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Last summer I visited perhaps the most famous tower of earth, the Eiffel Tower.

It’s located in Paris,

France and its one of the most important symbols of that city. It’s made of iron and its three hundred
meters tall. It was built from January of 1887 to March the 31 st of 1889 and it was a huge success for the

I remember that day perfectly, it was sunny and noisy in the streets of Paris and I was quiet as the
breeze flew around. When I finally saw the tower, I could tell the reason of its importance, it’s simply
enormous and imposing. I stood still for five minutes only appreciating the shape of it. After that, I went
to a restaurant near the tower and ate some delicious traditional French food.

I highly recommend you to visit the Eiffel Tower, it’s worth the time and you will always remember it as
an awe-inspiring experience.

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