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Benefits of Individual/Dual Sports

· Self-reliance – Youth athletes in individual sports learn to be self-reliant. Their success is

entirely dependent on their own efforts. If they want to win, they can’t count on someone else
carrying them through the competition. If they lose a match, individual sport athletes can’t
blame anyone else for their failure. This teaches them to be responsible for their own actions
and decisions.

· Self-confidence – Individual/dual sports can teach players how to be comfortable in the

spotlight. All eyes are on them during play and they can’t hide out in a crowded field. Being
comfortable performing in front of a crowd can come in hand for school and work
presentations later in life.

· Building Resilience – Individual/dual sports have “teams.” For instance, each member of a
gymnastics squad competes as an individual, but their individual scores feed into the overall
score for the whole team. Their efforts still affect the success of their team, even if they are
competing on their own.

And, by being responsible for their own outcomes, they learn to become more resilient by
having to get back up and push themselves. Whether they want to beat their competitor or
their own personal best, they quickly learn that in order to do it, they need to dust themselves
off and keep going.

· Internal Drive – Individual/dual sports teach players how to motivate themselves. There is no
one else pressuring them to improve, the drive has to come from within or from each other.
This kind of intrinsic motivation is oftentimes much more powerful than external motivation.

· Self-pacing – Individual/dual sports allow athletes to compete at their own pace. Working
alone to build skills in their chosen sport allows them to work at their own level, perfecting
and developing their abilities rather than being pushed forward before they’re ready.

· Social interaction – Coming together regularly to train and play towards a common goal
helps athletes to create bond with their partner and build friendship.

· Different roles – Having a partner allows the athletes to learn how to compromise.

· Strength awareness – We all excel in different areas, and it is no different on the sports field.
As the athletes explore their strengths and weaknesses, and identify the varying strengths
within them, it teaches them to work together to bring out the best in each other.

Five benefits of individual sports. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The benefits of solo sports and team playing. (n.d.). Retrieved from

02 Handout 3 *Property of STI

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