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4$epartment ef $butatinn


ofl'rzcs or 3'zzB ecHoo£a DrVzszoR svPBRzxg'BxoB;tgg'

October 6, 2022
acnoom orwsox
No. , s. 2022

DfzrJe‹oa oollztc oztezttatloa ao« Moettz›g oo tbe aaza1oAtzat‹oa or Pre-’rest

TIs1Og tote Assessozeat '¥’oo1s lor Pzo§ect All Xuzaezxtes lor Gzades 1-7 Z,eazzzczs

To: Elementary and Secondary School Heads

Project All Numerates Coordinators
Math Leaders and Teachers
All Others Concerned
1. In response to Regional ?vIemorandum No. 492, s. 2022, titled 8izauJtaaeous
Adza:toistzat1oa of Vaztoue Asseeaozeats Regfozzwtde, this office announces
the conduct of Pze-Asaeasozeat '¥’est o£ Pro§eet ALL NU3¥BRA3’BS ozt October
z4 -zs, aoaa.
2. Relative to this, an online orientation/meeting will be conducted on October 13,
2022, (Thursday) at 3:00 PM via Google Meet platform with meeting ID:
https:/ /o n. Participants to this activity are
PAL Coordlaatoza aod Matb leaders.
3. Likewise, PAfl eoordinatora are requested to craft their action plan and come
up with the project aligned on project COURT of the division to continue
develop instructional materials either online or offline, synchronous, or
asynchronous and remediation activity to help uplift the numeracy targets of
every schools.
4. The orientation/meeting shall provide a venue for information dissemination to
ensure efficient conduct of the Project AN pre assessment.
5. For the smooth flow of the online meeting, participants are encouraged to
accomplish the google form
bttpc:/ / za/dozzas /d/e/ 1FAtpQ£@c9X1zDbcBH7c_e§ye8QX-
5RXyVbOGLlCRsu/¥WozawWzzo5luw and prepare statos o£ prepazatfozt hase
on school action plan.
6. Attached is the Regional Memorandum No. 492, s. 2022 for reference and

P. Burgos St., Poblacion, City Mabalacat, Pampanga, 2010


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7. Immediate dissemination
and compliance of this Memorandum is earnestly

L*"xn°no zn°n**a, xan, csso v

ffice of the Schools Division Superintendent

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:

OCID asc SM Iss u an ces


P. Burgos St., Poblacion, City Mabalacat, Pampanga, 2010

— INet —

Page 2

8æucz‘AIzz0Os znHŒiSz«A‘riO ‹ OP YABiOV8 Ass

To: Schools Division Superintendents

Curriculum Implementation l)ivision Chiefs
Division Education Program Supervieots
Public Schools Division Supervisors
Elementary and Secondary Schoal Principals
All Others Concerned

1. As stated in the Department of Education (DepEd} Order No. ß, s. 2015,

claxsrnom-based assessment is the process of gatheń ng evidence of what the learner
knows, what the learner underitands, and what the learner can do. It is an integral
pan of curriculum implementation that allows ttacheri to track and measure
learners' progress and adjust instruction accordingly. It also informs the learners,
as well as their parents and guardians, of their progress. Likeø'ise, it aimi at helping
the leameri perform well with the learning standards which comprisc the content,
performance itandards, and learning competencies that are explicitly outlined in the

2. To determine specific learning cnmpctencies like rnmpetencies in reading,

numeracy, science process skills, and othcri that furłher need to mc developed by
learners in diØerent grade levels, the different assessments û sted in Enclosure No. I
shall be simultaneously administered regionwide.

3. Assessment results shall serve aø a guide to teachers ønd school heads Îo plan
appropń ate interventions or activities to improve learning outcomes.

4. Expenses to be incurred in the reproduction of assessment tools shall be

charged to Schœl Maintenance and Other Operating F nscs and other local funds
subject tt› usual accounting and auditing rules.

5. Regional and Division Learning Area Education Program Supervisors {EPSs},

and Public Schools District Supervisors {PSDSs} shall orient the new teachers on
how to administer the assessment tools especially the Childhood Development
Checklist for łü ndergørten, Multi-Factored Assessment Ttxil, Revised Philippinc
Informal Reading Inventory Assessment Tool, Project All flumerates (PAN}
Assessment Tool, and Science Process Assessment Tool. In addition, EPSs, KDSs,
and schœ1 heads shall monitor the adminiatraó on of the mentioned assessments

P. Burgos St., Poblacion, City Mabalacat, Pampanga,

2010 (045)-331-8143

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orzd tAe impGezrsentetion of Int wntfona designed by tuacheza for a pazciculsr
-a• essment cesuJc.

6. Schooj Hcadc and Maater Teachers shall supervise and give CectznicaJ
assistance to Che conceczsed teachers in thr pcwparation and tmplcmentatiom of thc
appropriate inters›entiome.

7. The following docuzncnta oco attached for reference and guidance:

Exzc}oauzo No. 1 — Fist Of An••easzazessta tO be Admlrzistored
Ecsctoaure No. :g - Tcospletc for tbe Roatxita of t.he Aaacassacnt on Euzty
Childhood Development
Eztctaaure No. 3 - Template for the Reautt a/ Mu!Li- f”•‘acCored Aaeeasmenc
Encjoaurg l'go. 4 — T‘empjate for the Results of the Philippine Informed
Rcading tzsvontozy trs Ptfipizso
Enclosure No. 5 - Template for the Rea ice or cue r•ni1ippiac informal
Rcadnglnvrno inEnQi•h

Ectctoeure No. 7 — Templar= for thc Implementation Plan on the D••igz ed


ymgttedgate ag$@ @/t@e diagoggs¿nacion of'aaxd co- Iiaz'sce arit.fz taxis fldezoOcozt&t.ed


lt onsâEMrector

To tae indicated in the Perpetual Inden

un4ler the ifillowirig subjects

P. Burgos St., Poblacion, City Mabalacat, Pampanga,

2010 (045)-331-8143

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