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Marble waste characterization and reinforcement in low density

polyethylene composites via injection moulding: Towards improved
mechanical strength and thermal conductivity
Anam Khan a,b, Ravi Patidar a, Asokan Pappu a,b,⇑
CSIR - Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (AMPRI), Bhopal 462026, India
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), India

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Sustainable approach for marble

waste recycling in manufacturing
composite material.
 Composites have been prepared
under injection moulding system.
 Incorporation of 50% marble waste
enhanced the performance of
composite quality.
 Solution to reduce adverse effect of
marble waste mismanagement.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Enormous amount of accumulated waste is a matter of concern for environmental safety as it influences
Received 30 June 2020 other precarious issues such as air pollution, land degradation, in addition to contamination of water &
Received in revised form 23 September soil through leaching. A proficient recycling and management of generated solid waste is the key option
to overcome such issues. Sustainable utilization of marble waste particulates as reinforcement in manu-
Accepted 4 October 2020
Available online xxxx
facturing LDPE-MW (low density polyethylene-marble waste) composites through injection moulding
technique has been investigated. The mineralogical study of marble waste particulates revealed existence
of dolomite (CaMg (CO3)2) and calcite (CaCO3) as major minerals with very small quantity of quartz
Marble waste
(SiO2). Parallel results were obtained by thermal and FTIR analyses of marble waste particulates. The
Sustainability average particle size of marble waste particulates was 15.98 ± 3.319 mm with the bulk density
Mechanical properties 1.49 ± 0.007 g/cc and porosity 35 ± 1.85%. The pH was adjusted at 7.86 ± 0.003 and electrical conductivity
Recycling was 3.78 ± 0.061 mS/cm. The FE-SEM analysis showed irregular morphology of marble waste particulates.
Injection moulding Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, tensile modulus, flexural strength, flexural modulus and
Thermal conductivity impact strength of LDPE-MW composites were determined. Thermal conductivity of LDPE-MW compos-
ites was also reported. The obtained results showed maximum enhancement in the strength and thermal
conductivity with incorporation of about 50% marble waste particulates. The findings of the present study
revealed that there is considerable potential for large scale recycling of marble waste in making LDPE
based hybrid materials, leads to create new application as architectural cladding wall panel, electrical
insulating floor tiles and damping pads.
Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

⇑ Corresponding author at: Chief Scientist, CSIR - Advanced Materials and

Processes Research Institute (AMPRI), Bhopal 462026, India.
E-mail addresses:, (A. Pappu).
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: A. Khan, R. Patidar and A. Pappu, Marble waste characterization and reinforcement in low density polyethylene composites via injection moulding: Towards
improved mechanical strength and thermal conductivity, Construction and Building Materials,
A. Khan, R. Patidar and A. Pappu Construction and Building Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

1. Introduction Research done by Singh et al. [18], Saygili et al. [19] and Patel
et al. [20] have reported the utilization of marble powder to
The ever-growing population gives rise to extensive need and improve soil properties while research done by Ghazy et al. [21],
more utilization of natural resources. To fulfil the demand from Bhalothia et al. [22] and Godboley et al. [23] used marble powder
domestic, new technologies in agricultural and industrial area have as an adsorbing material for lead, chromium and fluoride. The
been developed, which generates solid and hazardous wastes as by- study conducted by Khan et al. [24], Bilgin et al. [25] and Munir
products [1,2]. Industrial processes such as cutting, grinding and et al. [26] utilized marble waste for manufacturing of bricks. The
mining operations produce large quantity of marble waste particu- other studies done by Sharma et al. [27], Asokan et al. [28], Vard-
lates in the form of solid as well as liquid (Slurry). The improper dis- han et al. [29] and Selim et al. [30] showed partial replacement
posal of these wastes is responsible for several environmental of sand, cement and immobilisation of hazardous wastes by incor-
problems [3]. This includes land degradation, pollution in water poration of marble waste.
bodies due to leaching of toxic species which further affects the In the present study LDPE-MW composites were fabricated with
habitat of flora, fauna and human health [4]. The state of Rajasthan various concentrations of marble waste particulates (10–50%)
alone produces about 12 MT of marble waste annually [5]. using injection moulding process at two different melt tempera-
Attempts have been made by various researchers to utilize mar- tures (110 and 140 °C), since marble waste is inorganic in nature
ble waste particulates in making polymer composites (supplemen- therefore elevated temperature from the melting temperature of
tary Table 1). The recycled artificial marble powder (60%) was used LDPE has been used to ensure proper blending of marble waste
as filler material for the production of AMP/HDPE wood composites particulates with the matrix. The effect of marble waste particu-
[6]. The resultant mechanical properties revealed that the compos- lates on various properties of LDPE-MW composites has been
ites possessed tensile strength of 28.00 MPa along with flexural investigated. This study aims to recycle marble waste generated
strength and flexural modulus of about 42.80 MPa and 2.70 GPa, in huge quantity as a reinforcing material for making LDPE-MW
respectively. Borsellino et al. [7] studied the impact of marble composite under injection moulding for possible application as
waste content and type of matrix (epoxy and polyester) on architectural cladding wall panel, electrical insulating floor tiles
mechanical properties of composites. The composites manufac- and damping pads as no work has been reported yet for use of mar-
tured using marble waste (60%) with polyester resin under rotation ble waste recycling under injection moulding process.
moulding showed a flexural strength and flexural modulus of
30.70 MPa and 7.33 GPa with the water absorption of about 2. Materials and methods
0.12% while with epoxy resin they showed flexural strength and
flexural modulus of 22.20 MPa and 4.86 GPa with water absorption 2.1. Processing and preparation of sample for characterization
of about 0.07%. The needle- punched nonwoven jute fibre/epoxy
(NPNJE/E) composites were fabricated using marble waste content The marble waste particulates (M 1) was collected from mar-
of about 30% [8] and composites showed tensile strength and flex- ble cutting and processing industries in Chittorgarh district,
ural strength of 35.48 MPa and 71.87 GPa and the corresponding Rajasthan, India. It was dried in an oven at 110 °C for 6 h. The dried
density was found to be 1.29 g/cc. The study conducted by Cinar sample was crushed and passed through sieve (ASTM-35). The
& Kar [9] produced composites using marble dust (25%) and poly- sample was prepared to achieve 1.0% moisture content and used
ethylene terephthalate. The reported tensile strength and flexural for analysis. LDPE (16 MA400; density 0.918 g/cc) was purchased
strength were 16.00 MPa and 48.00 MPa, respectively. The work from reliance polymers and used as received. For all the water
done by Sales et al. [10] showed flexural strength of 14.90 MPa required experiments Millipore milliQ ultrapure water was used
with water absorption 0.30% and density of 1.40 g/cc. The influence with resistivity of 18.2 MO/cm.
of compaction pressure and particle composition on properties of
crushed marble and unsaturated polyester resin slabs made by 2.2. Fabrication of LDPE-MW composite
Ribeiro & Rodriguez [11] showed flexural strength and flexural
modulus of 18.40 MPa and 9.70 GPa, respectively and the corre- The homogeneous mixture of marble waste and LDPE was pre-
sponding density was 2.37 g/cc with water absorption of 0.42%. pared manually. The as prepared mixture was transferred to the
The work done by Gokdai et al. [12] depicted that the polymer injection moulding machine (Nova Servo 15, Milacron, India) at
matrix composites using pine cone, marble waste and ATH (alu- different melt temperatures (110 and 140 °C). The weight fraction
mina trihydrate) exhibited a flexural strength of 57.48 MPa and of mixture of marble waste and LDPE is given in Table 1.
flexural modulus of 7.35 GPa with 1.73 g/cc of density, respec-
tively. It is evident from the results that polyester resin with pine 2.3. Characterization techniques
cone possessed higher mechanical strength due to the contribution
of fibres. The work carried out by Gomes Ribeiro et al. [13] on arti- The pH and electrical conductivity were analysed using
ficial marble showed flexural strength of 26.60 MPa and flexural Labman-LMPH 12 and Labman-LMCM 20, respectively. The analy-
modulus of 21.50 GPa. The corresponding water absorption was sis was carried out in 1:2 solid: water ratio suspension. Physico-
lower (0.16%) whereas density was higher (2.38 g/cc). The polymer chemical characteristics such as bulk density and porosity were
composites reinforced by chicken feathers with marble waste measured in accordance with ASTM: F1815-11 while specific grav-
(28%) have showed a density of 1.63 g/cc with flexural strength ity was measured following ASTM: D854-00. In all cases replicate
and flexural modulus of 63.84 MPa and 6.55 GPa respectively while samples have been tested and reported.
the water absorption was 0.55% with the thickness 0.07% [14]. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis for marble waste particulates
Ahmed et al. [15] used marble waste and natural rubber for making was performed using X-ray diffractometer Rigaku Mini Flex II
hybrid composites and achieved a tensile strength of 6.50– (Japan) with Cu Ka radiation (k = 1.5401 Å) at room temperature
23.12 MPa using 60% of marble waste. The study carried out by with scanning range of 10–75 (2 h).
Icduygu et al. [16] on application of polyester with 77% marble Thermogravimetric analysis of marble waste was performed
waste has resulted a flexural strength of 42.2 MPa. The use of using Mettler Toledo thermogravimetric analyzer TGA/DSC 1
20% marble waste with epoxy resin has showed a tensile strength (Germany) at inert atmosphere of nitrogen by continuous heating
and tensile modulus of 5.52 MPa and 17.66 GPa respectively [17]. from room temperature to 1200 °C with a heating rate of 10 °C/min.
A. Khan, R. Patidar and A. Pappu Construction and Building Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Preparation and Formulation of LDPE-MW composite under injection moulding.

S. No. Sample ID Marble waste content (gm.) Polymer content (gm.) Pressure (bar) Temperature(oC)
1. LDPE-MW-0% 0 500 40 110 & 140
2. LDPE-MW-10% 50 500 40
3. LDPE-MW-15% 100 500 40
4. LDPE-MW-20% 150 500 40
5. LDPE-MW-25% 200 500 40
6. LDPE-MW-30% 250 500 40
7. LDPE-MW-50% 500 500 40

Particle size analysis of the marble waste was carried out using ments of particles in the given volume as bulk density depends
Horiba Partica Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer on the size of powder particles, the spatial arrangement of particles
LA-950 V2 (Japan). Ethanol was used as a dispersion medium. in the powder bed and presence of ions in the sample. Research
The refractive indices used for ethanol and marble waste were done by Patel et al. [31] showed bulk density in the range of 1.3–
1.360 and 1.560, respectively. 1.5 g/cc while Bdour et al. [32] showed bulk density in the range
Elemental analysis (CHNS) of marble waste particulates was of 1.25–1.65 g/cc.
carried out using Vario EL III elemental analyser (Germany). Sul- The specific gravity of marble waste particulates (M 1) was
phanilic acid (E. Merck, 64,271 Darmstadt, Germany) was used as observed to be 2.32 ± 0.016 which suggests degree of saturation
a standard. Tungsten (VI) oxide (Elementar, Art No. 11.02-0017) and void ratio in the sample. The reported value was observed to
was used as a catalyst along with the sample. be less as compared to the work carried out by Aruntas et al.
FTIR analysis of marble waste particulates and LDPE-MW com- [33] and Ercikdi et al. [34], where it is Turkish based marble and
posites have been done at room temperature using Thermo Scien- there is a possibility of increase in specific gravity due to geograph-
tific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer (USA) equipped with diamond ical formation of different region. The Marble waste particulates
crystal ATR accessory. The total number of scans were 64. (M 1) showed porosity of 35.24 ± 1.85% which refers to pore
Microstructural analysis of marble waste particulates and LDPE- spaces in the sample. The research work carried out by Kelestemur
MW composites was done using Nova NanoSEM 430 (USA, IE syn- et al. [35] and Sutcu et al. [36] showed almost similar porosity val-
ergy 250) at 3 kV operating voltage. The marble waste particulates ues (24.64, 22.3–42.8) as compared to present work.
were gold-coated before image attainment. EDX analysis was car- The pH of marble waste particulates (M 1) was found to be
ried out using JEOL JCM-6000 plus (Japan) instrument. 7.86 ± 0.003 and electrical conductivity was 3.78 ± 0.061 mS/cm.
Mechanical properties such as tensile strength and tensile mod- This work has been supported by the work carried out by Kabas
ulus were calculated according to ASTM D638 while flexural et al. [37], Moreno et al. [38], Melgar et al. [39] and Perez et al. [40].
strength and flexural modulus were calculated following ASTM
D790. The testing was done using universal testing machine 3.1.2. Elemental analysis
(UTM), 5 kN capacity (LRX Plus, Lloyd, UK). For tensile testing Elemental analysis was carried out to ascertain the amount of
LDPE-MW composites, 50 N load cell was used with cross head Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Sulphur elements present in the
speed of 20 mm min 1 at 50 mm gauge length. The cross head marble waste particulates (M 1). Elemental analysis of the marble
speed of 10 mm min 1 was used for flexural testing. Impact waste particulates is reported in Table 2. The obtained results
strength was measured following ASTM D256 using Tinius Olsen showed that marble waste particulates (M 1) possess noticeable
model 104 (UK). For each parameter at least five samples have amount of carbon while very less amount of hydrogen, nitrogen
been tested. and sulphur due to less availability of organic matter. The consid-
Thermal conductivity was measured using QTM-710 (Japan) at erable amount of carbon content (9.55 ± 0.018%) in marble waste
30 °C with the heater value of 0.3 A. sample was probably due to the decomposition of dolomite (CaMg
(CO3)2) into carbon-based by-products since the reported carbon is
3. Results and discussion inorganic in nature. The negligible amount of hydrogen
(0.11 ± 0.008%) in marble waste particulates is observed which
3.1. Marble waste might be due to presence of moisture in sample. The nitrogen is
absent in the sample which is possibly due to absence of nitrogen
3.1.1. Physico-chemical characterization oxides in marble waste sample. The presence of very less amount
The physico-chemical properties of marble waste particulates of sulphur (0.21 ± 0.032%) indicates the presence of traces of sul-
collected from Chittorgarh have been reported in Table 2. The bulk phates and sulphites respectively. The research work carried out
density of marble waste particulates (M 1) was found to be 1.49 by Eliche-Quesada et al. [3] showed the amount of carbon, hydro-
± 0.007 g/cc which showed variations in the size and arrange- gen, nitrogen and sulphur to be 11.89%, 0.01%, 0.00%, and 0.00%.

Table 2
Physico-chemical, Elemental and Particle Size analysis of Marble Waste particulates.

Sample Replication Bulk Specific Porosity pH Electrical Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur Mean D10 D60 D90
Density Gravity (%) Conductivity (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(g/cc) (mS/cm)
M 1 1 1.49 2.31 35.23 7.86 3.70 9.53 0.10 0 0.18 12.82 1.18 3.90 39.25
2 1.50 2.34 33.40 7.86 3.79 9.56 0.12 0 0.25 15.69 1.12 3.40 42.73
3 1.48 2.31 37.09 7.86 3.85 9.55 0.12 0 0.21 19.44 1.13 3.40 57.87
Mean 1.49 2.32 35.24 7.86 3.78 9.55 0.11 0 0.21 15.98 1.14 3.56 46.61
SD 0.007 0.016 1.85 0.003 0.061 0.018 0.008 0 0.032 3.319 0.032 0.288 9.899

A. Khan, R. Patidar and A. Pappu Construction and Building Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

The study done by Ji et al. [41] showed the amount of carbon to be showed cerussite and hydrocerussite along with the calcite and
8.82%. In a research work done on marble sludge in Spain, C, H, N, S dolomite minerals.
were found to be 11.61%, 0.14%, 0.14% and 0.99% respectively [42].
In other research works done by Kabas et al. [37] and Zornoza et al. 3.1.5. Thermal characterization
[43] the value of Carbon and Nitrogen were found to be NIL in mar- It can be observed from Fig. 1b that marble waste particulates
ble waste. (M 1) exhibited a decomposition onset temperature beyond
700 °C while an endset temperature in vicinity of 850 °C. marble
3.1.3. Particle size analysis waste particulates (M 1) showed a single well-defined decompo-
The particle size distribution graph is shown in Fig. 1c. From the sition in their respective temperature range. In one of the research
particle size data (table 2) of marble waste particulates (M 1), it works, Marble waste has been used for cement manufacturing
can be observed that the average particle size in marble waste [44]. The authors didn’t report any specific values of onset and end-
sample was found to be 15.98 (mm). About 10% of the total popu- set temperatures except the inflection point which was approxi-
lation was under the size of 1.14 (mm), 60% of the total population mately 849 °C with only a single clear differential peak with no
was under the size of 3.56 (mm) while 90% of the total population splitting. A cursory look at the reported TGA thermogram gives a
was under the size of 46.61 (mm). The literature studies on particle temperature range of approximately 700–870 °C for onset and
size of marble waste showed average particle size below 20 (mm) endsettemperature. In another study, an in-depth thermal analysis
[44] and [45]. It was observed from the table that maximum parti- was conducted to analyze various Marble samples in order to dif-
cle size of marble waste sample was under the size of 46.61 (mm) ferentiate them geographically [50]. According to the authors, the
which might be due to the agglomeration of many small particles main decomposition of Marble occurs between 700 and 850 °C,
in the collected sample. mainly attributed to Calcite. Decompositions that occur between
380 and 650 °C have been linked with significant presence of Dolo-
3.1.4. Mineralogical characterization mite [51] which means the presence of Magnesium Carbonate in
XRD studies have been done to identify the mineralogical com- addition to that of Calcium. The Calcite and Dolomite both decom-
position of marble waste particulates. The sharp peaks observed in pose in a continuous manner between 650 and 850 °C, when the
the XRD graph suggests the crystalline nature of the sample. It was atmosphere changes from air to CO2, the decomposition of Magne-
observed from the Fig. 1a that marble waste particulates (M 1) sium Carbonate undergoes first [52].
showed three major mineral phases of calcite (CaCO3) (JCPDS:05–
586), dolomite (CaMg (CO3)2) (JCPDS:36–0426) and quartz (SiO2) 3.1.6. FTIR analysis
(JCPDS:46–1045) and a peak corresponds to actinolite (Ca2 (Mg, The FTIR spectra of marble waste particulates (M 1) is shown
Fe)5Si8O22(OH) 2 was also detected. Both Calcite and Dolomite have in Fig. 1d. The peaks observed at 1424 cm 1 and 1812 cm 1corre-
been reported as major constituents of Marble waste powder in sponds to stretching vibration of carbonate radical which is due to
other research works. The work carried out by Yesilay et al. [46], the presence of dolomite and calcite mineral in the marble waste
Kavas et al. [47] and Firat et al. [48] showed calcite and dolomite sample [4], [53] and [54]. The sharp peaks observed at 875 cm 1
as a major mineral while research done by Mlayah et al. [49] and 728 cm 1attributed to Mg-O bonds which confirms the pres-

Fig. 1. XRD diffractogram (a), TGA thermogram (b), Particle size distribution (c) and FTIR graph (d) of marble waste particulates.

A. Khan, R. Patidar and A. Pappu Construction and Building Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

ence of magnesium based dolomite as a major mineral in the sam- 3.2. LDPE-MW composites
ple [53]. The parallel results have been observed by XRD analysis of
the samples. The small peaks at 463 cm 1 and 517 cm 1 indicates 3.2.1. Mechanical properties
the presence of Si-O bonds which is possibly due to the presence of The mechanical properties obtained for LDPE-MW composites
small amount of quartz mineral in the sample as indicated by min- are shown in table 3. The obtained results showed that the flexural
eralogical studies of the marble waste [55]. The broad peak at strength and flexural modulus of LDPE-MW composites increased
998 cm 1corresponds to C = C bending. The peak at 1081 cm 1 cor- with increase in percentage of marble waste particulates at both
responds to C-O stretching while small peak observed at the temperatures. However, more increment in the flexural
3613.54 cm 1 was due to stretching vibration of O–H group [53] strenghth of LDPE-MW composites at 140 °C was observed as com-
and [54]. pared to 110 °C with the addition of marble waste particulates. The
diffrence in the flexural strength revealed proper melting and mix-
ing of LDPE with the mable waste particulates at 140 °C . The flex-
3.1.7. FE-SEM and EDX analysis ural strength of LDPE-MW composites at 110 °C was found in the
The microstructure of marble waste particulates (M 1) is range of 11.08–14.85 MPa while at 140 °C the flexural strength
shown in Fig. 2 (a, b). It can be observed from the figure that mar- of LDPE-MW composite was found in the range of 10.50–
ble waste particulates are irregular in shape, variable in size and 17.18 MPa. The increased flexural strength with reinforcing mate-
are randomly arranged. However, at high magnification distorted rial content was observed due to the resistance provided by the
rectangular shape of marble waste particulates is observed. These particulates towards the applied bending force and transfer of
variations in shape and size would affect the properties of compos- effective stress from matrix to particulates. Similar results was
ites. Moreover, it can be observed from the images that there was observed by Adeosun et al. [56] and Abdel Salam et al. [57].
enough surface area present for the dispersion of particulates On contrary, tensile strength and tensile modulus of LDPE-MW
within the matrix. The EDX analysis was performed to get the ele- composites was found to be decreased with addition of marble
mental composition of marble waste particulates. From the Fig. 2 waste particlutes. The decrease in tensile strength and tensile
(c) it was observed that marble waste particulates contain calcium modulus was possibley due to increase in the void content and
(18.31%) and magnesium (7.83%) as major elements with the weakened interfacial bonding between the particulates and resin.
traces of silicon (6.44%), aluminium (0.80%), sodium (0.08%), potas- Morover, the larger particle size of marble waste particulates also
sium (0.58%), manganese (0.06%) and iron (0.59). contributes for the initiation of crack [58]. Similar trend was

Fig. 2. FE-SEM images (a,b) and EDS (c) of Marble waste particulates.

A. Khan, R. Patidar and A. Pappu Construction and Building Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Mechanical properties of LDPE-MW Composites.

Mechanical properties of LDPE-MW Composites at 110 °C

Sample ID Flexural Strength (MPa) Flexural Modulus (MPa) Tensile Strength (MPa) Tensile Modulus (MPa) Impact Strength (KJ/m2)
LDPE-MW-0% 10.50 ± 0.14 223.36 ± 14.39 9.15 ± 0.09 54.86 ± 1.18 28.98 ± 0.35
LDPE-MW-10% 12.20 ± 0.47 289.63 ± 14.82 8.88 ± 0.07 72.97 ± 1.79 21.21 ± 0.19
LDPE-MW-15% 12.61 ± 0.23 323.27 ± 73.64 8.79 ± 0.04 71.83 ± 1.34 19.15 ± 0.17
LDPE-MW-20% 12.64 ± 0.23 321.85 ± 7.94 8.75 ± 0.12 76.33 ± 2.25 18.08 ± 0.33
LDPE-MW-25% 13.01 ± 0.21 350.49 ± 32.94 8.68 ± 0.14 78.53 ± 3.27 16.42 ± 0.11
LDPE-MW-30% 14.07 ± 0.37 430.04 ± 30.57 8.68 ± 0.13 90.49 ± 2.03 15.07 ± 0.18
LDPE-MW-50% 14.85 ± 0.40 508.74 ± 61.90 8.80 ± 0.44 90.22 ± 2.90 12.57 ± 0.14
Mechanical properties of LDPE-MW Composites at 140 °C
LDPE-MW-0% 11.08 ± 0.43 244.39 ± 9.54 7.85 ± 0.19 56.19 ± 2.77 24.98 ± 0.27
LDPE-MW-10% 12.37 ± 0.09 296.42 ± 15.56 7.83 ± 0.15 71.45 ± 0.96 15.40 ± 0.13
LDPE-MW-15% 12.61 ± 0.40 343.48 ± 59.49 7.70 ± 0.25 84.99 ± 5.40 12.51 ± 0.20
LDPE-MW-20% 13.65 ± 0.47 374.53 ± 36.05 7.71 ± 0.25 88.93 ± 9.37 10.86 ± 0.26
LDPE-MW-25% 14.59 ± 0.46 487.15 ± 70.58 7.85 ± 0.14 99.11 ± 2.94 9.39 ± 0.11
LDPE-MW-30% 15.90 ± 1.03 610.91 ± 90.49 8.20 ± 0.39 122.11 ± 5.30 8.13 ± 0.28
LDPE-MW-50% 17.18 ± 0.22 704.29 ± 89.54 8.76 ± 0.14 123.40 ± 4.92 6.60 ± 0.41

observed for impact strength of LDPE-MW composites where 3.2.2. FE-SEM analysis
impact strength decreases with the addition of marble waste par- The insight of all the injection moulded LDPE-MW composites
ticulates. The reduction in impact strength with reinforcing mate- at two different melt temperatures (110 °C and 140 °C) are shown
rial content may attributed to the brittle nature of marble waste in Fig. 3 (a, b). The fractured surfaces obtained after tensile test was
particulates. The variations in size of the particulates also reduces used for microstructure analysis. In the morphological images of
ability to absorb and dissipate energy uniformly hence, responsible pure LDPE (Fig. 3b, 0%) smooth surface was visible which indicates
for fracture [57]. proper melting of LDPE at 140 °C. However at 110 °C (Fig. 3a, 0%)

Fig. 3. FE-SEM images of LDPE-MW composites: (a) 110 °C (b) 140 °C.

A. Khan, R. Patidar and A. Pappu Construction and Building Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

slight rough surface was visible due to improper melting of LDPE. additional peaks as compared to neat LDPE due to presence of mar-
The well adhesion between reinforcing material and polymer ble waste particulates in the composites. These peaks corresponds
was observed in Fig. 3 (b, 20%) . The good adhesion between rein- to magnesium oxide and carbonates. Moreover, the band obtained
forcing material and polymer was achieved due to well dispersion at 1463 cm 1 in composites was broader as compared to neat LDPE
of reinforcing material with the polymer without any agglomera- sample. The difference in the intensity of these additional peaks
tion which in turn responsible for the improvement in the mechan- varries with the reinforcing material.
ical strength. Moreover the difference in the amount of reinforcing
material can be observed in Fig. 3 (a, b).
3.2.4. Thermal conductivity
The thermal conductivity recorded for LDPE-MW composites at
3.2.3. FTIR analysis
two different melt temperatures have been shown in table 4. Ther-
The FTIR spectra of LDPE-MW composites at two different melt
mal conductivity analysis was carried out to measure the heat
temperatutres (110 °C and 140 °C) have been shown in Fig. 4 (a, b).
resistance of composites. It is clear from the results of thermal con-
The peaks observed at 2915 cm 1, 2848 cm 1, 1463 cm 1 and
ductivity of LDPE-MW composites that with the addition of marble
1377 cm 1 were attributed to CH2 asymmetric, CH2 symmetric,
waste particulates thermal conductivity increases, which indicates
bending deformation and CH3 symmetric deformation vibrations,
that marble waste particulates are well dispersed in the matrix
respectively. The bands obtained at 729 cm 1 and 719 cm 1 were
system which provide crystalline and better medium for heat to
ascribed to the deformation vibrations [59] and [60]. At both the
transfer [61]. The obtained results showed slight variations in the
temperatures, LDPE-MW-20% and LDPE-MW-50% showed some
thermal conductivity values and indicates that values are almost
constant. However at higher temperature (140 °C) the thermal
conductivity was found to be more as compared to lower temper-
ature (110 °C) which was due to proper melting and mixing of
polymer with the reinforcing material. At temperature 110 °C,
the highest thermal conductivity (0.38 ± 0.004) was obtained for
LDPE-MW-50% while at 140 °C the highest thermal conductivity
was found to be 0.45 ± 0.008 for LDPE-MW-50%.

4. Conclusions

The following conclusions have been drawn from this study:

1. The fabricated composites showed improved mechanical

strength as compared to neat LDPE and reduced the amount
of polymer (plastic) by incorporating marble waste, resulting
in high strength composites.
2. Flexural strength and thermal conductivity of LDPE-MW com-
posites increased with the addition of marble waste
3. About 55% enhanced flexural strength and 45% enhanced ther-
mal conductivity was observed with the addition of 50% marble
waste particulates.
4. The microstructure analysis showed very good bonding
between particulates and matrix. The characteristics band of
LDPE with additional bands of marble waste were observed
through FTIR.
5. Obtained flexible composites have potential to use for multi-
functional applications in which more than 50% marble waste
can be used as a filler and reinforcing materials.
6. Large quantity of marble waste generated during marble pro-
cessing can be utilised for fabrication of LDPE-MW composites.
This alternative solution can minimize precarious effect of mar-
ble waste disposal and its environmental pollution.
Fig. 4. FTIR graph of LDPE-MW composites (a) 110 °C (b) 140 °C.

Table 4
Thermal conductivity of LDPE-MW Composites (110 °C & 140 °C).

Thermal conductivity (W/mK)

Replication 110–0% 110–15% 110–50% 140–0% 140–15% 140–50%
1 0.33 0.36 0.38 0.30 0.42 0.44
2 0.33 0.37 0.38 0.30 0.41 0.44
3 0.33 0.37 0.38 0.32 0.40 0.46
Mean 0.33 0.37 0.38 0.31 0.41 0.45
SD 0.001 0.004 0.004 0.009 0.007 0.008

A. Khan, R. Patidar and A. Pappu Construction and Building Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

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