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An explosive game!

Andrés Santiago Sabogal (AS)

David Alejandro Pava Vargas (DP) and the other characters that appear here
David Coy Vélez (DC)

*At the airport, AS was waiting in a queue to enter to an airplane because he had to go to
Tokyo/Japan for a job opportunity, so he has been playing on his Nintendo switch ever since*
AS: why don’t I like travelling on airplanes? It is said that they are safer than driving.
DC: Hi man, is that the new Nintendo switch OLED? Isn’t it?
Gosh I haven’t seen one, Could I take a look?
AS: sure but be careful I’ve just bought it. To be honest this is my first ever gaming console.
DC: Seriously?! This is your first gaming console? It’s still a pretty good console.
*Boarding the airplane*
Announcer: People from the flight LH543 headed for Tokyo-Japan that is going to stopover in
Frankfurt-Germany, go to the door 5 for boarding.
DC: What is your seat? According to my mom mine is the 21C,
AS: Wow, mine is the 21B, I think that we are going to be fellow passengers.

*In the airplane*

Flight-attendant: (In Spanish) Muy buenos días pasajeros del vuelo LH543 con destino a Tokio-
japón. Desde Avianca les damos un gran saludo para este largo trayecto, les recuerdo que este
vuelo hace una escala de 3 horas en Frankfurt-Alemania.
(In english) Good morning passengers from flight LH543 headed to Tokyo-Japan. From
Avianca we give to you a greeting for this large route, remember that this flight is going to do a
stopover of 3 hours in Frankfurt-Germany.
DC: Are you going to play in the flight?
AS: sure, I’m going to play in the flight, but we are going to take off and I cannot play while the
airplane is taking off. I can play when the airplane raises to the cruise elevation.
DC: I do not like to wait
AS: And the climate looks bad, I think it may rain. That means that you should wait more.
Pilot: climate looks bad, but nothing will stop this airplane.
*Engines turn on*
*Airplane takes way to the northeast*
*Rase starts*
AS: Gosh, I can’t imagine that this can be the worst part
DC: is your first time travelling on an airplane? Isn’t it?
AS: it’s difficult to explain.
*Airplane arrives to the cruise elevation*
AS: ah damm it, I’m dizzy
DC: Great, while you take a breath can I play with your switch?
AS: Okey, but don’t harm it. I am going to go to the toilet
*Goes to the toilet*
AS: OMG I DO NOT TURNED ON THE FLIGHT MODE, it can be harmful to the plane.
Nah, but its too small, it can’t harm the airplane
*Airplane explodes and they appear on BoTW’s map*
DC: sir, wake up.
The hit was very hard
AS: where we are?
DC: We are on the BoTW’s map
AS: And why are only you and me here, where is the tripulation
We should finish the game to go back
AS: what? Why do you know that?
DC: that says the Sheikah slate
And it says that we need to defeat Ganon, the dark best
AS: NO, that is literally impossible
I cannot defeat him
DC: Keep calm, we have the light bow
AS: ok, but where is Ganon?
DC: hm, on your left
AS: OMG is colossal
We cannot defeat him
DC: look at me
*Destroys Ganon with the light bow*
AS: WHAT?! How could you destroy him?
It was enormous
DC: Yes, but I have the light bow, and good aiming
AS: it was easier than I expected
Yes, but now we have to come back
*Wakes up from a dream*
DC: Hi, how was your nap?
I finished BoTW, it was amazing
We are on the 2nd flight, my dad helped you to lift up and enter to the airplane.
now we are going to descend, so thank you for lending me your switch.
AS: ok it was a dream, I thought that the airplane exploded, and we were on the BoTW’s map
DC: you shouldn’t eat too much before sleeping
Pilot: passengers from flight LH716 headed to Tokyo-Japan. Your pilot is talking and now is
time to descend to the international airport of Haneda.
*Airplane descends and the new boss of AS is waiting for him*
DP: hey what was the delay? We are overdue, the Nintendo direct will start in 30 minutes and
we have to be there
AS: Omg, I forgot that I’m so sorry
Let’s go now
DP: who is that kid, he has a switch OLED on his hands
AS: oh, that’s mine, and he is a friend that helped me when I fainted.
DP: bring that kid and his family with us
DC: I was here since you arrived Sir DP
I want to go with you, but where are we going to go?
DP: we are going to go to the presential Nintendo direct
But go now to the bus, we are late!


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