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English learning Process

Learning a second language requires discipline to be effective and to

achieve maximum performance. First of all, responsibility is crucial when starting
an English learning process because 50% of the success depends on it. There is
no point in making an investment, be it an economic one, if it is not taken with the
seriousness it deserves. Be responsible will help you to achieve the goal.

Secondly, perseverance is a tool that in effect gives positive results in the

short term, this is as important as the first one because in many occasions when
someone starts a process and it seems more difficult than can be imagined, a
person frequently tends to postpone or terminate the process prematurely. While it
is true that learning a second language is a major challenge and even more so
when the native language is well established, it is not impossible.

Motivation is a factor of great importance for the learning of a foreign

language because it is a permanent condition of the educational teaching process
that is constituted by psychological and educational impulses that must be present
throughout the class and the course. The ideal didactic way to motivate the
students is the linguistic material in real situations of everyday life so that they can
exercise them with communicative purposes, providing the students with a positive
attitude towards the language and the willingness to use the foreign language for
the benefit of society, in agreement with Guerrero (2015), motivation has a
significant role in the process of language learning. It is important to understand its
theoretical evolution in this field to be able to consider its relevance in the learning
and teaching of a foreign language. Motivation is a term that is commonly used
among language teachers and language learners but perhaps many are not aware
of the different theories related to this topic and their teaching implications

Thirdly and no less important is the execution that is linked to the constant
practice of the language. Students should never wait until they have some
knowledge to put into practice what they know. They should keep in mind that
English is not studied, English is spoken and perfection can only be achieved
through practice. It is necessary to develop all the languages strategies and
abilities needed to learn English as a second language, including writing, listening,
speaking, reading, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary among other. For Brown
(2000, p. 14), currently the teaching and learning process of a second language in
a communicative way there is a challenge that students use the rules and can give
a meaning in a real situation.

Nowadays English is one of the most important languages around the world.
It allows people to communicate with others from different parts of the world, it also
help to comprehend books, movies, songs, videogames, apps among other. Many
doors can be opened to a promising future.

The English learning process is an autonomous decision in which learners should

be encourage to practice and to increase their knowledge, they have to be
dedicated and organized to have a successful process.

In the second language learning process it is important to take into account the
responsibility, the motivation and the practice as fundamental stages for having a
successful development in the language.

The teaching and learning of the English language is based on several factors, so
it is necessary to know the methodology in order to develop communicative skills
such as oral expression in students.

Brown, D. (2000). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. (4ta. Ed.).

Estados Unidos: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Guerrero, Mario Motivation in Second Language Learning: A Historical Overview

and Its Relevance in a Public High School in Pasto, Colombia HOW, vol. 22,
núm. 1, abril-septiembre, 2015, pp. 95-106 Asociación Colombiana de
Profesores de Inglés Bogotá, Colombia

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