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Adiel Joy P.

Calsa (BSN2 – Travelbee B) May 2, 2022

1) Low Sodium Diet

• The low sodium diet, which is being given to certain patients confined in the
hospital, limits the amount of salt (sodium) that you take in. It is limited to no more
than 2,300 mg (milligrams) per day. This is equal to about 1 teaspoon of table salt.
• It limits table salt and high sodium foods.
• There is a wide selection of safe foods in a low-sodium diet such as:
➢ Grains
o Breads/rolls without salted tops, unsalted crackers, pasta made
without salt
➢ Vegetables and Fruits
o Low-sodium vegetable juices
o Frozen and canned vegetables without added salt
➢ Meats and Beans
o Fresh/frozen beef, eggs, low-sodium peanut butter, unsalted nuts
• Indications:
➢ High Blood Pressure
➢ Heart Failure
➢ Kidney Disease
➢ Conditions that causes edema or fluid retention
• Adequacy:
➢ The Low Sodium Diet can meet nutritional needs based upon the individual
selection of food items. The diet is lower in total fat and saturated fat than
the regular diet. Hence, it provides slightly fewer calories than the regular

Example of Food Menu/List that Follows the Low Sodium Diet

2) Clear Liquid Diet
• Clear liquid diet contains water, broth, and plain gelatin that are easily digested
and leave no undigested residue.
• The clear liquid diet supplies fluids and energy from foods that require very little
digestion. This diet is often used in preparation for surgery and lower endoscopy
procedures. The clear liquids reduce bowel residue and provide fluids to ease thirst.
These liquids also provide certain salts and minerals and prevent dehydration.
• Adequacy:
➢ Since clear liquid cannot provide adequate nutrition and calories, it shouldn't
be continued for more than a few days.
➢ A clear liquid diet is not adequate in calories and nutrients. It should not be
followed for more than five days unless supplemented by high-protein
gelatin or other low residue supplements.
• Indications:
➢ Prior to medical procedures such as colonoscopy, gastric stimulation, and
certain types of surgery
➢ It may also be recommended as a short-term diet if you have certain
digestive problems, such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
➢ Acute pancreatitis

Example of Food Menu/List that Follows the Clear Liquid Diet

3) Low Fiber Diet

• The Low Fiber Diet is designed to reduce the frequency and volume of stools. This
lessens irritation to the Gastrointestinal Tract and can help it heal.
• Restricted Foods:
➢ High fiber foods are restricted including whole wheat breads, pasta, and
starches. Fresh fruits and vegetables are restricted including prunes and
prune juice. Beans, dried fruits, and nuts are restricted as well.
• Indications:
➢ Crohn’s Disease
➢ Diverticulitis
➢ Ulcerative Colitis
➢ Radiation therapy to the pelvis and lower bowel
➢ New Colostomy/Ileostomy
➢ Recent Intestinal Surgery
• Adequacy:
➢ This diet can meet nutritional needs based upon the individual selection of
food items. It is 30 to 40% lower in fat and saturated fat than the regular diet.
Also, since this type of diet restricts whole grains, it may be lower in
magnesium than a regular diet.

Example of Food Menu/List that Follows the Low Fiber Diet

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