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Well to start with my life I was born in Peru and I have two sisters, one older and one

if I'm the one in the middle, sometimes that is usually complicated, to be honest, those in the
middle always forget us, but for me that was good. he taught me to be independent at a young
age; like everyone in life I have had obstacles; I remember that afternoon after having won a
volleyball championship, my knee swelled and I couldn't walk, I didn't know that from that
moment on I would change my life, in truth I was not good at almost anything, but in sports I
was good at the only thing I believed I and it became my passion until that day, since then I
could not play sports, I was very good at athletics, soccer and volleyball I loved that, I had fun
like never before I did not mind losing even if it was my fault it was fun, my plan was to get a
scholarship With sports, he was not good at studying and being able to compete and keep
advancing; but there my world stopped; Of course, if I had studies and everything and the
truth until now I do not know what I have and until now I can not do sports, I think I need an
MRI, but it costs a lot and there are three of us and as they mentioned it they forget about me
and I did not demand them of that because my parents know so I waited until this year I got
tired, now if they can pay for an MRI but I got tired it hurt every time I went to the doctor and
he told me you have nothing, every time after each study he told me it is not nothing, it hurt
me, it became inflamed, I stopped doing sports and they tell me there is nothing, there is no
solution all these 6 years, since I had to make an effort in my studies if I wanted a future, you
know, do not change my goal, my point of arrival, if not change the way, although if it cost me
and I feel happy to be able to say that I could overcome them alone I never had a man in
whom to cry I always had myself and I think that is enough and it is not the only one obstacle
there was once when I found myself at a low point, this was for my studies ios, I always
remember that night I had been crying for days and I was giving up I wanted to leave this
world, but I remember that I said to myself: "If I'm wrong, maybe it's unfair and if I'm alone,
but maybe crying I'll change my grade ? Perhaps crying magically everything would change ?,
perhaps I will be happy if I stop living? This is my life and I want to make the most of it and if I
make the most of it, it's fine, I learn from it and move forward, it was useless staying, I could
move forward if maybe I come back to fall and again I will get up, you can't wait for someone
to come and get me up "; To be honest, in adolescence and in youth, everyone feels bad so,
come on and until now I keep falling even though I tell myself, I keep getting up and one day I
will be able to fulfill my dreams, those that live in my heart, sometimes it makes me want to
run and Arrive first; But the truth is that life is not about who wins but who reaches the goal.
Now she would hug me and tell me go on like this, only you know everything you have lived so
go on like this Thank you I think it will pass me on words

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