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English economics & business

taught by Ibu HJ.Ita Prihatining Wilujeng, SE,MM

Arangged By:

Andini Efi Agustina : 220413600709

Aryani Pengestu : 220413603504

Ananda Suryaniga ; 220413603240





Alhamdulillah, thanks to ALLAH SWT who has given hi grace and inayah so
that we can complete the report paper or scientific work entitled customers.

I would like to thank to HJ. Ita Prihatining Wilujeng , SS, MM as a lecturer in

economics and business english who has helped us both morally and materially.
I also thank my comrades in arms who have supported us so that we can
complete this task on time.

We realize that the report paper or scientific work that we have made still far
from perfect in terms of its preparation, language, and writing. Therfore, we
really hope for constructive criticism and suggestions from all readers to be a
reference so that writers can become even better in the future.

Hopefully this report paper or scientific work can add insight to the readers and
can be useful for the development and improvement of science.

Malang, 07-September 2022





CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION……...………………………………..4

A. BACKGROUND……………………………………………………4

B. PROBLEM FORMULATION…...…………………………………5

C. PURPOSE…..……………………………………………………….5

CHAPTER 2 DISCUSSION.…………………………………………….6


D. COMPANY…………………………………………………………9
E. CUSTOMER………………………………………………….…….9
G. COMPANY CODE OF ETHICS……………………….…………11
H. CUSTOMER SERVIS……………………………….……………11
CHAPTER 3 COVER…………………………………………………..12
A. CONCLUSION………………………………………………..…..12

B. SUGGESTION…………………………………………………….12



A. Background

Customers must be satisfied, if they are not satisfied, they will leave the company and
become customers of competitors. The more customers who leave the company and
become customers of competitors, the company's sales will decrease which in turn
will also decrease the company's profits because profits come from sales. In this era of
globalization, business competition has become very sharp both in the domestic
(national) market and in the international or global market.

Competition has the meaning of competition between companies to achieve a larger

market share. Competition between companies for customers will lead to product
innovation and improvement and ultimately to lower prices. A company that leads the
market can be said to have achieved a competitive advantage. Competition is good for
the company because it will continue to encourage innovation, perseverance and team
spirit building. However, competition is not always good because we must ensure that
our company's competitors will not steal our customers.

Improving service quality and product quality to satisfy customers is one of the goals
for every company, especially industrial companies. Many products are produced with
various types, quality, and shapes, where all of these are intended to attract customers,
so that consumers tend to carry out activities to buy these products. Therefore, every
company is required to be able to create products with the best specifications so that
customer satisfaction can be met. This requires companies to be able to reformulate
the strategies taken to improve their competitive ability in serving consumers.

Efforts to create and retain customers should be a top priority for the company. The
right strategy to attract customers should be carefully structured, so that customers
want to buy the company's products. More than that, with all the tips, the company
must also strive so that customers can become loyal to the product. Quality provides
an impetus to customers to establish strong ties with the company. In the long run, this
bond allows the company to understand carefully the customer's expectations and
B. Problem information

Based on the above background, the following problem formulations

are obtained:

1. How does the waiter give satisfaction to the customer?

2. What is the difference between the service provided and the service
expected by the customer?

3. What criteria are the priorities for satisfying service for customers?

4. What criteria have the potential to increase customer satisfaction?

C. Purpose

- Explaining how to satisfy customers

- Explaining the difference between the services provided and the

services provided

- Explaining the criteria that are customer priorities

- Explaining the potential for increasing customer satisfaction.



Based on the formulation of the problem above, the following is an explanation:

A. How to satisfy customers

1. Provide attractive offers Customers will be attracted by the best offers provided by
the company. There are many ways you can attract and build customer satisfaction.
Especially for new customers. There is nothing wrong with offering the best products
with attractive advertisements or offering limited edition products for example.

2. Maintaining product quality The quality of the products and services you offer is
the main thing as a way to build customer satisfaction. If you offer a good quality
product, in this case it does not decrease, then consumers will automatically maintain
the product and continue to use your services.

3. Always instill the value of honesty In every case, upholding the value of honesty is
very important. Likewise in the business world. Remember, customers who feel
cheated by the products or services you offer will slowly leave you. Finally, it will
also have an impact on decreasing product sales and profits. How to build customer
satisfaction like this does look simple..

4. Respond to customer complaints in a friendly manner Getting input in the form of

criticism and suggestions to complaints from customers is a natural thing to happen in
the business world. if the customer expresses his complaint, you should not be
provoked by emotion. Listen to the complaint carefully and carefully. Avoid
interrupting the customer's complaint until they're done with it. In addition you need
to be friendly and give customers a smile. what is very important here is that you
provide the best possible solution to the customer. So, it's not just a promise.

5. Excellent service Excellent service is also one of the main factors of customer
satisfaction. Maybe you've seen companies that went out of business due to not
providing excellent service to their customers. Companies like this only tend to be
concerned with how their products are sold without knowing the character of
the customer.
B. Customer priority criteria

1. The need to make a purchase The first thing you should pay attention to is the level of need
from your prospect customers. To illustrate this situation, you only need to return to your
habits when you want to buy goods or products. When you need it, you will definitely buy
the product. That's why, you must qualify prospects who really have a need. That way you
can continue a more active discussion with the prospect. Just don't be too aggressive, because
it could reduce trust in you.

2. Have the ability to buy When you have successfully qualified which customers need your
product, then you must select prospective customers who have the ability to make a purchase.
Many people need a product, but they can't make a purchase. If you're dealing with a prospect
like this, all you need to do is close the discussion as soon as possible, just keep in touch with
them. Closing the discussion here is not completely closing communication with them, what
you need to give them is time. When you try to continue negotiations, if in the end they make
a purchase from a competitor, then you are only wasting time on one prospect who does not
have certainty.

3. Have the authority to make purchases Your prospective customers have met the first and
second requirements, namely the need for the product and have the ability to buy. It's just that
these prospective prospects do not have the right or authority to make a purchase. So
prospects like this are still false and do not meet the requirements. For example, a car
salesman has discussed for 2 hours with a prospective buyer who has sufficient funds to buy
and he also needs the car. However, when in the end this prospect does not have the right to
determine the purchase, he must first ask his partner to decide, then this prospect is not a
priority prospect.
2. Potential that increases customer satisfaction

1. Providing Facilities and Services with More Extras There are various types of services
that can be offered by a business, and this depends on the type of business being run.
From the many types of businesses that already exist, it can be concluded that it is the
facilities directly obtained by the customer who take the role. This can be realized with a
membership system that has been tried by many companies. This membership system is
in the form of a membership system that will provide discounts or special promotions for
customers who have it.

2. Clear and straightforward service This usually applies to companies that offer services.
There are service companies that don't seem to have the courage to say no when they can't
fulfill their customers' demands. While this may sound disappointing at first, companies
are advised to say no or no if that's the case. It's okay to say this at the beginning, because
not all customer requests can be granted by the company.

3. Close to Customers Whatever products or services a company or business offers will

definitely satisfy customers more if customers don't have to bother themselves to get
them. If the company has a team that is able to visit customers or be close to customers
then this is a plus point. Customers will have no trouble getting the product or service
they want, and for the company itself this can be guaranteed to provide many times the
benefits. Even so, companies are still advised to be professional in this approach.

4. Accepting Suggestions and Accommodating Customer Complaints Customers will

definitely tell the truth about the products or services offered by a company. It is true that
sometimes they complain about the products or services offered and seem annoying, but it
is precisely with complaints from these customers that the company can find out what the
customers want. If it is granted, surely the products or services offered will be better and
have the potential to bring in more customers. Not only complaints, suggestions from
customers should also be listened to and accepted. Because these suggestions can build
the company into a better company in the future.
6. Improving the quality of products or services maintain or improve the quality of the
products or services offered. Customers who have subscribed to products or services will
certainly be disappointed if one day they find this product or service getting worse, this is
one thing for sure. Therefore, the quality of the products or services offered must be
maintained. It would be even better if the quality of the products or services offered was

2. Company

Company Is In general, the definition of a company is a legal entity formed by a group

of people who are involved in running a business entity in a commercial or industrial
capacity. The company can also be defined as an institution in the form of an
organization that is operated with the aim of providing goods and services to the
community with a profit motive. The line of business of a company will usually
determine the business structure that the company chooses. Some of them;
partnership, individual or corporation. The business structure also shows the
ownership structure of the company. In general, the company is located in a physical
building in a certain location in carrying out its operations, has administrative records
related to production and cost structure, and there are several people who are
responsible for operations and business/business risks.

3. Customer

Customer is a person, certain group, agency, institution, or organization that buys,

receives, consumes, or uses the products or services offered. The main goal of a
commercial company is to attract customers and encourage them to buy the same
product again until they become loyal customers. On the other hand, the customer is
also often seen as someone who has a relationship with the seller. If the service
offered is a professional, such as a lawyer, the customer in question will be referred to
as a client. When a customer buys something, the seller will focus on the product
offered so that the customer will buy the product again. However, with clients, the
goal of the person offering the service will focus on establishing a relationship.
4. Characteristics of Customers

Customers have a variety of different characteristics inherent in them,


a. New Customers
New customers will usually often ask a lot of questions about the goods/services
offered, so don't hesitate to answer in detail, because customers who are interested in
our products can certainly become potential customers in the future.

b. Potential Customers
A potential customer will show an interest in the product through various questions.

c. Impulsive Customers
An impulsive customer is usually characterized by a spontaneous attitude in buying a
product, even impulsive customers do not need anything persuasive to convince them.

d. Thrifty Customers
A frugal customer will definitely prefer various products that are on discount,
cashback, or other ongoing promos, unless they really need the product.

e.Loyal Customers
A loyal customer is usually reluctant to switch to another product, and they will also
recommend the product they use to their closest people without being asked, this is
very profitable for the company.

f.Growing Customers
This growing customer will not only recommend used products to those closest to
them without being asked. These customers can develop into intermediary customers
who not only use and recommend, but ultimately also sell the product as a reseller.
5. Company code of ethics

The Company's Code of Ethics is an internal guideline that is binding on the

Company's environment which contains a set of values, business ethics, work ethics,
and norms related to propriety and compliance with policies and provisions that have
been standardized by the company as well as laws and regulations in Indonesia. This
code of ethics was formulated by the Board of Directors and the Board of
Commissioners based on the company's values, namely Excellent Service, Reliability,
Integrity, Accessibility, Value-Added Business and Caring, and taking into account
the moral principles developed in the company and the company's commitment to
realizing its vision and mission. In line with the Company's commitment to
implementing good corporate governance and in accordance with universally
applicable principles, the implementation of the company's code of ethics is intended
as a guideline for all levels of management and employees in behaving, interacting
and acting according to their rights and obligations to stakeholders, including in
providing services. to customers.

6. Customer servis

Customer service is a service provided by a company that has the task of consulting,
information center and problem solving for customers or clients. Currently, customer
service has several types, where each type of CS has different duties and
responsibilities. Basically this customer service provides assistance to customers in
order to find products and services as expected. Organizations need customer service
that can produce loyal and loyal customers. Good customer service is the foundation
of any successful organization. It is an entity capable of complementing every other
aspect. Especially in reaching customers. For example, doing brand image and
promotional activities. Meanwhile, good customer service is able to produce a much
better net promoter score.

A. Conclusion

Conclusion Customer satisfaction is a condition when the patient's needs,

desires, and expectations can be met through the products/services
consumed. According to Philip Kotler (2000) in the Principle of Marketing
that Consumer Satisfaction is the result felt by buyers who experience the
performance of a company in accordance with their expectations.

B. Suggestion

1. The services that have been provided by the company that satisfy
customers should be maintained and for services that are not satisfactory to
consumers, it is necessary to improve both quality and quantity. In
connection with the quality of service which has a strong enough influence
on customer satisfaction. So the company should pay more attention to every
service that will be provided to its customers.

2. Companies must pay more attention to the needs and desires of their
consumers through the existence and close relationship between consumers
and their salespeople. Besides that, also needs more improve supervision on
the performance of its sales clerks in order to better understand the needs and
desires of consumers more optimally.

3. As well as trying to deal with existing problems or obstacles as quickly

and accurately as possible which is then immediately corrected the existing
problems or obstacles. Thus will be able to create more satisfaction and high
customer loyalty to the company.

4. In addition, companies need to regularly conduct surveys to find out the

company's position in the eyes of consumers or customers compared to its
competitors. So that it becomes a reference or spirit to be even better in
serving its customers. Pay attention and consider also input from consumers
in the form of suggestions or constructive criticism.

5. In addition to paying attention to customer satisfaction, must also pay

attention to the satisfaction of its employees or salespeople. As far as the
writer observes, the condition of the saleswoman's satisfaction at is quite
good. Ching-Ching Fashion must be able to maintain this by making
improvements and enhancements to motivating factors such as bonuses, fair
compensation, and awarding or promotion if necessary.


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