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Day 1: Write about all your likes and dislikes

Almost people have their likes and dislikes and so do I. I believe

everyone should respect the likes and dislikes of others. I will share
some things I love and hate. First, there are a few things that I love to
do. I love watching TV, I love playing video games, and as a student, I
am keen on taking study notes for exams. I also enjoy my hobbies like
reading stories for knowledge, watching movies, and listening to music
for joy and fun. Furthermore, I like people who are humble and not
proud and who care about others. Besides, there is one thing I don’t
like about myself. What I hate the most about myself is my
inconsistency. I have a bad habit of being fickle about almost everything
in life. For example, one day I studied hard, and then I became
introverted for a few weeks. I’m angry with myself for this behavior and
regret it every time, but there’s nothing I can do about it.
Day 2: What is the best way to persuade someone?
Persuasion is a useful way to achieve personal and professional
purposes, so whenever you want to make a suggestion, you can the
ability to persuade people to agree with you, and you can get support
for your plan. I reckon that the best way to convince someone is to talk
about what they will lose if they don’t follow your advice because
people tend to hate losing more than they like winning. If that doesn’t
work, try making them laugh, it will them happier and more willing to
help you.
Day 3: Should cell phones be allowed in school?
In my opinion, cell phones should be allowed in school. There are some
reasons for my opinion. First, cell phones give students access to online
apps and tools that can help them for their learning purposes. Students
can use Google to research lessons they are passionate about. Second,
using smartphones helps students better organize their assignments,
and it also helps teachers set up questions based on what students are
learning in class. Moreover, smartphones are the best way to keep in
touch with others. In an emergency case, having a smartphone can help
you quickly save a life. In conclusion, cell phones help students enhance
their learning, communication.
Day 4: Did you ever get into an argument with a friend or family
member? How did that make you feel?
The argument is an inevitability in a friendship. I remember one time,
my best friend and I got into an argument. As far as I remembered, it
was a trip after the exam. My best friend and I made a plan very
carefully about times and dates, but he still was late, and the trip was
put off. I knew that he was always late, but that time, I raised the roof
with him. My best friend and I had a row, and we didn’t talk to each
other after that. After found out, I knew that he didn’t talk to me about
his father’s disease, and he fainted on the day when we made a plan for
a trip. I regret it. I visited his family and apologized to him.
Day 5: Some people believe that a college or university education
should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education
should be available to only good students. Discuss these views. Which
view do you agree with? Explain why.
Some people believe that a college or university education should be
available to all students, and I agree with that. I reckon that all students
have the chance to choose the way to self-perfection, so a college or
university education should be available to all students.
Firstly, everyone should have the opportunity to keep up with their
education and gain knowledge, and experience. However, some people
think that this value is higher education, and it should be offered only
to the best students. I think that is weird. It is like making it impossible
for people with low IQ to travel. Secondly, some students have poor
grades in school but have strong personalities. With these qualities,
they can achieve better grades than their talented but lazy classmates.
For example, imagine a situation where a teenager is very excited about
grades because his parents constantly encouraged him to study and
helped him with most of his homework. In this case, a child is very good
at school, but I think a college can prove the opposite. In short,
university or college can help all students to learn independence and
make decisions about their future. This is an important part of
education and experience that all students should have.

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