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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pagulayan, Daquila Hanz B. GEED 10013 Prof. Valila

BSME 2-2 Life and Works of Rizal Jan 20, 2022

Rizal’s Letter to the Women of Malolos

Rizal, on the day of February 22, 1889, had written a letter for the women of Malolos,
Bulacan. The letter was a response to Rizal’s correspondent, Marcelo H. Del Pilar a fellow
member of the Illustrados. Rizal had addressed the letter, written in Tagalog, to a woman named
Alberta and her company of 20 or so other women. The women were mostly blood related to
Alberta, and these women had formed together the women of Malolos, Bulacan.

Said letter contained Rizal’s praises to the women’s bravery, courage, and act of
patriotism, when the women had petitioned to the then Governor-General Weyler petitioning for
approval to open a school, to learn Spanish under the tutelage of one Teodoro Sandiko. The said
school is conducted at night, where the women can freely spend their time learning without
tending to chores that are done when the sun is still up.

The petition by the women was opposed by one Fr. Garcia, this made it so that the petition
will be drawn out where both sides tried persuading Governor-General Weyler. Eventually under
heavy pressure from the Fr. Garcia the petition was rejected by Governor-General Weyler. The
women had tried to plead and were successful. The night school was then established, but under
the condition that the women of Malolos, Bulacan would be under the tutelage of one Senorita
Guadalupe Reyes.

The opportunity that Filipina women can now learn and undergo schooling is a relatively
new social concept. The women of Malolos, Bulacan had started a new concept of what it means
to be a Filipina, no longer shall they bow their heads, knees on grounds, and hours on end
conducting prayers. Filipinas are the mothers of a newborn nation, the foundation of a country’s
Department of Mechanical Engineering

prosperity; with reforms and revolution growing in the people's hearts. With the succession of the
women of Malolos, Bulacan, the Filipino people will follow suit. Indolence is no longer a viable
option, as Filipino mothers will raise sons and daughters who will fight for their country's
independence. Filipinas can now be something bigger than themselves combined, a part of the
nation’s progress and movement to free themselves, their loved ones, and their fellowmen under
the duress of their captors, Spain.

Rizal’s letter had helped boost the moral of the women of Malolos, Bulacan, that they
even as women can contribute to the cause of nation building; The fight against the tyranny of
Spain, and help one another as fellowmen, be it man or women, all can contribute to the cause.
The cause that will free us from Spanish rule. Thus, Rizal had instilled a sense of patriotism, and
had urge and supported that other woman do the same, as the women of Malolos, Bulacan. To
fight for their country’s education, reform, and eventually revolution; to not be abused by the friars
and Spain.

Palafox, Q. (2012). Girl Power: The Women of Malolos - National Historical Commission of the

Philippines. Retrieved 19 January 2022, from


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