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MODULE 1 – CWTS 10023

Task 1:
1. Each Class Section President will group their section into 4 groups. Have a
discussion regarding Task 2.

Nature Camp Movement

be a part of the breakthrough and let the nature have a care break too.


Bio, Ma. Paula Joy

Overall Chairman

Bayani, Quiana
Co Chairman

Abogadie, Michael Aaron

Program Committee

Corpuz, Shiela Marie

Advertising Committee

Dela Cruz, Svetlana Arielle Miaka

Communications Committee

Fermin, Anne Kelsey

Creatives Committee

Espiritu, Jinky Lou

Quality Assurance Committee

Advisor/ Community Service Supervisor: Ms Macons Ucero

Project Beginning date: May 17, 2022

Project Completion date: June 04, 2022

Task 2: Instructions:

1. Create a plan for the community service you and your group have chosen.
Identify a problem in the community that you feel you could make a
difference in solving if you could organize a group of people to work on it.

Project description (lou)

Nature Camp is a profitable project where in participants can set up camps, and involve themselves with
activities provided by the group. The activities set up would revolve around things that the nature would
benefit from, all the while the party enjoys and immerses themselves. Activities would include but are not
limited to creating bird feeders, trekking, planting trees, jamming as a group, and so on. All the profit
gained from this movement will be donated to a specific animal shelter/other charity and yet to be
We, the entire committee officers decided to hold our nature camp movement this summer season in the
month of march, summer which is perfect for nature activities. The exact date will be at march 11 2022.


-To educate the youth about the importance of nature and how to be future environmentalists.
- To teach people how to help and preserve nature through proper actions.
- To encourage people to cooperate with each other to help the environment.
- To help people be connected with the feeling and beauty of nature.
-To teach various activities that will benefit nature.
-earn profit for a cause; donate the profit to animal shelters.

We have seen that through implementing this Nature camp movement project proposal, natural or
modified ecosystem will be protected, sustainably managed, and restored addressing the identified
challenges facing humanity (e.g. climate change,food and water security, or natural disasters) while also
providing wider benefits to human well-being and biodiversity.

Who would be your beneficiaries?

The profit that has been accumulated from Nature Camp Movement will be donated to the
following organization(s):
 PhilinCon

 Compassion and Responsibility for Animals (CARA) Welfare Philippines

What would you need to do in preparation for the activity?

To be able for our project proposal possible, we make sure that our preparation will execute properly
from defining the problem, collecting and analysing the data, clarifying and prioritizing the problem,
writing a goal statement, monitoring and lastly for the evaluation.

Who could be your teammates in the service?

In line of Nature Camp Movement’s goal to educate the mass and the youth – especially those who chose
to participate – the importance of keeping the environment and its biodiversity, we have chosen to partner
with the following organizations:
- Greenpeace (Philippines)
- Haribon Foundation
- Foundation for the Philippine Environment and;
- Forest Foundation Philippines

Could your school implement the project? Prepare also the program for this

to present idea and organizely explain the logical reasoning to what’s driving to
our project proposal, we include some dissemination parts such as the entire
timeline, project organization, general budget requirement, also the information
dissemination plan, and most importantly the program flow/ the program

Allotted Time Program Segment In Charge

Ms. Shiela Marie

7:00am – 8:00am Early Breakfast
Ms. Svetlana Arielle
8:00am – 9:00am Camp Orientation
Miaka Dela Cruz

10:00am – 11:00am Planting Trees Mr. Aaron Abogadie

Ms. Ma. Paula Joy

11:00am – 12:00nn Creating Rock Arts

12:00nn – 1:00pm Lunch Ms. Lou Espiritu

Ms. Quiana Noshka

1:00pm – 2:00pm Making real flower crafts
Ms. Anne Kelsey
2:00m – 3:00pm Weaving using recycle materials

3:00pm – 3:30pm Camping BBQ/ Afternoon snack Ms. Lou Espiritu

3:30pm – 5:00pm Making log arts Ms. Aaron Abogadie

Ms. Ma. Paula Joy

5:00pm – 6:00pm Making nature bracelets
Ms. Quiana Noshka
6:00pm – 7:00pm Painting with nature
<<Ms. Ma. Paula Joy Bio>>
Master/s of Ceremonies

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