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MCD2040: Managing People & Organisations


 The Following answer template is developed to help you understand how a case study analysis is done. This answer also shows
how it adheres to the marking rubric that your markers will use to mark you.

 You may follow a similar answer structure when answering your week 3 and week 4 assessed online class tests.

 The annotations done on the sides of the answer helps you understand why and how the answer is written.

 Remember – MCD2040 answers look for application. Integration of valid case examples to the correct theory definition/
explanations through clear discussion of how they apply to the case is what your markers look for.
Your focus should be not to just copy the sample answer but to understand what should be included in the answer and be able to highlight why you have
written such answers by highlighting the link between theory and its application.

Q: Explain how Daniel and his team has applied the Functions of Management in the case study.
Comments. T- Topic
Additional guiding comments to
E- Explanation You need to understand why you’re writing
help you understand further.
E- Example these and the link between theory and
Written in Purple L- Link examples.

Demonstrating to the reader

Explain how Daniel and his team has applied the Functions of Management in the
(your marker) the overall theory case study.
idea. This shows what is going to This highlights and
be discussed about and applies The four functions of Management are Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. The introduces the overall
case study specific examples. four functions theory was developed to highlight how managers can achieve the theory idea.
organization's stated purpose in an efficient and effective manner. Daniel and his team at
Then it shows the reader the
Thank You Water has managed to implement these managerial functions effectively since Valid example(s) from
reasons, it will lead to achieving.
the company has been able to establish this company as a social enterprise and make their the case are integrated to
Which is achieving efficiency and
products available through many leading Australian supermarkets and getting people show how they relate to
effectiveness. involved to make it a success. As a result, Thank You Water has been able to achieve its set the theory idea.

Planning as a function involves making goals, creating strategies to achieve these goals,
Explains the understanding of followed by the development of clear strategies on how to reach the goals. An example of This highlights and
one function with definitions Daniel involving himself in planning can be seen as he sets goal to start a bottled water introduces one part of
explained in your own words.. company that helps end the world water crisis. The strategy to achieve this has grown to the theory.
This is then integrated with introduce many other products including personal care and baby care products. Thank You
matching examples from the products are available in all Australian supermarkets. Planning allows managers and Valid example(s) from
case to the theory that was employees to have clear direction on what to focus on how to achieve the stated goals. the case are integrated to
explained. This is evident as Daniel’s own personal goal of releasing people to step up and bring their show how they relate to
own dreams and passion to their jobs at Thank You. These goals give a sense of direction this part of the theory.
This can be done by applying to for these people to achieve at Thank You water. These plans have resulted in Daniel and
explanations of theory. his team’s success and Thankyou water has experienced rapid growth of due to effective
Explains the understanding of The organizing function involves of allocating businesses resources through arranging and
Highlights and
one function with definitions structuring tasks for employees to do, to use the strategy and reach the goal set up in
explained in your own words.. introduces another part
planning. An example of organizing in this company is that Thank You water has been
This is then integrated with organized into departments with specific team members allocated to be in charge of clearly of the theory.
matching examples from the identified tasks, such as Jane Murphy being in charge of Head of operations, Rebecca Smith Valid example(s) from
case to the theory that was as head of marketing. By organizing managers are able to use limited resources efficiently
the case are integrated to
explained. and effectively. Thank You Water customers are organized as street reps instead of having
show how they relate to
sales representatives. This is making use of scarce labor resource that Thank You Water
could not afford as it was set up as a social enterprise and Thank You Water provided them this part of the theory.
This can be done by applying to
explanations of theory. with materials to help convince local cafes and restaurants to stock Thank You products.
This has resulted in Thankyou water being sold in over 5500 outlets in Australia thanks to
their managers effective organizing.
The above paragraph for ORGANISING includes various theory explanations and application of examples through discussions done in two separate
occasions. However, for LEADING examples are applied to a theory explanation of its paraphrased definition. These show different ways you can apply
examples to parts of theory discussions. You have the discretion on how you apply and show your understanding to the reader. You are not required to apply
for all the functions. The question does not specifically require you to apply for all functions.
Explains the understanding of The leading function involves motivating and inspiring employees to work towards and Highlights and
one function with definitions reach the organization’s goals. Daniel has shown his use of this function at Thank You introduces another part
explained in your own words.. Water company as he learnt confrontational skills which helped him to lead with of the theory.
This is then integrated with confidence and conviction. Using this function, he was able to lead with only 11 staff and 3
matching examples from the Valid example(s) from
members to help over 67000 people not only with access to safe water, provided health,
case to the theory that was but also hygiene training to 62000 individuals. Because of Daniels leadership, they the case are integrated to
explained. managed to fund 60 000 weeks’ worth of food aid for people in need. show how they relate to
this part of the theory.
Controlling as a function is monitoring and comparing performance to see if standards are
Explains the understanding of being met and what corrective actions need to be taken. An example of how control has Highlights and
one function with definitions been carried out at Thank You Water is how the company had created an app called, “Track introduces another part
explained in your own words.. Your Impact” to show customers what they were helping to achieve. This helped Thank You of the theory.
This is then integrated with Water to monitor the work in progress and gave the customers the opportunity to know
matching examples from the how their contributions has been realized into these social projects. These mechanisms Valid example(s) from
case to the theory that was allowed Thank You Water to gain a closer relationship with their customers and improve its the case are integrated to
explained. public image. show how they relate to
this part of the theory.

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