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Understanding Functions and Their Graphs

- set of ordered pairs

All functions are relations, but not all relations are functions.

Ways of describing a relation

- Ordered pairs (roster) (1, 2)
- Mapping diagram
- Table of values
- Graph
- Rule of correspondence
- Equation/formula

- relation where each element in the domain is related to only one value in the range
Domain: x
Range: y

Dependent variable: Y or no coefficient other than 1

Independent variable: X or has a coefficient other than 1
f(y) is POSSIBLE if x = 2y or similar

If one value of x repeats, it is not a function

x^2 is a parabola - fails vertical line test, NOT A FUNCTION

Y = -4 means f(x) = -4, straight line, NOT A FUNCTION

Linear function
- f(x) = mx + b
- f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c
Absolute Value
- Y = |x - b|
- f(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d
Evaluating Piecewise Functions

- Defined on a sequence of intervals
- f(x) = { ax + b if x < -1, b - ax if x> -1

h(x) = 0, 0 <= x <= 7

h (x) = 150, 8<= x <= 15
h (x) = 200, x > 15

Operations on Function and Composition of Functions

- f+g
- (f+g)(x) = f(x) + g(x)
- f-g
- (f-g)(x) = f(x) - g(x)
- f*g
- (f*g)(x) = f(x) * g(x)

Composite Function
- Replacing the function to the x values of another function to gain a new function
- (f of g)(x) = f(g(x))

Problems Involving Functions

Function can often be described as a model for real situations and lead to a better
understanding of natural phenomena.

Rational Functions

Rational Functions
- Must be simplest form
- Must be a fraction

a. 1/x
- Domain: (-infinity, 0)U((0, infinity)
b. 1/x+2
- Domain: (-infinity, -2)U(-2, infinity)
c. (1/x) + 1
- Domain:(-infinity, 0)U(0, infinity)
d. (-)(2/x^2)
- Domain: (-infinity, 0)U((0, infinity)
e. 1/(x-3)^2
f. (-1/(x+2)^2)-3

Rational Equations

1. 7x+12/4x+3 = 2/5
a. Check the number of terms
b. Cross multiply
- 5(7x + 12) = 2(4x + 3)
- (35x + 60) = (8x + 6)
- 35x - 8x = 6 - 60
- 27x/27 = - 54/27
- X = -2
c. Check if the x values is a solution
- 7(-2)+12/4(-2)+3 = 2/5
- -14+12/-8+3 ?= 2/5
- -2/-5= 2/5
- 2/5 = 2/5
d. DONE!
2. 2x+6/x-5 = x + 3/ x - 1
a. Check the number of terms
b. Cross multiply
- (x + 3)(2x + 6) = x - 1 (x - 5)
- 2x^2 - 2x + 6x - 6 = x^2 - 5x + 3x - 15
- 2x^2 + 4x - 6 = x^2 - 2x - 15
- 2x^2 - x^2 + 4x + 2x = -15 + 6
- x^2 + 6x = -9
- x^2 + 6x + 9 = 0
- (x + 3)^2 = 0
- x+3=0
- x=-3
c. Check if the x values is a solution
3. 1/2x + 3/5 = 1/2
a. Check the number of terms
- More than 1 term
- Use LCD
b. LCD
- LCD: (2x)(5)(2)
- [(2x)(5)(2)](1/2x) + [(2x)(5)(2)](5) = [(2x)(5)(2)](1/2)
- 10 + 12x = 10x
- 12x - 10x = - 10
- 2x/2 = - 10/2
- x=-5
c. Check if the x values is a solution
- 1/2(-5) + 3/5 = 1/2
- (1/-10 + 3/5) = 1/2
- (1 - 6/ -10) = 1/2
- -5/-10 = 1/2
- 1/2 = 1/2
4. 4x+2/x+4 + 3/x = 21/x^2+4x
a. Sdsa
5. 1/2x+10 = 8/x^2-25 - 2/x-5
a. Check the number of terms
- More than 1 term
- Use LCD
b. LCD
- LCD: (2x+10)(x^2-25)(x-5)
- [(2x+10)(x^2-25)(x-5)](1/2x+10) = [(2x+10)(x^2-25)(x-5)](8/x^2-25) -
- x - 5 = 16 - 4x - 20
- 4x + x = 16 - 20 + 5
- 5x/5 = 1/5
- X = 1/5
c. Check if the x value is a solution
- 1/2(1/5)+10 = 8/(1/5^2)-25 - 2/(1/5)-5
- 1/(2/5)+10 = 8/(1/25)-25 - (2/(-24/5))
- 1/(52/5) = 8/(-624/25) + 5/12
- 5/52 = -(78/25) + 5/12
- 5/52 = (-(25/78) + 5/12)
- 5/52 = -50+65/156
- 5/52 = 15/156
- 5/52 = 5/52
- x = 1/5 IS A SOLUTION

- Cross multiply and add those on numerator
- Multiply denominator by each other
- solve
12/25 = 48%
x = no. of games
- 12+x/25 + x = 0.6
- 12 + x = 0.6(25 + x)
- x - 0.6x = 15 - 12
- 0.4x/0.4 = 3/0.4
- X = 7.5
- X=8
- They need to win 8 games

Rational Inequalities

Solving Procedures
- Rewrite the inequality as a single fraction on one side of the inequality symbol and 0 on
the other side
- Determine over what intervals the fraction takes on positive and negative values
- Locate the x values for which the rational equations is zero or undefined
- Mark the numbers on a number line.
- Shaded [bracket] = included
- Hollow (parenthesis) = excluded
- Notes:
- Zero = turns numerator 0
- Restriction = turns denominator 0
Interval and Set Notation

1. 2x/x+1 >= 1
- 2x/x+1 - 1 >= 0
- 2x-(x-1)/x+1 >= 0
- x-1/x+1 >= 0
- Test values
- X = 1 -> zero
- X = -1 -> restriction

X = 2 is correct because it shares > with the original inequality(?)

Therefore, the solution for [original inequality] is [Int/SS]

2. 2-x/5 >= 0
- Test values
- X = -2 -> zero

Positive is chosen because greater than?

3. 3x - 2/ x + 5 >= 0
- Zero = 2/3
- Restriction = - 5
Rational Inequalities Pt. 2 Battle Tendency

1. x-2/(x+5)(x-3) >= 0
- x = 2 -> zero
- x = -5, 3 -> restriction

- Int: (-5, 2] U (3, inf)

2. x-2/x^2-4 < 3/x-2

- Multiply everything by x-2
- (x-2)(x-2/(x+2)(x-2)) < (x-2)(3/x-2)
- (x-2)(x-2/(x+2)(x-2)) < 3
- (x-2)(x-2/(x+2)(x-2)) - 3 < 0
- (x-2)/(x+2) - 3 < 0
- X - 2 - 3(x+2)/x + 2 < 0
- X - 2 -3x - 6/x + 2 < 0
- -2x-8/x+2 < 0
- X = -4 -> zero
- X = -2 -> restriction
- -2x - 8/ x + 2 < 0
- Pick negative signs (because less than?)
- Int: (-inf, -4)U(-2, inf)

Word Problem 1
- V =: lwh
- L=w=x
- H = ?, h > w
- 8 = x^2h
- H = 8/x^2
- Inequality: 8/x^2 > x
- (8/x^2) - x > 0
- ???????
- 8-x^3/x^2 > 0
- (2-x)(x^2+4x+4)/x^2 > 0
- X = 16, 28 -> Zero
- Will not be used because get trolled ha ha ha h a ha ha ha ha
- X = 0 -> Restriction
- Get x = 2 from the numerator SOMEHOW
- 2-x = 0
- -x/-1 = -2/-1
- X=2

Rational Inequalities Review

REMEMBER: Use LCD if two or more terms in any side
1. x-2/(x+5)(x-3) >= 0
- X = 2, zero
- X = -5, 3 restriction
2. x-2 /x^2 - 4 < 3/x-2
- x-2/x^2-4 - 3/x-2 < 0
- x-2/(x+2)(x-2) - 3/x-2 < 0
- 1/(x+2) - 3/x-2 < 0
- Find lcd
- LCD: x^2-4 because (x+2)(x-2) = x^2-4
- [x^2-4](1/x+2) - [x^2-4](3/x-2) < 0
- [(x+2)(x-2)](1/x+2) - [(x+2)(x-2)](3/x-2) < 0
- [x-2](1) - [x+2](3)
- X - 2 - 3x - 6 < 0
- -2x - 8 < 0
- X = -4, zero
A re

- One to One function if
- The leading term is odd exponent
- Inverse One to One function
- Y = 2x - 1, for x [-4, 4]
- y= 2x - 1/X = 2y - 1
- X+1 = 2y
- 2y/2 = (x+1)/2
- Y = (x+1)/2
- f^-1(x) = (x+1)/2

- Y = 3x + 1
- X = 3y + 1
- X - 1 = 3y
- Y = (x-1)/3
- f^-1(x) = (x-1)/3
- Remember
- Inverse of a one-to-one function retains being a function
- Inverse of a non-one-to-one function is no longer a function
- f^-1(x) means inverse
- |y|= sqrt y^2
- Positive y if y>=0
- Negative y if i<0
- Y intercept, x = 0
- X intercept, y = 0???
- Vertical asymptote
- Denominator = 0
- x/x-1
- X-1=0
- X=1
- Horizontal asymptote

Exponential Growth and Decay

Y0 = 85 = Starting Amount
R = 0.12 = Rate
X = 20 = interval
Y = 85(1+0.12)^20
Y = 819.94 (round up)
The population is 820.
12340 = 4(1 + r)^10
12340 = 4+4r^10
12336/4 = 4r^10/4
10rt 3084 = 10rt r^10
2.233117*100 = r

Y = 4(1+2.233117)^6
Y = 4569

500000 = 10000(1 + r)^3

500000 = 10000 + 10000r^3
490000/10000 = 10000r^3/10000
3rt 49 = 3rt r^3
3.66 = r

Y = 10000(1+3.66)^24
Y = 1.09966905 x 10^20

f(x) = b^x, b > 0 and b =/ 1


- Defined for all real numbers

- Used as a model for population growth and radioactive decay
impostor is sus

1. Stretched vertically
2. Stretched horizontally
3. Shifted h units right
4. Shifted h units left
5. Shifted k units upward
6. Shifted k units downward
7. Reflected across x-axis
8. All real numbers
9. Greater than k, reflected oairaoiaoi less than k
- Stretched 3 units vertically
- Shifted 5 units left
- Shifted 4 units upward
- Domain: all real numbers
- Range: greater than 4
2. domain: all real numbers range: y > 1
3. D: all real numbers R: y > - 3

- Log rules IMPORTANT
- To cancel log
- Log_3 x = 20
- Move the subscript and turn it into the constant, the constant will
turn into the exponent of the subscript
- X = 3^20

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