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Newsletter of Vol 28 Series 9 2 SEPTEMBER - 2022 ISSN: 2455-1384

Samsaya (Doubt), A Tool Of Knowledge (Valid Cognition) In Indian Philosophy
* Bimal Chandra Jha, Ex-Editor, Sachitra-Ayurved
*Corresponding author:
Received on: 08-07-2022 Accepted: 16-07-2022 Corrected: 10-08-2022
Abstract: Background: Samasya (doubt) is indecision to take judgement. Psychologically, it reflects lack of
confidence. Indian philosophical texts have creative approach. Doubt is considered as a tool of knowledge
for innovational intellects. Want of clarifications of originated doubt, it opens the door for learning through
appropriate logics and observations. Processes mentioned under Pramana pariksha becomes pivotal in
solving the problems.
Materials and Methods: A detailed reveiw was done from available Indian philosophical books, pubmed
and other websites.
Result: Difference of Samsaya from Viparyaya, Uha and Andhyavsaya: Samasya is different Viparyaya as
Viparyaya is related to direct opposition while Samasya is about the inability of decision due to conflicting
judgements. Uha is ascertainment of incomplete information while Samasya is not ascertained. Anadhyavasay
is information without logical understanding while Samasya is uncertainty in decision due to absence of
confirmatory evidences.
Steps of logical knowledge: Steps for logical knowledge includes insights of subjects, doubts for finding out
the scientific logics, presentation of logics or experiments, confirmation of truth based on valid theories and
connections of findings logically with other researches done.
Classification of Samsaya3 and clarifications using Pramana Pariksha: Five types of Samasya is suggested
in Indian philosophical texts as Saman Dharmopapatti Moolaka, Aneka Dharmopapatti Moolaka, Vipratipatti
Moolaka, Uplabdhavyavastha Moolaka and Anuplabdhavyavastha Moolaka. Clarifications are based on
methods of Pramana pariksha.
Discussion and Conclusion: Doubt is tool of searching mind. Enunciation, definition and examination are
three processes mentioned to clarify any doubt. Many of present invention is result of doubt. So, it is a tool of
knowledge for rational mind.
Key words: Samsaya, Doubt, Tool of Knowledge, Pramana, Viparyaya, Uha, Anadhyavasaya........
Creative doubt is essential for pursuit of knowledge1. Samsaya (doubt) connected to practical life or creativity
only is good. Doubt is contemplated as an important tool for acquiring the logical knowledge for intellects energized
to solve problems. The reference of doubt is taken as tool for real cognition in Indian philosophy. It is source of
deductive reasoning to draw conclusions based on logical proofs. Appropriate reasoning based on specific cause is
used only if doubt arises. So, doubt is accessory part of syllogism2.
Nyayasutra 1.1.23 specifies Samsaya as a conflicting judgement arisen from cognition and understanding
of distinguished attributes of objects from other objects3. It actually happens in case of recollection of alternatives of
perception of different objects containing similar properties in single act of thought4. It occurs till certainty is not
Causes are detailed in terms of not resulting to Samasya. Nyayasutra 2.1.1-7 specifies the conditions not
resulting to Samsaya as it does not arise from the recognition of common or uncommon properties of object
conjointly or separately6 because, in this proper understanding of properties lies. It also does not arise from conflicting
testimony or from irregularity of perception and non-perception6. As in case of confliction, strong argument lies
against the object and in case of irregularity of perception or non-perception, complete understanding is present6.
Newsletter of ARMARC Vol 28 Series 9 3 SEPTEMBER - 2022 ISSN: 2455-1384
Samsaya arises if problem of differentiation persists between two or more objects6.
Charak Vimanasthana 8/43 refers Samsaya to state of indecision about the concerned entity7. It is also
written under important words needed for physicians to understand8. In real sense, the doubt is a state of mind
unable to perfectly cognize the objects or attributes of objects. Such doubt becomes important tool in learning, if
mind searches for clarifications. Want of clarifications brings forth the curiosity. The curiosity becomes the mother of
learning if efforts are made. Such efforts must be based on Pramana Pariksha and logical arguments5,11 as suggested
in texts. Samsaya is also taken amidst sixteen bhavasravas9. It is considered as activity of soul10.
2. Materials and Methods
A detailed reveiw was done from available Indian philosophical books, pubmed and other websites.
3. Result
3.1: Difference of Samsaya from Viparyaya, Uha and Andhyavsaya
Samsaya and Viparyaya12: Viparyaya is direct opposition by means of homogenous or heterogeneous arguments
based on some kind of example. In this case, opposition is certain. But doubt is state of uncertainty.
Samsaya and Uha13: Uha is ascertaining something based on incomplete information. This is result of overconfidence
based on experiences negating the reality. Here again certainty is case in opposite to doubt.
Samsaya and Anadhyavasay14: Anadhyavasay is information without logical understanding leading to misinformation.
It differs from Samsaya as Samsaya is uncertain judgement in absence of confirmatory evidences.
3.2: Steps of logical knowledge15
Samsaya is placed in pivotal position among the steps of valid cognition as without doubt logical discernment
is not possible. Doubts should be clarified in orderly and scientific manner. The five suggested steps for valid cognition
(knowledge) are:
1. Subject to be explained (Vishaya): Subject is first step of logical discernment. It can be correlated with
research questions or problems to be solved. Undertaken subject sets the whole process. Based on nature
of questions, decisions for selection of methods should be taken. Opted methods guide the validity and
quality of cognition.
2. Doubt (Samsaya): Once subject is chosen, then doubt on those subjects are normal, until certain valid
cognition based on logical explanation is obtained. Doubt impels to acquire the logical solution.
3. Side of logic (Paksha): Logical presentation is brought either in favour or in objections of doubt. Prima
facie of those logics can be clarified by observations (experimental or non-experimental) or literature review
or expert opinion. Once, this is done. Then, hypothesis is set for its testing. Accordingly, objectives are fixed
to achieve the target. Acquiring of detailed favour or objection against hypothesis is part of materials and
methods or processes used to obtain the evidences. This is uttrapaksha or result.
4. Principles of those logics (Siddhanta): Processes selected should be reliable, valid and universal to
reduce the errors19. Conceptual and theoretical logics are applied in research20,21. So, this part is scientific
Newsletter of ARMARC Vol 28 Series 9 4 SEPTEMBER - 2022 ISSN: 2455-1384
basis of materials and methods selected to solve the doubt.
5. Connection of those logics with subject to be explained (Samgati): This portion is related with discussion
to draw conclusion as undertaken subject is compared with initial hypothesis with detailed connection of
presented logic with other researches done in same area22.
3:3: Classification of Samsaya3 and clarifications using Pramana Pariksha
1. Saman Dharmopapatti Moolaka (By means of common properties): Such Samsaya is related with
doubt generated after observation of common or similar properties lying with many of objects. Indicated
doubt is commonly experienced in medical profession as a patient comes with complain of headache lasting
more than a month. Naturally, doubt arises to find the reason of chronic headache as it may be due to tension
or psychological reasons (anxiety, depression, hypochondriasis etc.) or post-traumatic or as referred one.
Present doubt is after the common symptoms of aforesaid causes. The exact cause can be inferred only after
proper differential diagnosis.
Samsaya originated from common or similar properties lying with many of objects, can be clarified
looking in details about the differentiating characters or properties. As exact cause for headache lasting more
than one month can be inferred from differential diagnosis. Both inference of diagnostic techniques and
taking history of patients are parts of Pratyaksh Pramana. In this case, first it is differentiated in primary or
secondary headaches. Then, duration of headache in a day is differentiated. Thereafter, based on various
diagnostic approaches including neuroimaging and techniques, exact cause is ascertained16.
2. Aneka Dharmopapatti Moolaka (By means of uncommon properties): Number of times, Samsaya
originates from recognition of uncommon properties also, as if a patient only asks for remedy of constipation.
Doubt for acute or chronic (lasting three or more months) constipation comes to mind of physician.
Knowledge of complete history and physical examination of patients are important to clear the
doubt of acute or chronic constipation. Nutritional status, weight-loss, abdominal distention, hypothyroidism
symptoms etc. are observed. Then based on colorectal imaging, blood count, hormone and electrolyte
levels etc., real cause is fixed17.
3. Vipratipatti Moolaka (By means of conflicting proofs): This type of Samsaya is result of conflicting
evidences as for a person suffering from osteoarthritis has always doubt to select allopathic or ayurvedic
physician. Guideline of treatment in modern medical science suggests corticosteroid injection or physiotherapy
while Ayurveda treats such patients attending the modifying factors causing such problems.
In case of selection of system for the treatment of osteoarthritis, percentage of reliefs, time taken for
relief, duration of relief etc. should be obtained from various sources including patients admitted to specific
systems. Asking to others about the opinion is Prarthanumana. Indian texts suggest that Prarthanumana
should be crossed using Panchavayava viz., Pratigya, Hetu, Udaharana, Upanaya and Nigamana to
Newsletter of ARMARC Vol 28 Series 9 5 SEPTEMBER - 2022 ISSN: 2455-1384
Then, accordingly decision should be made18.
4. Uplabdhavyavastha Moolaka (By means of irregularity of perception): In many instances doubt
arises due to lack of appropriate perception. In healthcare system, due to overconfidence of physician or
lack of time or incomplete pathological reports or too much interference from patients, irregularity of perception
is caused leading to doubt. Such cases result in misdiagnosis.
Overconfidence of physician or lack of time or incomplete pathological reports are related with
incomplete perception in terms of Pramana Pariskha. Such doubt can be involvement of time and judgement
based on logics.
5. Anuplabdhavyavastha Moolaka (By means of irregularity of non-perception): This type of Samsaya
appears due to not perceiving the originality. Many of physicians are unaware about lots of rare diseases.
This is commonly seen in primary healthcare system as healthcare professionals get confused and this results
in diagnostic errors.
In case of not aware about the rare diseases, visiting experts (Aptopdesha), study etc. can be used
to clear the doubt.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
Doubt is related to creative brains searching for maximum possibilities and looking to best out of them. It is
a tool for real cognition or knowledge. It is medium to validate the knowledge and remove the uncertainty. In Indian
philosophy, doubt is considered positively for finding out the logics after the selected subjects. Persistent Samsaya
is taken as part of Aprama (invalid cognition) along with Viparyaya, Uha and Swapnagyana23. Nyaya philosophy
have classified the Samsaya based on unreliability of perceptions of various characters. Screening of those doubts
drives to earn knowledge on related subject.
Enunciation, definition and examination are three processes suggested to clarify any doubt. Enunciation and
definition are parts of Adhyaya and that is needed for examination24. Nyaya sutra 1.1.41 notes that complete
examination for ascertainment removes doubt25. Doubt is common for those not ascertained or for those non-
existing. Prasastpadbhasya refers Samsaya to result of indecisive logic. It also happens due to lack of specific
knowledge. Inability to connect the properties of known with unknown creates Samsaya. These doubts are clarified
with experiences (based on experiments and related observations) and recollection of memories.
Rational searching mind hunting for solutions of problem is important to make doubt as a tool for knowledge.
Uncertainty in understanding leads to make efforts in course of coming closure to truth and, this ultimately adds to
knowledge. Many of present invention is result of such doubts as without doubt first idea is accepted and new
thoughts are not coming to mind. So, doubt is fruitful for searching and rational mind. Many more literature inputs are
needed to explore.
Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest lies as per authors.
Funding: Not funded
Newsletter of ARMARC Vol 28 Series 9 6 SEPTEMBER - 2022 ISSN: 2455-1384
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