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Activity 1.

Name: John Lloyd P. Conde

Origin: i was originally from San Marcelino , Dingras Ilocos Norte
Meaning: My mother told me they get it from an actor John Lloyd Cruz . I don’t know whats the meaning
of my name but i feel a bit special because i was named from a very known filipino actor.

1. What I feel about my name is

-As i say i feel special about my name because i was named from an actor and it was my parents named
me so it feels more special.

2. Other names I like being called are

- I like being called on my second name "LLOYD" because it was most people called me and i got used to

3. When people call me bad names, I feel

- when I'm called those names, I feel insulted because whomever is calling you the name thinks that you
fit the description of whatever they just called you. And because you know that you aren’t like the
person they just called you to be, you feel angry, insulted and exposed to strangers who look upon you
with questioning, disgust and surprise.

Activity 1.2
I am hard working and committed to adding value and reaching goals with the best results possible.I am
hardworking and set reasonable goals for myself. Once those goals are in place, I can then back out of
them and create smaller goals or benchmarks to accomplish so I can continuously evaluate my

I would describe myself as a quiet person but very talkative inside my head.a thousands of things are
running in my mind while staying quiet. Even while talking, analyzing and thinking with my own
algorithms. I prefer to do work alone and by myself. I would say that I'm self aware and know what will
make me happy on a long term. Most of my decisions are good, and few were not, but I learn from

In some ways, I'm quite introverted.I need and cherish my alone time, I like long, quiet walks and runs,
I'm very much "in my head" I tend to be shy and quiet.

Definitely I do consider myself a respectful person because The upmost thing is I respect myself
holistically and when you respect yourself, your life, your job, your values, culture, belief and so on
gradually it creates positive energy and others also gives you respect.

Respecting others views, their perceptions, their beliefs, their different personalities, their lifestyle in
which they are growing up and so my way of respecting them.

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