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Human Resource Management Module 1

There are 5 resources that any organization may use:

1. Manpower
2. Money
3. Machine
4. Materials
5. Methods (including moral)
 The most important asset of the organization is the human resources (human
 The focus of our studies pertains t the people who works in the organization
whether they are privilege employees (belongs to the management) and the rank
and file (lower rank people).
 Managing people in which they will contribute to organizational effectiveness.
 It is the job of the HR director and its subordinates to top the potential of the
people in the organization.
 They would do the proper recruitment and use many resources of campaigning
like going to several schools newly graduates. Selecting the best people who
would work in the organization.
 They will also create and calculate the compensation package that is
commensurate to the work performance of the employees. Because whatever
mistakes they make in recruiting people may mean a liability on the part of the
 Prior to different studies, the human resource function begins with scientific
management. They seriously study the management and practice which is related
to the human workers.
 Frederick Taylor and Frank and Lilian Gilbreth used time and motion studies of
each job task to develop” the one best way” (production standards) to do the job.
 They follow a production standard to do the job in a manner with a
cheaper cost and in a shorter time so that they meet the needs and
wants and desire of their clients/ customers.
Origins of the Human Resource Function
 Because of the growing demand of the corporation for bulk orders, there is also a
growth in the size of the people who work on the organization. As the
corporation grow and form their branches, they need more people through hiring
 These employees should be trained and be satisfied so that they would stay
longer in the organization until their retirement age.
 Its not only the recruitment, selection, training, development of the employees,
and deciding for the compensation but also there are issues like issues with
human resource related to colleagues/coworkers, clients, and relationship with
the employer.
Human Relations Movement (1930s)
 If there are no people who work, how can the company generate money?
 Workers were no longer considered tools but people.

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