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Performance task 1: That Hazard Looks Familiar!

1. Falling trees/cars 2. A bridge that can be hit in a tsunami

3. Driving while there’s a tsunami 4. Electricity in the houses

5. People outside during a tsunami 6. Small houses

1. If a tsunami occurs, it is possible that it may impact trees and vehicles; hence, avoid going
outdoors, and if you must go outside, run as fast as you can to avoid falling trees and cars.

2. Do not travel to critical locations, such as bridges, that may be struck by the tsunami after the
earthquake since there is a chance that a tsunami may occur. It is dangerous since there is a high
possibility that the bridge won't be able to withstand it. and if you're on the bridge get out as soon
as possible.

3. After the earthquake, keep an eye out for tsunami warnings and signs. If you are driving
during a tsunami, stop immediately and get out of the car as quickly as possible. Run as rapidly
as you can.

4. Turn off all of the electricity in your home and stay away from all of the electrical outdoors if
you hear a tsunami coming. By doing this, you can prevent unpleasant circumstances like being
shocked by an electric wire or something else that might be electrically linked.

5. When a tsunami strikes outdoors, the first thing to do is to pray and have faith that you will
survive. After that, stay still and cling to anything sturdy that can endure the tsunami.

6. If you live in a small residence that cannot survive the tsunami, you should leave to an
evacuation center as quickly as possible and wait for the tsunami to pass.

In conclusion, to prevent all of these hazards, follow these steps: First, stay kept up-to-date on
all news and be alert of tsunami warning signs, such as rapidly changing coastal water levels, a
loud ocean roar, and earthquake disturbances. Furthermore, evacuate as soon as possible to high
ground that can survive the tsunami, and be prepared for what is to come. Finally, be productive
and avoid thinking about anything terrible that could happen. Believe in yourself and do your
best to survive.



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