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Hannah Camille N.

Vargas Environmental Science and Engineering

BSEE 3 Partial requirement

a. Marine Pollution
Marine pollution is a combination of chemicals and trash, most of which comes from
land sources and is washed or blown into the ocean. The Philippines is one of the world's
worst offenders on marine plastic pollution, with 0.28 – 0.75 million tonnes per year of
plastic entering to oceans from coastal areas in Manila Bay. The country uses almost 60
billion sachets a year (GAIA, March 2020).
 Nonpoint source pollution (Runoff)
 Intentional discharge
 Oil spills
 Littering
 Ocean Mining
 Toxic Chemicals from Industries
 Harmful to aquatic animal and marine ecosystem
 Depletion of oxygen in seawater
 A threat to human health
 Reproductive system failure from exposure to poisonous industrial and
agricultural chemicals
 Oil covering the feathers of birds and the gills of fish.
 Skin and eye irritation and lung and liver problems from oil deposits and
 Disruption to the Cycle of Coral Reefs
 Effect on Food Chain
Control measures
 Reduce chemical fertilizer use
 Hold a cleanup
 Properly dispose of plastics and trash
 Opt for reusable bottles and utensils
 Recycle Whatever You Can
 Reducing the Energy Use
b. Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is an invisible danger. It cannot be seen, but it is present
nonetheless, both on land and under the sea. Noise pollution is considered to be any
unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other
organisms.(Nat’l Geg)

 Traffic noise
 Air traffic noise
 Construction sites
 Catering and night life
 Animals (howling or barking dog)
 Noise pollution affects both health and behavior. Unwanted sound (noise) can
damage physiological health.
 Noise exposure in the workplace can also contribute to noise-induced hearing
loss and other health issues.
 Effects on wildlife
 Stress recorded in physiological and behavioral responses
 Impacts on communication
 Impacts on development
 Impacts on ecosystem
 Sleep and behavioral disorders
Control measures
 Avoid very noisy leisure activities
 Opt for alternatives means of transport such as bicycles or electric vehicles over
taking the car
 Do your housework at recommended times
 Insulate homes with noise-absorbing materials
 Governments can also take measures to ensure correct noise management and
reduce noise pollution.
 installing noise insulation in new buildings

c. Thermal Solution
Thermal pollution is when an industry or other human-made organization
takes in water from a natural source and either cools it down or heats it up.
 Water as a Cooling Agent in Power, Manufacturing and Industrial Plants
 Soil Erosion
 Deforestation
 Runoff From Paved Surfaces
 Natural Causes
 Retention Ponds
 Domestic Sewage
 Decrease in DO (Dissolved Oxygen) Levels
 Increase in Toxins
 Loss of Biodiversity
 Ecological Impact
 Affects Reproductive Systems
 Increases Metabolic Rate
 Migration
Control Measures
 Cooling Ponds
 Cooling Towers
 Artificial Lake
 Water Recycling
 Industrial and space heating.
 Biological applications such as soil warming.
 Fish culture, livestock shelters and heating greenhouses.

d. Radioactive Pollution
Radioactive contamination is an involuntary release of radioactive substances. The
electrons emitted by radioactive substances can cause irreversible damage to air, water, and
 Nuclear Accidents from Nuclear Energy Generation Plants
 The Use of nuclear weapons as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
 Use of Radioisotopes
 Mining
 Spillage of Radioactive Chemicals
 Tests on Radiation
 Cosmic Rays and Other Natural Sources
 Nuclear Waste Handling and Disposal
 Defensive Weapon Production
 Medical X-Ray
 Genetic Mutations
 Diseases
 Soil Infertility
 Cell Destruction
 Burns
 Effects on Wildlife
 Effects on Plants
 Effects on Marine life
Control Measures
 Proper Method of Disposing of Radioactive Waste
 Proper Labeling
 Banning of Nuclear Tests
 Alternative Energy Sources
 Proper Storage
 Reusing
 Precautions at the Personal Level

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