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The 30 Second Seduction Secret - How to Seduce Any Woman in Under 30 Seconds

by James Lovall

When you meet a woman for the first time she will have made up her mind as to whether or not she’s
going to sleep with you within 10 seconds.

10 seconds. It’s not a very long time is it?

First impressions count. And the way a woman perceives you in those crucial first 10 seconds is not
likely to change.

If you blow it, you’re probably not going to get a second chance to make a first impression. If she
does give you a second chance... you have to make pretty damn sure you act quickly. After 30
seconds, whatever she thinks about you is gonna stick.

Amongst my circle of friends I am very popular. I ‘innocently’ flirt with my friends partners and we
all get along really well. All except one girl. A girl I’m actually very fond of. On the day that I met
her I was a little flustered and didn’t know what to say. I had to say something but I thought that my
attraction to her made me feel uneasy and tongue tied.

To break the uncomfortable silence I told a joke, a bad joke. A joke that really offended her, but it
was the only one I could think of at the time. I’m not going to repeat it here because it’s not really
relevant (and could get me into trouble!) but... that one joke has tainted her entire perception of me.
That was probably about 7, maybe 8, years ago. Since then, I’ve attended her wedding, gone on
holiday with her family and spent many evenings together at the local pub.

But she still hasn’t warmed to me. In all this time she still treats me as though I’m some kind of jerk
(which I am honestly not).

It wasn’t until very recently (within the last year) that her husband told me that she thought I was a
jerk because of a joke I told her when we first met. I’d forgotten all about it, and the crazy thing is, I
didn’t even like the joke. It’s not the sort I’d usually tell but in my tongue tied and doe eyed sate, it
was all I could think to say.

Had I not told her that joke, I’m sure we’d have become really good friends. We have very similar
tastes and share lots of interests. But that one joke, within the first few seconds of our meeting well
and truly sealed my fate.

So... this book is a no holds barred, quick and nasty gurus guide to what you should (and shouldn’t)
do within the first 10 to 30 seconds of meeting somebody. Especially if it’s somebody that you want
to sleep with.

Let’s get started shall we?

The First Look

So, let’s say you’re out at a bar (or restaurant, coffee shop, supermarket... you choose!) and you spy a
gorgeous girl that you want to ‘get to know’ a little better. What should you do?

Well, contrary to what most guys think, you definitely shouldn’t act ‘cool’. But I’m guessing that
would be your knee jerk reaction, right? Don’t worry, we’re all the same. The trouble is, what we
think is ‘cool’ usually comes off as ‘weird’ or ‘stalkerish’ to her.

So, listen up, ‘cause I’m gonna lay down some rules. If you clock a beautiful girl...

Don’t stare at her (As much as you think she hasn’t noticed, she has.)
Don’t fumble around pretending to be doing something while stealing glances.
Don’t ‘pretend to be writing a text message’ while using your phone to look at her.

I’m gonna say this just once.

She’s knows what you’re doing and it’s creeping her out!

The simple truth is, the longer you take to do something (we’ll get to what you should be doing in a
moment) the more you’ll creep her out. Subconsciously, she’s currently scoring you. Behavioural
psychologists call this score a ‘Social Value’, and doing creepy things makes yours plummet.

If the situation deems it appropriate, say something. Anything (with the exception of ill chosen jokes)
is better than nothing. If you can’t think of anything then a simple ‘Hello’ will do. Even a nod and a
smile is enough. The goal here (in the first couple of seconds of the meet) is to acknowledge her.

Even if you do nothing else, and just walk away, you’ll still improve your social value. In fact, if you
do do nothing, then you really do need to walk away. Staring is weird, saying hello then staring is
even weirder! If you’re simply too shy or tongue tied to strike up a conversation then say hello with a
smile and walk away. Don’t circle around trying to catch glimpses of her, get her to look for you.

Of course, you don’t want to do that. You really want to take control here and nurture your chance
meeting so that it blossoms into something more. So let’s quickly press on with one of the most
powerful secrets of instant seduction.


The appearance of appreciation is seduction gold. Even before you speak you need to put this little
beauty into action.

Very few men actually take the time to think about how they appear to another person when they meet.
Usually, they appear desperate, horny, or predatory. This is not a good thing.

When you look at a person, the muscular distribution of your face changes depending on what you’re
thinking. You give off ‘Micro Expressions’ that only last a fraction of a second, not even enough time
for the other person to consciously notice. But that’s the key word here... Consciously. Micro
expressions are incredibly fleeting, but not so much so that they escape the ever watchful eye of a
persons subconscious mind.

This is very important, because it’s their subconscious perception of you that helps to form that all
important first impression.

If you look at a beautiful woman, thinking how much you'd love to get her clothes off. Her
subconscious mind will perceive you as a threat. It’ll think you’re either too desperate, too horny or
too threatening. Your social score is a big fat zero.... it might even venture down into the minus

You probably think you’re hiding your dirty thoughts behind your charming smile but you’re not.
Micro expressions will betray you. So you’ve got to make sure that what you’re thinking will make
her want you and that’s where appreciation comes in.

This will take some practice. But it is definitely worth it.

When you look at a woman for the first time (and subsequent times too) look at her in the way that
you’d look at a beautiful painting, or a flower. Look at her with appreciation in your mind. Look at
her as though you really appreciate her.

As I said, this will take some practice. In fact, I’m going to set you a little homework... I want you to
get into the habit of looking at things with appreciation. To start with, look at flowers, works of art
and pretty landscapes... work yourself up to beautiful women, and practice on some photographs first.

A Little Laughter Will Loosen Her Up!

Saying or doing something that will make her smile will real loosen her up. If she smiles at you, or
even laughs, her brain chemistry will release some lovely endorphins and she’ll feel good. Because
she’s interacting with (or even just looking at or aware of) you as this happens the biological event
becomes anchored to you.

It’s a bit like Pavlov’s dog. Feed a dog as you ring a bell and the dog salivates because it likes dog
food. Ring a bell without feeding a dog and it still salivates, because it associates the bell to the food.

To be honest, I’ve never really been too impressed with Pavlov’s dog. I’ve got a dog, and if I rang a
bell every time I fed him I think it’s pretty safe to assume that he’d think about food (and therefore
salivate) every time he hears the bell.

What impresses me much more was a guy 4 years before Pavlov called Twitmeyer, who accidentally
discovered something very similar. He’s tapped his patients knee with a little hammer to test their
reflexes, and with each tap a little buzzer went off on his machine. One time, the buzzer went of by
mistake when he wasn’t tapping and the patient knee jerked forward. Now that’s much more
impressive than a slobbering pooch... bit I digress.

Back to those endorphins.

Making her laugh will make her feel good, and like Pavlov’s dog or Twitmeyer’s knee, that slight lift
will be anchored to you.

So... how do you make her laugh. First up, unless you're very quick witted, don’t leave it to the last
second to come up with a snazzy one liner on the spot. In fact, even if you are a comedy genius, don’t
do that. If you are really attracted to her you’ll probably make a mess of it. I did!

I told a joke that was inappropriate, mainly because the girl I was telling it to had ginger hair, and it
was a slightly ‘gingerist’ joke. In truth, I find ginger hair incredibly sexy, it’s my favourite colour by
far and it’s one of the reasons I was attracted to her. My joke was very extreme and I said it with the
intended victim being people that make fun of ginger hair, but it really didn’t come out like that and
she has hated me since.

So, in order to avoid making the same mistake I did, prepare. Get some appropriate jokes ready and
learn them. Jokes are very cultural things. What might work wonders in one part of the world will fall
flat on it’s face or even offend people somewhere else. So make sure your jokes are suitable for your
target ladies.

To help you to sound spontaneous, think about the places you’re going to be meeting people. Think
about the things you’ll see around you and come up with something funny to say about them. This will
seem much more natural and win you plenty of bonus points for your social score.

To give you an example, if your local coffee shop has a heavy door, you could make a joke about it as
you hold it open for someone. It’ll seem really natural. Almost every McDonalds restaurant has really
heavy doors that are an absolute sod to open (at least that’s the situation here in the UK) so that could
be a opportunity that you can exploit. Obviously you don’t want to hang around like a stalker waiting
for a sexy girl to come out of McDonalds, just have the idea in your box of seduction tricks so that
you can use it when it’s appropriate.

Humility works in a very similar way to humour. If you can make a girl laugh by making a tiny bit of a
fool of yourself it has exactly the same effect. But don’t overdo this, you want to appear genuine,
humble and come across as the kind of guy that doesn’t take himself too seriously. Maybe pushing a
pull door or stumbling up a kerb, and flashing a quick ‘how embarrassing’ smile’ to your sexy
onlooker as though she just caught you.

A lot of people play the clown in order to provoke a response from girls, but almost everyone
overdoes it. Put yourself in her shoes, imagine exactly what she will see and don’ t over do it.

Don’t be a Jerk!
The next rule I’m going to impart, is a simple one. Don’t be a jerk. By this I mean don’t treat people
badly. Be nice, be friendly and treat others with respect.

I’m not just talking about the girl you’re trying to bed here. In fact, if you treat her nice while being a
jerk to everyone else you’ll be an even bigger turn off. To her it’ll appear as though you’re only being
nice to get her into bed and she will not fall for it.

Being a jerk only attracts insecure drama queens. Do yourself a really big favour. Be nice to
everyone. Be friendly to everyone. And follow a very simply golden rule... treat others as your would
a close friend or family member.. or better yet, treat people how you like to be treated yourself.

Even the small stuff, like holding a door for the old lady that follows you into the bistro or smiling at
the doorman as you enter the club doesn’t go unnoticed. All this makes you appear more attractive. A
particularly powerful nicety that you’ll want to adopt is tipping. Now I know that tipping is almost
mandatory in some countries, but it’s not like that everywhere. Here in the UK we tend to only tip if
people really impress us. However, a little tip can go a very long way. One of my favourites is to ask
the cashier to ‘pop the change into the charity box’ while at my local shop. I know from experience
that this makes me appear more attractive to anyone in ear shot. But that attraction will very quickly
turn sour if you’re obvious about it. Make it natural, as though it’s something you always say (which it
soon will be) and for the love of God, don’t announce it as though you want the whole world to hear
that you’re giving to charity! That’s a huge turn off.

What About Other Guys?

This is crucial.. and it’s one of the ways that your potential date is very likely to test you.

Imagine you’re at a club, you’ve smiled at a girl, broken the ice with a joke and you’re chatting along
very nicely. Then some guy shows up.

First things first. Remember this... you don’t know who he is and you have no idea how long she’s
known him, or what their relationship is.

Also... remember this. She knows that!!!

This is very important. She knows that you have no idea how long she’s know him. She knows that
you don’t have a clue if it’s her brother, best mate, boyfriend of someone she bumped into 5 minutes
before you.

If she doesn’t offer up that information she’s very probably testing to see how you’ll react. She wants
to know whether or not you’re into her. (I know it sounds crazy, but girls are insecure too! They don’t
automatically assume you think they’re hot just because you’re chatting to them in a club. If they like
you, they’ll be worried that you don’t like them.)

So. A new guy joins the party. She doesn’t tell you who he is. What do you do? First up, some things
you don’t do...
You don’t get jealous.
You don’t act like a jerk.
You don’t try to better him or compete with him in any way.

You simple treat him with friendly respect. Just as you might if one of her girl friends came over and
joined you.

It’s that simple. Just be nice.

Even if she does introduce him as her boyfriend, don’t get defensive, back off or see the green eyed
monster. Be nice. Chat to him too. Make the conversation a three-way. If you’re standing facing her,
open your stance to form a triangle between both of them. This will subconsciously show to her that
you are welcoming him into the conversation. You’ll appear mature, friendly and open... all very
attractive qualities. And who knows, she might have been planning to ditch him for weeks and is on
the prowl for his replacement.

Falling in Love... Or Not!

Most guys really stuff this one up. Especially guys without much experience. Put very simply... Don’t
fall in love!
Getting too serious too fast is a big turn off. In comes across as desperate and needy. And I’m not just
talking about getting all doe eyed on her, I’m also talking about the small stuff too. Don’t be overly
agreeable, have your own opinion and don’t automatically say yes to everything she likes. Of course
you don’t want to go too far, you’re not trying to piss her off, you just don’t want her skin crawling
because you’re hanging on her every word.

Flirting is cool, but keep it light. You shouldn’t suck up to her and definitely don’t start telling her
how amazing she is. It’s just too much, you’ll make her feel suffocated and creep her out.

A really useful little trick is to actually poke fun at her.. but not too much fun! In the ‘Pick Up’
community they use a technique called a ‘Neg’ where they say something negative about someone,
usually in the presence of their friends. Be warned though, this technique can really back-fire if you
get it wrong... I’ve always favoured a little fun poking over ‘Negs’ as I find that kind of thing a little
too disrespectful.

Be Human.. And Show it!

We’ve touched on this a little already, when I suggested that you push a pull door or trip up a kerb.
But there are other ways to show your vulnerability too. Really powerful and very seductive ways!

The trick here is to show that you have an emotional side. And it’s really easy to do. The classic (and
probably the best way) is to admit that you have cried. Tell her that you cried at a film, but do it in a
way that makes it seem as though you’re revealing a really embarrassing secret.
You could even couple this with a very clever ‘seeding’ of a date to the cinema. You might say
something along the lines of...

‘I’m going to share something with you, but you’ve got to promise not to tell anyone. I cried in the
cinema when I took my niece to watch the Lion King. So, when we go to the movies... you'd better
bring tissues! And if you tell anyone, I'll pin you down and tickle you until you squeal.’

In fact, this innocent little tale is totally loaded with very clever psychological tricks and hypnotic
language patterns that will make her like you much much more.

This is what you’ve just done...

You’ve showed you are vulnerable because you cried.

You are caring because you took your niece to the cinema.
You respect and trust her because you shared a secret.
You got her to commit to promising you something... (psychology tells us that a tiny commitment, like
a promise or favour, will lead to a bigger one, like a kiss or relationship!)
You used a powerful Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) trick called ‘Presupposition’ by subtle
saying ‘when’ instead of ‘if’.
You created a future event in her mind of you and her at the cinema. (Planting a seed)
You made her imagine you pinning her down as she is squealing and smiling. (Very strong sexual

Don’t underestimate any of this. All of these things combine to create a very powerful influence on
her that will make you practically irresistible.

Hug Tactics

If you live in a ‘touchy’ country, the chances are you’ll probably hug at some point. Maybe to say
hello or goodbye. Hugging, just like humour, is very much a cultural thing, some places do it, others
don’t. It’s similar to kissing, in most of Europe it’s very common to kiss someones check when you
meet, in some countries as many as three times!

But let’s stick with the basics... Hugging.

The big question about hugs is simply how long.

If you really fancy her, you’ll probably pull away to quickly, and she’ll feel self conscious. If you are
in love with her, you might linger too long and you'll creep her out!

The very best way to hug is to imagine you’re hugging a close family member... be sure to pick
someone that you actually like and hug her just as you would them. If you’re unsure if you’re hugging
for too long then pay very close attention to the pressure of her hug, as soon as she releases pressure
you can start to pull away too.
A sincere friendly hug (which is very easy to achieve if you imagine she’s a family member you like)
is a very pleasant experience. She’ll really feel good if you hug her properly and you can transform
what could be a first date faux pas into something that makes her really like you.

If it’s more appropriate that you shake hands (perhaps you’ve met the woman of your dreams in a
business setting) apply the same rules. Shake her hand as though you’re greeting a dear close friend
that you are very fond of. Not a limp fish or a bone cruncher... a nice friendly welcome.

How to Strut Your Funky Stuff

I know from years of experience that this advice above all others often falls on deaf ears. Most men
are convinced that they can’t dance. In fact, most men are terrified of dancing... So I’m going to let
you in on a little secret. It’s NOT about the moves!!!

As you probably know, women tend to gauge how good you’ll be in bed by how well you dance. But
they’re not looking at your moves, they’re looking at your rhythm.

If you’ve got all of the moves but you’ve got no rhythm, then I’m sorry to say it but you haven’t got any
sex appeal on the dance floor.

However, you do have rhythm. You just don’t recognize it. Do this for me. Pop on some music.. any
music. Now just sit and listen for a bit. Close your eyes and start to sway in your seat. Maybe nod
your head as you sway to the beat, just loosen up and let it flow. Feel the music. Don’t try to do dance
move, just flow with the music. This is rhythm. This is the sex appeal that tells women you’re good in
the sack!

Once you've got the hang of moving in your seat, stand up and try moving your arms and legs a little.
Don’t try to ‘dance’, just move and feel the music. Let it flow. Close your eyes and do whatever feels
good for you.

With very little practice of flowing in this way you can look really natural on a dance floor,
especially a busy one. Just flow with the music in the crowd and you’ll ooze sexiness.

Give Yourself an Ice-Breaker!

In the pick up community there’s a technique called ‘Peacocking’. This is where you wear something
that causes you to stand out from the crowd. Some people take this to ludicrous extremes with huge
top hats, feather boas and platform boots. You really don’t have to go that far.

Peacocking is a way of giving the girl a reason to approach you. It removes the need of an awkward
icebreaker and gives her something to talk about when she first approaches you.

In 1997 I took a driving job, for which I had to wear glasses. Prior to this I’d only ever wear my
glasses at the cinema, but being as I was now having to wear them for work I decide to become a full
time glasses wearer. At the time the glasses I opted for were the rectangular reading style type. I’d
seen DJ Judge Jules wearing a pair and I really liked them. This was before that particular style
became popular so they were very unusual.

The first time I went to a club wearing glasses I was a little self conscious. However, that was very
short lived, in the queue to get in I was approached by 3 girls that practically ripped them from my
face while saying ‘They’re well cool, let’s try them on!’.

I didn’t have to do a thing, and before I realised what was happening, we were all chatting like old
friends. And, in case you’re wondering.. Yes, I did get lucky that night!

And this wasn’t a one off. My unusual glasses got me so much attention. At the time I didn’t know
anything about peacocking but I’d realised that my glasses were an open invitation that gave girls an
excuse and reason to talk to me. It was awesome!

I was so impressed by the reaction that I got from the glasses that I recommend to a friend that he have
some made up with clear glass in them, just as a fashion accessory. He thought it was a stupid idea
but I insisted. The first night he went out in them he called me from the club after no more than an hour
telling me I was a ‘Gash Guru!’ (His words, not mine!!!)

I no longer wear glasses, I had laser surgery about a decade ago but I still peacock in my own way.
I’m not as outlandish as the pick up guys but I do wear bright colours and have a funky sense of style.

Peacocking works both ways, the last time I went clubbing I started chatting with a girl that had
feather eyelashes, just because it was cool and different. I didn’t even consciously approach her or
intend to get off with her. I just thought they were cool so I told her so and before I knew what was
happening a conversation had already started.

A lot of guys really worry about what they are going to say. Believe me, the only hard bit is the
icebreaker, after that you just chat. Within seconds you’ll be comparing music tastes, where you went
to college etc etc. Just be interested in her and ask questions. It’s easy! And, of course, a little
peacocking (along with the rest of the techniques you learned in this guide) will break the ice for you.

Brining Out the Big Guns!!!

I think you’ll agree, these little techniques aren’t difficult, this is the kind of stuff anybody can do. And
it’s much much easier than trying to think of a chat up line as you stumble up to someone with a dry
throat and sweaty palms!

But this is just the tip of the ice-berg... and believe me, some of the tricks I could teach you would
make you feel like a Jedi Master of seduction!

The area of seduction that really fascinates me is hypnotic language patterns. Did you know there is a
pre-scripted conversation that you can have with any girl in a club and it’ll actually make her want to
give you oral sex?
I know that sounds incredible, but it works.

The best way to understand hypnotic language is to think about the power of persuasion. Hypnotic
language patterns stack together and quickly become very powerful.

Allow me to explain...

Lets say that you want a girl you've just met to have sex with you that night. You now have your goal.
So, when you talk to her, you use proven hypnotic patterns to make it happen. The patterns are subtle
but they stack together.

Imagine that using one pattern on the girl is like giving her one pencil. If she can break the pencil, she
can resist the temptation to have sex with you.

One pencil is very weak, so she’ll break it easily.

Every time you you add another language pattern, it’s like adding another pencil. By the time you have
5 or 6 pencils together it’s very very difficult for her to break them.

In other words... if you use a hypnotic seduction script, that already has 5, 6 or even more hypnotic
patterns in it, she will not be able to resist having sex with you.

To find out more about hypnotic seduction, and to see some other really amazing things that you can
do with hypnosis (including watching a video of a girl having a full body orgasm just because of a
hypnotic suggestion) go to the following website:

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