.On
beginning I think IEEE not very influential to develop electricity technology because it’s
just a nonprofit company,as time went I desire that IEEE is a great company.IEEE has
standardized a lot of electrical product which is very helpful for human.The example of
IEEE product is LAN,WIFI,etc..Internet that we use everyday is backed up by
standardized of IEEE,and in my major studies I learn some topic about
telecommunication,it is DSJT.In telecommunication,IEEE has many role in making
internet were impact like what we feels today.Everything becomes easy because of
internet.I want to study about it an I know that IEEE is an organization that fits that
well,so I don’t have any excuses more to not joining IEEE. That’s great and make me
said,”Sometime I have to join IEEE”.
To get detail information,knowledge and joining every IEEE event,I think I have to
join IEEE membership because it gives many benefits like free seminar,visiting a
company,getting information about newest electrical research and relation over electrical
engineer.Maybe I want to be a stakeholder in ITS IEEE SB but not now,I wan to be a
member first and learn what’s in IEEE ITS SB.IEEE membership is like a glass door,you
can se what happen outside the room but you can not feel what atmosphere in the
building and the building is IEEE.I want to grow up with IEEE,maybe I think I bored in
my daily activities because I don’t have some big responsible at organization,hobbies or
job,so it will be nice to join IEEE
After choosing IEEE ITS SB,I hope I got many resources to help myself to grow up
and can doing some research and study.In other line I want to get relation in any
institution and company more and I believe IEEE has many great Electrical Engineer.

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