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| S05

Fresh Water Uses Date:

1 Analyze the information and answer the questions.

Competing Water Uses

Domestic Industrial Agricultural

8% 8% 11%

70% 82%

World Low and middle income countries High income countries

a What kind of information can we extract from these charts?

I think is estadístic information

b Which economic activity requires the largest amount of water worldwide?


What do these charts tell us about the economic activities of low and middle income countries compared to those of
c high income countries?

They tell us that in poor and middle countries agriculture, is the most worked, and in high
Income countries domestic activities dominate

What do these charts tell us about the use of fresh water for domestic purposes in low and middle income countries
d compared to that in high income countries?

They tell us that the domestic activities in the poor countries is a poor activities.

7th Grade · Challenge 1 · Health & Well-Being 1


Fresh Water Uses Date:

2 Answer each question in at least 1 full paragraph, including the following:

• Information from your answers in previous sessions.
• At least two vocabulary words in each answer.
• At least two facts or examples to support each of your answers.

Vocabulary words:
fresh water, groundwater, surface water, water footprint, scarcity, developing world,
developed world, water management, privatization, wells, irrigation, crops, distribution,
infrastructure, desalinization, dam, filtration, waterborne diseases, sanitation, women’s rights

a What is a global water crisis?

Is when the fresh water don’t avast all the people in the world. This have a lot of causes,
Among the populars causes is the water footprint, the waste of the water, and other causes that
Really hurts the planet

b If 71% of the Earth is covered in water, why is there a water crisis? Discuss the availability and use of fresh water.

Because a lot of water is salad, or stay frozen in wells, groundwater.

c Describe your connection to the water crisis, including the following:
• At least three examples in which your needs or wants require the use of water.
• An explanation of why or why you do not think the amount of water used to satisfy your needs and wants is
• Three things you could do in your everyday life to reduce the amount of fresh water required to satisfy your needs
and wants.

I satis ed my necessities whit only 800 gallons every day, I am worried about the footprint
I need water to take a bath, to drink water, and wash the dishes, I can reduce the water whit
New equipment, whitout so many dishes, and don’t wash the car everyday

7th Grade · Challenge 1 · Health & Well-Being 2

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