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Life and Times of a Philippine Gamer

Tabletop RPG Reviews and Articles


[Let’s Study – C:tL] Elementals


Interestingly, the Elemental Seeming Changelings are one of the Seemings that I thoroughly
equate with the “Lost” aspect of the game.  Elementals are Changelings who have taken on
aspects of the most primal of Arcadia’s essences.  They are the whispers in the wind, the
alluring dance of the flame and the unyielding resilience of stone.

Much like the Beasts, Elementals have lost much of their humanity.  However, their psyches
have not been reduced or limited, but instead fundamentally altered.  Elementals discover
that they have grown apart from their former mortal selves and have taken the primal
motivations of the forces they now embody.

Elemental Changelings are best described as living metaphors of their respective kiths. 
Fireheart Elementals, for example, are fiery and passionate.  They may be wasteful and
hedonistic, eager to consume without regard to others.  Others may be warm and nurturing,
lending comfort and respite to those around them.  Still others may could be haughty and
illuminating, embodying the symbols that the flame represents, granting knowledge, while
standing apart from their lessers.
Alien and Tempestuous

Elementals are some of the most visually remarkable of  Seemings due to the dynamic
qualities that they posses.  They are constantly in motion and even those that embody the
earth find that their bodies tremble and shudder with the terrifying inevitability of an
earthquake when they move.

The Elementals are broken down into the following Kiths:

Airtouched – Elementals of Air, who embody their element in their grace and speed.
Earthbones – These Changelings posses the strength of the earth and its dour
Fireheart – Elementals of fire, who possess the alacrity of the mind that make them able to
respond quickly to any situation.
Manikin – Elementals of man-made objects, and some of the most eerie thanks to the
Uncanny Valley.  The Manikin possess an inherent understanding of craftsmanship.
Snowskin – Icy Elementals capable of freezing the hearts of mortals with but a word.
Waterborn – Changelings of Water, who can live and breathe underwater, and who
embody the mercurial and dangerous nature of the sea.
Woodblood – Children of plants, these Changelings are remarkably adept at disappearing
from sight among the plants and trees.

The Elementals are an interesting Seeming, and one which has all sorts of possible character
concepts.  Their blessings might not seem like much, but the themes of their durance and how
it’s affected them is a huge mine of potential for character-based stories, and insight to their



1. Hikkikomori says:
MARCH 18, 2010 AT 9:36 AM
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We must be swift as a coursing river!

With all the strength of a great typhoon!

With all the strength of a raging fire!

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon~

2. C'nor (Outermost_Toe) says:
MARCH 28, 2011 AT 4:59 PM
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Hmm. What would a Waterborn that formed in a swamp, and was thus surrounded by
stagnant water, not a river or swamp be like?

C'nor (Outermost_Toe) says:
MARCH 28, 2011 AT 5:00 PM
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*Not a river or sea, rather.


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