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The fastest-growing industry in the world is in hospitality field that focuses on customer

satisfaction. Part of this is the food service industry that is improving its existence for the past years. In
hospitality industry, there are various kinds of businesses and one of them is “street food” that is not
properly sanitized yet affordable and delicious. One major concern with this is the food safety. In The
hospitality industry is one of the most consistently growing industries that focus heavily on customer
satisfaction. Due to COVID 19 many vendors can’t sell in street due to the fact of the ECQ that
government declared in lucena but after of it they declared MGCQ some vendors try to sell again but
they need to do the protocol in addition to this it can make them more safe to COVID. It is common that
cooking areas in street food industry are low in terms of environmental and sanitary standards.

Alcala said the city has met all challenges and problems to prevent the spread of the virus.
But for him, “the battle is not yet over.”

“The impact of COVID-19 on small business” All the small business like street vendors this paper
provides insight into the economic impact of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) on small businesses. It is
difficult for street vendors to make a profit due to the effect of COVID 19 because of this their income
decreases even more and some of them are no longer able to sell. now that it is relaxed that some are
also returning to sell but they must still follow the health protocol set by the government they also need
to keep the things they use clean, wear mask, always have alcohol and keep the things they sell in order
and if anyone feels illness they should consult immediately and quarantine so as not to infect the seller
or family.

I've chosen two basic concepts on food safety. First, Safe process because the customer see how the
vendor prepare the street food in addition to that to avoid the physical contact and other diseases.
Second is the Cleanliness we must clean the workstation where the street food will put.


 Keeping the area around the stall clean

 Wash your hands
 Always throw the full garbage
 When you touch something put alcohol after
 Make sure the things you will used in cooking is well organized

Reference: The impact of COVID-19 on small business outcomes and expectations | PNAS
Lucena’s MGCQ status a challenge, says city mayor | Inquirer News

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