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Gomez-Cavadas 1

Lesson Plan Title: Food Pyramid

Concept/ Topic to Teach: What types of foods are healthy.

Grade Level: Second Grade

General Goal(s): Students to be aware which meals they should be eating daily and how much
of it.

Specific Objectives: They will demonstrate and understand the food groups of the food
pyramid. They will be able to place the correct image on the worksheet that I have provided.
With the second worksheet they will be able to draw at least three images in every food group.

Required Materials:
-Power Point with Pyramid food chart
-Food Pyramid worksheet
-White plain paper

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Good Morning Students! Today's lesson we will be learning about
the food pyramid. Does anyone know what the food pyramid is? The food pyramid has six
different food groups, and today we are going to learn about them. Can someone tell me what
their favorite snack or food is?

Step-By Step Procedures:

I'm going to start off by showing students a board with the drawing and pictures of the six
different types of food groups in the food pyramid chart. I will be asking students what they like
eating. Do they like vegetables, fruits, as well as junk food? Explain to them why it’s important to
eat healthy foods and less of others. I will be explaining each group individually. Explain how
many servings should be eaten a day. Discuss with the students what other foods that aren't in
the picture can be included as well.

Plan For Independent Practice (Activity):

Students will cut, glue, color, and label the foods in their correct food group. I will answer any
questions if they have any. Once we are done we will go over the worksheet together as a
class.A second plain white paper will be passed out to where they make their own pyramid and
label as well and draw images in the correct place.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

Now that we have gone over the six different food groups we will go over them one last time.
Starting from top to bottom. I will ask questions about each food group and what foods go in
each category. We will discuss it as a classroom.
Gomez-Cavadas 2

I will now pass out a blank sheet of paper and you will create your own food pyramid chart. You
will label them and you will draw your own pictures. For example, in one square you will write on
the side sweets and inside you will draw a candy bar. Once you are done I want you to color
your pictures. Next to the picture I want you to label it. If you decide to draw an apple then next
to it you write apple. I want at least three pictures in each food group.

Special Needs Modification:Students with ADHD

I will work one-on-one with the student, have the pictures already cut out for them, and
demonstrate exactly where to stick each picture. I'll also go into some detail on the food
categories. They simply need to add the name of the food group. They don't need to label every
image. I'll also ask that they color the images. I'll ask them to simply draw and color one image
of each food type for the second task.

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