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Oscar Terreros Lazo

I-02 Unit 05 Activity 04 Speaking Evaluation 02 Page 67

Ask and answer these questions completely. Provide enough support.


01.Miguel: Guess what? I’m visiting a mosque, so I need your help.
B: What do you want to know?
Miguel : Is it OK to speak quietly inside in the mosque?
B: (Please, go right ahead. It’s appropriate to ________ because
________. / Absolutely. It’s OK if you ________ because ________. /
Sure, no problem. It’s all right to ________ because ________. / Yeah,
it’s fine. It’s all right if you ________ because ________.)
Miguel: Thank you. I’ll keep these ideas in mind when I visit the
B: Don’t mention it. Bye.
Miguel: Bye.
Part positive partner
01.2 A: Guess what? I’m visiting a mosque, so I need your help.
Miguel: What do you want to know?
A: Is it OK to cover my head in the mosque?
Miguel: Please go ahead. it is appropriate for you to enter the mosque
because all women cover their heads as it is an obligation in their
islam culture
A: Thank you. I’ll keep these ideas in mind when I visit the mosque.
Miguel: Don’t mention it. Bye.
A: Bye.
Oscar Terreros Lazo


Part romina negative
02.A: Guess what? I’m visiting a mosque, so I need your help.
Miguel: What do you want to know?
A: Is it OK to wear a shorts in the mosque?
Miguel: Absolutely. It's not okay to wear a miniskirt because you're
offending Islam culture
A: Thank you. I’ll keep these ideas in mind when I visit the mosque.
Miguel: Don’t mention it. Bye.
A: Bye.
03 My part negative
. Miguel: Guess what? I’m visiting a mosque, so I need your help.
B: What do you want to know?
Miguel: Is it OK to smoke a cigarette in the mosque?
B: (Please, go right ahead. It’s appropriate to ________ because
________. / Absolutely. It’s OK if you ________ because ________. /
Sure, no problem. It’s all right to ________ because ________. / Yeah,
it’s fine. It’s all right if you ________ because ________.)
Miguel: Thank you. I’ll keep these ideas in mind when I visit the
B: Don’t mention it. Bye.
Miguel: Bye.
Oscar Terreros Lazo
QUESTIONS AND POSITIVE ANSWERS. Attending a formal Japanese
03.A: Guess what? I’m attending a formal Japanese dinner, so I need your
B: What do you want to know?
A: (Is it OK to __________? / Is it OK if I __________? / Is it appropriate
to __________? / Is it all right to _________? / Is it all right if I
B: (Please, go right ahead. It’s appropriate to ________ because
________. / Absolutely. It’s OK if you ________ because ________. /
Sure, no problem. It’s all right to ________ because ________. / Yeah,
it’s fine. It’s all right if you ________ because ________.)
A: Thank you. I’ll keep these ideas in mind when I attend the formal
Japanese dinner.
B: Don’t mention it. Bye.
A: Bye.

QUESTIONS AND NEGATIVE ANSWERS. Attending a formal Japanese

04.A: Guess what? I’m attending a formal Japanese dinner, so I need your
B: What do you want to know?
Oscar Terreros Lazo
A: (Is it OK to cover my head in the mosque? __________? / Is it OK if I
__________? / Is it appropriate to __________? / Is it all right to
_________? / Is it all right if I __________?)
B: (Actually, it’s probably better not to ________ because ________. /
Normally, people don’t ________ because ________. / Actually, it’s
best not to ________ because ________. / No, you really should not
________ because ________.)
A: Thank you. I’ll keep these ideas in mind when I attend the formal
Japanese dinner.
B: Don’t mention it. Bye.
A: Bye.

Combination of questions for visiting a mosque: (Some ideas are positive

others are negative).
Is it OK to wear shoes in the mosque?
Is it appropriate to wear shorts in the mosque?
Is it OK if I cover my head in the mosque?
Is it all right to sit in a mixed group of men and women in the mosque?
Is it all right if I wear a miniskirt inside?
smoke a cigarette in the mosque?
speak loudly inside?
laugh in the mosque?
eat and drink inside?
take pictures in the mosque?
be (am) quiet inside?
speak quietly inside?
Oscar Terreros Lazo
listen to music inside?
text someone on the telephone inside?
use my cellphone in the mosque?

Combination of questions for a formal Japanese dinner: (Some ideas are

positive others are negative).
Is it OK to help yourself to a drink?
Is it appropriate to make special food requests?
Is it OK if I ask for a knife or a fork?
Is it all right to leave a tip?
Is it all right if I wear formal occidental clothes?
smoke a cigarette in the restaurant?
speak loudly inside?
laugh very loudly in the restaurant?
laugh adequately in the restaurant?
take pictures inside?
speak adequately, but not so loudly inside?
use my cellphone at the table?
receive telephone calls?
listen to music in the restaurant?
be (am) late for the dinner party?

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