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English IV

Week 02 - Task: Assignment - My university class sessions: then and now

Avellaneda Ocas Luis Miguel


More than two years ago a pandemic began around the world, which made all

educational centers have to close. Last semester I had to take all my courses in virtual

mode. At the beginning I was not happy, with the passage of time I had realized the

difference that existed between the current classes, with the ones I had before the

Covid originated. In Pre pandemic I traveled by transport to get to the university and

start my classes, currentlyI do not have the need to travel somewhere I can take the

class sessions that are zoomed in from the comfort of my home. Although in the

past in the face-to-face classes the students participated more than now. On the

other hand, the virtual modality allows you to better adapt your class schedules, an

example of this is when I return from work, now I no longer need to go elsewhere, I can

be listening to the teachers while I rest, happily I managed to adapt and I did well in all

my courses

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