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Field Notes

Student Name Ali Raza

Roll Number BY624128
Course Name Teaching Practice (Filed Notes)
Course code (8607)
Program B. ED 1.5 Years
Semester Spring (2021)

Allama Iqbal open university

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 1: Monday Date: 02 August, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
As I reached early so, I observed the arrivals of students and teachers in the school. All students,
teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on school gate. Due to familiar with
school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Due to COVID-19, I maintain the social
distance with staff and students. There was a well-disciplined environment in the school. After the
bell ring students started moving to the class and after marking the attendance the faculty also
moved to their concerned classes. Due to first day in school, I have spent the time with head of
the school. After all the discussion, the head called an energetic and maturedteacher Mansab
Iqbal assigned to be my mentor. I moved to the Grade 8th classroom with my mentor when I
entered the classroom student welcomes me with whole heartedly. Due tofollowing SOP’s half
student come one day in school and other half next day. Mentor introduced me to the students and
informed them about my work description. Students were also directed to cooperate with me. My
mentor starts teaching the Science subject. I observed that in beginning he was active but after
few minutes he become passive and make the students active. He made the students to participate
in the class by calling on the stage and giving them the individual activity due to COVID-19 SOP’s.

Mentor’s comments: Ali Raza is keen observer and making good notes of the field activities in
the school.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 2: Tuesday Date: 03 August, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on school gate. Due to
familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Due to COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. There was a well-disciplined environment in
the school. After the bell ring students started moving to the class and after marking the attendance
the faculty also moved to their concerned classes. I moved to the Grade 6th classroom with my
mentor when I entered the classroom student welcomes me with whole heartedly. Due to following
SOP’s next half students come in school and previously students were on holiday. Mentor
introduced me to the students and informed them about my work description.Students were also
directed to cooperate with me. My mentor starts teaching the Arts subject. I observed that in
beginning he was active but after few minutes he become passive and make the students active.
He made the students to participate in the class by calling on the stage and giving them the
individual activity due to COVID-19 SOP’s. When the recess bell rang the entire teachers gathered
in the staff rooms with social distance have a tea party. After the recess and tea,I came back from
the school.

Mentor’s comments: He is taking his notes of the activities in class and overall activities in
the school. He looks very working and sincere to his work

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 3: Wednesday Date: 04 August, 2021, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
As I reached early so, I observed the arrivals of students and teachers in the school. All students,
teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on school gate. Due to familiar with
school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Due to COVID-19, I maintain the social
distance with staff and students. There was a well-disciplined environment in the school. After the
bell ring students started moving to the class and after marking theattendance the faculty also
moved to their concerned classes. I moved to the Grade 6th classroom with my mentor when I
entered the classroom student welcomes me with whole heartedly. Due to following SOP’s half
student come one day in school and other half next day. Mentorintroduced me to the students and
informed them about my work description. Students were also directed to cooperate with me. My
mentor starts teaching the Math subject. I observed that in beginning he was active but after few
minutes he become passive and make the students active. He made the students to participate in
the class by calling on the stage and giving them the individual activity due to COVID-19 SOP’s.

Mentor’s comments: He is observing the activities very keenly. He is taking the interest in the
teaching and also in other affairs of the school.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 4: Thursday Date: 05 August, 2021, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on school gate. Due to
familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Due to COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. I moved to the Grade ECE classroom with my
mentor when I entered the classroom student welcomes me with whole heartedly. Due to following
SOP’s next half students come in school and previously students were on holiday. Mentor
introduced me to the students and informed them about my work description.Students were also
directed to cooperate with me. My mentor starts teaching the Urdu subject. I observed that in
beginning he was active but after few minutes he become passive and make the students active.
He made the students to participate in the class by calling on the stage and giving them the
individual activity due to COVID-19 SOP’s. When the recess bell rang the entire teachers gathered
in the staff rooms with social distance have a tea party. After the recess and tea,I came back from
the school.

Mentor’s comments: He is observing the activities very keenly. He is taking the interest in the
teaching and also in other affairs of the school. He enjoyed in the ECE room while playing and
dealing the kids. Kids also enjoyed his company.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 5: Friday Date: 06 August, 2021, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks onschool gate. Due
to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Due to COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. Once again today I moved to the Nursery
classroom with my mentor when I entered the classroom kids welcomes me withwhole heartedly
and warmly. It was one of pleasurable moment for me that the kid’s room was very colorful and
divided into different corners. Today feel that kids were more familiar and friendly to me than
yesterday. My mentor start dealing and here I am keen to observe the pros and cons of his dealing
methodology with kids and classroom environment. I observed that kidswere very playful and
my mentor was equally enjoying the task. It was amused to witness that my mentor act equally
childish while dealing with kids. I spent all the day with kids and enjoyed all the tasks.
Mentor’s comments:
He is observing the activities very keenly. He is taking the interest in the teaching and also in
other affairs of the school. He enjoyed in the ECE room while playing and dealing the kids. Kids
also enjoyed his company.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 6: Saturday Date: 07 August, 2021, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on school gate. Due to
familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Due to COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. I moved to the Grade 8th classroom with my
mentor when I entered the classroom student welcomes me with whole heartedly. Due to following
SOP’s next half students come in school and previously students was on holiday. Mentor
introduced me to the students and informed them about my work description.Students were also
directed to cooperate with me. My mentor starts teaching the Urdu subject. I observed that in
beginning he was active but after few minutes he become passive and make the students active.
He made the students to participate in the class by calling on the stage and giving them the
individual activity due to COVID-19 SOP’s.When the recess bell rang the entire teachers gathered
in the staff rooms with social distance have a tea party. After the recess and teaI came back from
the school.

Mentor’s comments: He is observing the activities very keenly. He is taking the interest in the
teaching and also in other affairs of the school.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 7: Monday Date: 09 August, 2021, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks onschool gate. Due
to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Due to COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. As I and my mentor was discussing about
today schedule we were informed that monitoring person has arrived. My mentor told me that
there is monthly visit of SCM in which he monitors the student attendance,faculty attendance,
school cleanness, LND test, COVID-19 SOP’s etc. My mentor directed me to assist the SCM and
observe the procedure of school monitoring. Then I was introduced to the SCM and my work
description. Then I witnessed all the proceeding of the monitoring. The Head of the school is
held responsible for the provision of all the record asked by the SCM. After all the record
assessment and monitoring there is LND test of the class 3 in which randomly selected students
by SCM are supposed to give the test of the Urdu, Math and English on tablet. After the recess I
came back from school.

Mentor’s comments: AS today there was visit of SCM so He was directed to observe the
proceeding of monitoring. He observes and assists the SCM in very smooth manner.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 8: Tuesday Date : 10 August, 2021, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on school gate. Due
to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Dueto COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. I moved to the ECE classroom with my
mentor when I entered the classroom kids welcomes me with wholeheartedly and warmly. It was
one of pleasurable moment for me that the kid’s room was very colorful and divided into
different corners. My mentor told me that room is known as ECE room then my mentor
introduced me to the kids and informed them about my work description. Students were also
directed to cooperate with me. My mentor start dealing and here I am keento observe the pros
and cons of his dealing methodology with kids, COVID-19 SOP’s and classroom environment.
I observed that kids were very playful and my mentor was equally enjoying the task. It was
amused to witness that my mentor act equally childish while dealing with kids. I spent all the day
with kids and enjoyed all the tasks

Mentor’s comments: He is observing the activities very keenly. He is taking the interest in the
teaching and also in other affairs of the school. He enjoyed in the ECE room while playing and
dealing the kids. Kids also enjoyed his company.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 9: Wednesday Date: 11 August, 2021, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was
postponing. All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on
school gate. Due to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them.
Due to COVID-19, I maintain the social distance with staff and students. Suddenly a student
got fainted the head of the school immediately called for rescue 1021. The first Aid box was
also available in the school but it’s not the case for the ordinary person. In time of 7 minutes
the rescue 1021 service arrives and shift the student to the ambulance with a senior teacher
is accompanied with the sick student. After this I moved to the Grade 9th classroom with my
mentor my mentor starts teaching the science subject to the class and here I am keen to observe
the pros and cons of his teaching methodology and classroom environment. Iobserved that in
beginning he was active but after few minutes He become passive and make the students
active. He made the students to participate in the class by calling on the stage and giving them
the group and individual activity. When the recess bell rang the entire teacher gathered in the
staff room at have a tea party. After the recess I came back from the school.

Mentor’s comments:
He is taking his notes of the activities in class and overall activities in the school. He looks
very working and sincere to his work

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 10: Thursday Date: 12 August, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks onschool gate. Due
to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Due to COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. I have chosen to discuss two of English
lessons that combined, combined covered at two hours interval. He stated the class every morning
with him reading lesson. Tahir walked over to his chair sat down and calledthe children over and
told them to all sits. After every child was seated with their hands in their lap, Mr. Tahir began
explaining what story He would reading to the class the morning. As he read, he used group
altering by periodically asking the students questions pertaining to the characters or the words in
the story. Such as “which word rhyme in this sentence?” and “Whatis the feeling word?”. This
made the engaged time with the students last longer since they knew they would be asked to
answer. After reading the lesson, he would then tell the kids to disperse into their groups and tell
them what corners to explained that the kids were grouped based on their scores from a test given
at the beginning of the year. This way, he knew he would have to work longer with a certain
group or not as longer with another based on how much they previously knew. The kids then
either went to the computer corner, the teacher’s aide, or to work with Mr. Tahir At each corner
the children worked on word identification, reading, phonics and spelling. The children who
needed the help more worked with me while the others worked at various corners made the video
of all the proceedings in which I focus the mentor, student’s activities and overall environment
of classroom

Mentor’s comments:
Mr. Ali Raza was found keen in observing the activities in the class room and he is working hard
on his given assignment.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 11: Friday Date: 13 August, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks onschool gate. Due
to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Dueto COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. As I and my mentor were discussing about
today schedule, we were informed that Focal Person of NCOC has arrived forthe visit. My mentor
told me that there is monthly visit of Focal Person of NCOC in which He look after the learning,
SOP’s, children condition and other condition of school. My mentor directed me to assist the
Focal Person of NCOC and observe the procedure of school inspection and monitoring. Then I
was introduced to the Focal Person of NCOC and my work description. The Head of the school
is held responsible for the provision of all the record. After all the record assessment and
monitoring there is Focal Person of NCOC proceeds to the classrooms and ask different question
from the students and teachers according to SOP’s. He shows his satisfaction on overallcondition
of the school. After the recess I came back from school.

Mentor’s comments:
As today there was visit of Focal Person of NCOC so he was directed to observe the proceeding
of monitoring. He observes and assists the Focal Person of NCOC in very smooth manner.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School

Day 12: Monday Date: 16 August, 2021

Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was
postponing. All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on
school gate. Due to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them.
Due to COVID-19, I maintain the social distance with staff and students. I discussed today
schedule with my mentor. He asked me that now it’s my turn to express my learning
experiences by presenting a lecture in the class for next days. Then we discussed the topic
which I have to present in the class. We were agreed to present a topic of grade 9th science
in the class which then I prepared my presentation for next one hour. Meanwhile my mentor
assists me in making and preparation of lecture, he guides me about the SLOs and the activities
which I have to perform in the class room. Then he told me how to indulge the students in the
lecture and their participation in the lecture. After all discussion we both we went to the
classroom. After the greetings Mr. Shahid Iqbal told the students that today I will deliver the
presentation. My mentor sat at the end of the class room and witnessed and observed my
presentation. He makes the notes of my presentation. After my presentation he told my
weakness and strength of the presentation.

Mentor’s comments:
Today Mr. Ali Raza gave the presentation to the class 5 in which he delivers the lecture on
science subject. I think he is now ready for the final presentation and teaching lesson.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 13: Tuesday Date: 17 August, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponing.
All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks onschool gate. Due
to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them. Dueto COVID-19, I
maintain the social distance with staff and students. I discussed today schedule with my mentor.
He asked me that now it’s my turn to express my learning experiences by presenting a lecture in
the class for next days. Then we discussed the topic which I have to present in the class. We were
agreed to present a topic of grade 8th science in the class which then I prepared my presentation
for next one hour. Meanwhile my mentor assists me in making and preparation of lecture, he
guides me about the SLOs and the activities which I have to perform in the class room. Then He
told me how to indulge the students in the lecture and their participation in the lecture. After all
discussion we both we went to the classroom. After the greetings Mr. Shahid Iqbal told the
students that today I will deliver the presentation. My mentor sat at the end of the class room and
witnessed and observed my presentation. He makes the notes of my presentation. After my
presentation He told my weakness and strength of the presentation.

Mentor’s comments:
Today once again Ali Raza gave the presentation to the class 4 in which he delivers the lecture
on science subject. Overall, it was better presentation but there is always a room of improvement.

Field Notes
School Name: AL-Yaqeen Public Secondary School
Day 14: Wednesday Date: 18 August, 2021
Reflective notes:
I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was
postponing. All students, teachers and other staff wear mask. Temperature also checks on
school gate. Due to familiar with school staff I feel very comfortable to interact with them.
Due to COVID-19, I maintain the social distance with staff and students. I discussed today
schedule with my mentor. He told me that as today is last day we will conduct a final lesson
in which I deliver a lesson and He will observe me. I asked his to make a video of the lesson
in which He will focus my lesson delivering style, student involvement and overall
environment of classroom. Then we discussed the topic which I have to present in the class.
We were agreed to present a topic of grade 10 Science in the class which then I prepared my
presentation for next one hour. After all discussion we both we went to the classroom. After
the greetings Shahid Iqbal told the students that today I will deliver the final lesson. My mentor
sat at the end of the class room and starts making the video. I started with the message of day
then I introduced the topic tom the students then I told them about the topic after first half then
I become passive make the students to participate by giving them the individual and group
activity, At the end of the lesson a I assign a homework to the student. After the lesson my
mentor praised my skills and then we had a farewell with all the faculty and head teacher in
which I thanks to the entire faculty and specially my mentor Mr. Shahid Iqbal for assisting me
and making my assignment so easy and possible and finally I advise all students to maintain
social distance, wearing mask and have good health.
Mentor’s comments: It was the final day the assignment Mr. Ali Raza delivered the lesson
it was more than awesome and it was wonderful experience with his. He was keen observer
and hardworking. He was very sincere to his work. May ALLAHALMIGHTY succeed his in
every aspect of life.


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