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Title Page
Subject: Business writing in English
Report for: Eleven Team
Prepared by: Y Le (Team Leader)
Date: 05 September 2022

2. Table of contents

Title Page 1
Table of contents 1
Executive summary 1
Introduction 1
Research 2
Findings 2
Conclusion 2
Recommendations 2
Appendix 2
Bibliography 3

3. Executive summary
This report outlines why it is important to learn business writing in English.
Recommendations include:
● Taking business writing training courses
● Practicing writing everyday

4. Introduction
This report explains why it is important for me and my friends to study business
writing in English. It goes on to make recommendations for improving skill in the
5. Research
We contacted Group 8, the members in our class, to find out the reason why we study
business writing in English is important.

6. Findings
We all use English on a daily basis at work, mainly for communication with contacts
overseas, both clients and suppliers. It is very important to the success of our
communication that we use English clearly and appropriately. Our contacts need to
understand exactly what we say, and we need to understand them. Furthermore, we
need to be able to use English to influence people and situations. This means we need
to write in an appropriate tone and style to achieve our aims.

7. Conclusion
Although we already speak and write English to a high standard, it is extremely
important that we study business writing in English. This will benefit us individually,
as it will take our English to the next level and reduce possible risks caused by

8. Recommendations
● We should take business writing training courses because they will help you
crush things that weaken writing, like overuse of adverbs, or grammar, …
● We should practice writing everyday

9. Appendix
Transcript of Interview
Interviewer: Y Le
Interviewee: Thao Huynh
Date of interview: 04 September 2022
List of Acronyms: YL=Y Le, TH=Thao Huynh

YL: Why do you think it is important to study business writing in English?

TH: I think we all use English on a daily basis at work, mainly for
communication with contacts overseas, both clients and suppliers. It is very
important to the success of our communication that we use English clearly and
appropriately. Our contacts need to understand exactly what we say, and we
need to understand them.

YL: Thank you for your answer.

10. Bibliography
British Council:

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