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APD2 | Outubro 2021

(image: Cubic Geometry, David Umemoto)

Modelling and Materialization

Ex.1 – Boolean Cubes

1. Virtual Boolean (class work)

Considering the solid creation and editing commands learned in the previous classes,
students are asked to explore the geometric possibilities of Boolean operations to define
interesting volumetric shapes. Students should create 1or more studies, exploring each of
the 4 boolean operations separately, starting from a 10x10x10 cube:

A. Boolean Union

Union of several cubical elements in different positions. (30min)

B. Boolean Difference

Subtraction of several volumes from cube. (30min)

C. Boolean Split

Cutting cube with several planes and reassembling it into different compositions or
removing parts. (30min)

D. Boolean Intersection

Intersecting the cube with other solids. (30min)

- Present one perspective image of each work, using a rendered or technical view
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2. Real Boolean

2.1 (select A or B)

A. Boolean subtraction

Starting from an EPS cube of 10x10x10cm (or 5x5x5cm or other dimensions, made from
sheets of material, but always proportional to the material thickness), students should
explore the use of slicing operations (similar to boolean split or boolean difference) to create
a new volume, either by reassembling the pieces or only by removing parts from the original
cube. Students can take advantage of the cube being made of layers of material, using them
as parts of the composition or ignore them, considering the cube as whole.

(ex. David Umemoto)

B. Boolean adition

Using 4x4mm balsa wood and super glue, build a 3D spatial structure inside an imaginary
volume of 10x10x10cm. The structure should be a composition of similar sized or different
sized beam-like elements, exploring ideas such as density, symmetry, verticality,
horizontality, etc. (ex. Sidney Gordin; Antony Gormley)

2.2 Build a 3D model of the resulting structure.

Present 1-4 axonometric images of 3D model, using a rendered or technical view and 1-4
good photographs of the physical model in a white background.
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3. Examples
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Linear Implied cube exercise. Samongi, UC DAAP, School of Architecture and Interior Design.

Antony Gormley
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Antony Gormley

Sidney Gordin

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