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2021 X-BIO-Chapter 15 Our Environment

-Worksheet 2
1.Why are some substances biodegradable and some
non-biodegradable? 1
2. We may be using these utensils for storing food. Is it an
eco-friendly practice? Give two arguments in support of your
answer. 2
3. Nowadays all housing societies encourage their residents
to segregate plastics, glass and metal waste in a separate
bin. Wet waste like vegetable peels, rotten fruits, leftover
food are to be collected into another bin. What do you think
are the reasons? State any two. Give another suggestion that
may be useful in dealing with the disposal of garbage. 3
4. List any two biodegradable substances. Give any two ways
in which they would affect the environment. 3
5. List any two non-biodegradable substances. Give any two
ways in which they would affect the environment. 3

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