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Nama Mahasiswa : Soleh AnanUdin

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 043310202

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ADBI4201/Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : UT Jayapura

Masa Ujian : 2022/23.1 (2022.2)


1.Buatlah essay dengan paling tidak 3 paragaph (1 buah paragraph awal, 1 buah paragraph isi
dan 1 buah paragraph penutup).
• Tulislah jawaban anda pada rentangantara 150-200 kata.
• Jawaban essay diketik dalam bentuk word dan dikirimkanke Forum Tugas
Pilihlah salah satutopikberikut:
A. Social Media advertising is more effective than traditional advertising
Do you agree or disagree to the statement?
B. Lack of knowledge of the Business Cycle leads to failure in operating business
Do you agree or disagree to the statement?
C. Political turmoil is the main cause of capital flight
Do you agree or disagree to the statement?
Topic issue
B. Lack of knowledge of the Business Cycle leads to failure in operating business
Do you agree or disagree to the statement? I agree to the statement.

Lack of knowledge of the Business Cycle leads to failure in operating business
In running a business there must be advantages and disadvantages, there are also
successes and failures. Whether starting a business from scratch or one that is already
running, failure in business is one of the things that most business people fear.
Applying the adage "prepare an umbrella before it rains", you certainly need to prepare
and fix the triggering factors from the start. Don't forget to motivate yourself and the
environment around you. Because the right motivation can help you become a wise
Several factors cause entrepreneurs to fail in running their new businesses:
- Incompetent in managerial
Incompetence or not having the ability and knowledge to manage a business is the
main factor that makes the company less successful
- Less experienced
The experience in question is both in the ability to activate, skills in managing human
resources, as well as the ability to integrate company operations

- Attitude that is less serious in trying

A half-hearted attitude towards the business will result in the business being carried
out to be unstable and failure.
So, if you want to get successful in business, you must knowthe business, not lack
business knowledgeto get success.

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