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Activity 4

Directions: One of the focus of intellectual revolution is to highlight the different scientific ideas
that define the present society. Have you ever asked yourself about the relationship of science
and society? With this, answer briefly the following questions by writing on spaces provided: (5
points each)

1. As student, how do you see connection between science and society?

In a society, there is Conformity an example of such influence, which occurs when a person
adopts the beliefs or actions of another. This happens regularly in groups when a person agrees
to the social standards that the majority of the group's members conform to. A person can adapt
to a group's beliefs and ideals. That is where the science comes in. The belief of having a
COVID-19 made the society be more cautious about their surroundings and generated a
repetitive hygiene, whereas washing hands with soap all the time, sanitizing things, wearing face
mask for protection from the virus and maintaining a distance to a person. The science is
required to understand the occurrence in the society like what we are experiencing today, the
pandemic. Those are just some of the things that made science and society correlated. The
science moves depending on the situation made by the society.

2. How science shaped the society?

Science is everywhere. Wherever you look it is science or simply made by science. Technology
like phones, computers, televisions, there are also light bulbs, clothing, windows made by
engineers, other living things like plants that photosynthesize, etc. The results of science can be
seen in the society, for instance, the medical field, now we are able to determine different kinds
of illnesses and find cures for it. Due to science, it enables us to study the human body, as an
outcome we can determine how it functions and predict or find out the average life of a person.
Back then, the famous black death plague occurred in the society and it made people life suffer
where hundreds of millions died. Thanks to science, they created a plague vaccine to prevent it.
As time goes by, there are researchers that develops new vaccines that could protect against the
plague infection. Back then and today, people know how to preserve via science. And it changed
how the society should approach to food instead of disposing it. Now, there are refrigerators,
chillers, freezers. Due to those appliances, we can now transport foods to any people for a long
3. Cite two (2) scientific ideas that defined our society.
First off, Nicholas Copernicus idea, he created a universe model in which everything rotated at
the same pace around a single center. He positioned the sun at the center of the universe, with all
planets encircling or orbiting it. And his Heliocentric model where it was adopted to demonstrate
the concept that the sun is the center of the solar system. As it goes on there are others who made
this idea as their reference, and it defines our society by the means of creating the time. 365 days
in a year, 12 months in a year, January as first month of the year, 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a
day, and so on. And here we are now in year 2022 using their inventions and ideas. Next is the
theory of Charles Darwin, his idea of natural selection (process) evolution is being used in many
areas today. His theory is that every creature is connected and descended from a common
ancestor. Variation in a population improves the survival of many species. Animals that survive
and reproduce are more adaptable (survival of the fittest). A random genetic mutation happens
inside an organism's genetic structure and helps the organism survive. With this said, it changed
the society on how to approach with animals for example. A pet dog or dog species is descended
from a wolf. Some people see wolves just like dogs that can be trained as well but they are part
of wild animals. Also, the situation of the COVID-19 today where it has now different variations
as it also evolves and the society is affected by those circumstances. Some variants of the virus
are deadly and it can instantly kill a person if he caught by it. Now, the society is more strict than
before because it can make another wave that will result for another worldwide lockdown. Some
other variants are immune to vaccines so it made our society to react and be more cautious.

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