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The children will: The children will

YEAR 2 -recall multiplication and division facts for -read, compare and contrast a range of texts
tables up to 12 x 2 -discuss how settings influence the reactions of characters
AUTUMN TERM 1 -solve addition and subtraction two step -express opinions about the mood and atmospheres created by
problems in contexts, deciding which operation
different authors of narratives
and method to use
MEDIUM TERM PLAN - identify common features and themes from the fantasy texts
-use images to discuss character responses to settings
ENGLISH -construct a narrative using the images
Stories with familiar Settings -re-read to check that their writing makes sense
and Traditional Stories -read aloud what they have written with appropriate
MATHEMATICS The children will: intonation to make the meaning clear.
-Develop pleasure in reading Writing/presentation
In Mathematics we will be learning about -Develop listening skills -Write their own narratives
Number and Place Value. -Sequence events -write a narrative encapsulating what they want to say ,
-Count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0 and in 10’s -Discuss ideas, feelings, and thoughts sentence by sentence
from any number forward and backward. -Develop handwriting skills -Plan, draft, edit and review
-Read and write numbers to at least 100 in -Start using some diagonal and horizontal
numerals and in words. strokes
-Recognise the place value of each digit in a two -Writing for different purposes, real events,
digit number (tens and ones). narratives linked to personal experiences
-Identify, represent and estimate using different -Establishing good vocabulary
representations inc. the number line. -Formation of nouns, adjectives and suffixes-
-Compare and order numbers from 0-100 using subordination (when, if, that, because)
-Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to and co- ordination (or, but, and) in sentences GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION
20 fluently, and derive and use related number The children will learn how to:
facts up to 100. -use both familiar and familiar and new punctuation
-Recognise and use the inverse relationship correctly, including full stops, capital letters, exclamation
between addition and subtraction and use this marks, question marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for
to check calculations and solve missing number Words ending in – ge, dge (badge/age) contracted forms and the possessive.
problems. -g/j? (jar/gem) -sentences with different forms
-Add and subtract numbers mentally. -s sound spelt c before e,i and y (race/city) -expanded noun phrases to describe and specify
-Add and subtract numbers using concrete
-the present and past tense
objects, pictorial rep.
SPELLING GAMES -subordination and co-ordination
-Show that addition of two numbers can be Which One? -some features of Standard English
done in any order. Find My Family.
Teacher Definition/Guess My Word.
Word Hunt.

COME AND SEE SUBJECTS Examine features of the artist Bridget Riley .
During this term we will continue to learn from our Come - To look closely, talk about and draw a group of
and See programme objects and how they are arranged.
Domestic Church-Family To investigate and describe texture.
Beginnings-Signs and Symbols SCIENCE
Animals Including humans.
In this unit, children learn about how humans and
other animals are born, grow and change, and what COMPUTING
PE we need to survive and be healthy. Children explore
Children will be taught: Focus on important computer skills needed for safe
the need for humans to eat a varied diet,
Gymnastics and effective computer use and introduce some
to keep themselves clean, and to take regular
-explore different shapes further skills concerning the use of folders, searching
-line shapes to a sequence for files and printing. Introduce children to
-experiment with balances presentations and teach the skills needed to create a
-to link shapes and balances in short sequences simple presentation.
-to explore different ways of travelling HISTORY
-consolidate and improve quality of actions, body shapes None this half term
and balances, and their ability to improve
-use apparatus to create sequences using all of the above
Tag rugby Where on earth are we? (Hot and Cold Places)
-be able to catch a ball consistently -name and Locate the 7 Continents and 5 Oceans
-be able to pass the ball accurately and with speed -identify the location of hot and cold areas in relation
-be able to attack as individuals, 2s and 3s to the Equator, the North Pole and South Pole
The children will learn:
-be able to dodge a defender when running towards the -use basic geographical vocab to refer to key physical
-to play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts,
goal and human features
using their voices
-recognise which activities help their speed, strength and -use atlases and globes
-to play a musical instrument with increasing accuracy,
stamina -use simple compass directions (North, South, East
fluency, control and expression
-recognise when speed, strength and stamina are important and West)
in games
-be able to identify the main aspects of a good performance
and suggest how a performance could be improved

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