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first of all we have the collaborative environment that is teams, the application we use to
communicate or to applaud formative tasks. Then we have the learning environment
consisting of manegbac where all the summative tasks and grades go up. Next to it is the
school email that we use to communicate either to deliver papers or communicate with any
teacher. There is also an application called academic data but in my case it does not allow me
to access also to digital portfolio or laboratory I don’t have access.

At the bottom we have didactic materials that is blink learning the application we use for
digital books. There is also the library that is used to see all digital books. At the bottom there
is an application called notes that you can use to organize yourself and see your pending
tasks.There is a very important thing that I look at a lot that is the menu of the dining room
which informs you of the food that is in the day and the other things I don’t know what is it.
Microsoft Teams:

in the first place we have the language and literature group that serves for teachers to put all
the training tasks and power points or any other document as mathematics, French English
and physics and chemistry. Then we have the community project group that serves so that we
can communicate with each other and finally we have music that we use so that the teacher
informs us of all the works.


Well to start I have all the books of last year because they have not yet be able to the new
books I have the digital book of French, biology, individuals and Spanish language all are the
book on paper but in digital.

This are all the classes that I have in the first place I have language and literature then I have
French religion physics and chemistry mathematics sport and finally technology here they put
all the summative tasks and upload the notes also all the works and the information.

First of all, we have teams, which is a Microsoft office app that is for the communication
between your teachers and friends. It’s an app for better teamwork. Second of all, there is this
app that’s called excel, which is a very useful app that allows you to work with tables and to
calculate large numbers. Moreover, we have PowerPoint its an app that we use to the usually
presentations to present them in class. Then Outlook, which is to receive and send emails to
people around the world, it is the main app to communicate. The fifth app is OneDrive, I used
to save the fields y the cloud to be able to access to them anywhere. And last, teams, which as
explained before, its an app to communicate with others from your same school, with teachers
or students, (you can also work with both through “groups”).



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