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Contribution of Large Corporations Towards Climate Change

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Contribution of Large Corporations Towards Climate Change

Large corporations play a massive part in managing climate change. Motor vehicle

companies like Toyota, BMW, Honda, Ford Motor Company, and Tata Motors develop vehicles

that consume fossil fuel which when broken down produce carbon dioxide which is a greenjouse
gas. Tesla, another vehicle-producing corporation uses green energy to power their vehicles,

fighting adverse climate change. Other companies such as Cargill, IKEA, and BlackRock make

money off deforestation, an activity that bares the earth and releses more carbon dioxide to the

atmosphere thus trapping heat on earth. These actions directly affect the earth's ability to lose

heat, showing how large companies play their roles in the management of climate change.

Highway vehicles release about 1.4 billion tons of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the

atmosphere each year, mostly in the form of carbon dioxide. Toyota, BMW, Honda, Ford Motor

Company, and Tata Motors are just a few of the numerous large corporations that use fossil fuels
to power their vehicles. These vehicles break down the fuel to produce carbon dioxide which is a

greenhouse gas. The gas traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere thwarting the planet’s attempts to

radiate the extra heat to space. This inability to lose extra heat raises the earth’s core temperature

leading to the greenhouse effect, playing a role in making the earth arid.

Cargill Incorporated, a United States-based food company is infamous for its

deforestation practices according to Mighty Earth. Cargill is involved in the destruction of the

Amazon, Grand Chacon, and Cerrado ecosystems for the production of soy and beef in Brazil,

Bolivia, and Paraguay. Deforestation by burning or cutting down causes the trees to produce

Carbon Dioxide which being a greenhouse gas, traps heat in the atmosphere, causing an increase

in temperature, and later, desertification.

Alphabet, a tech world giant and parent company to Google is a major advocate for

environmental sustainability. In 2007, the company became carbon neutral, and 10 years later, it

followed this up by becoming the first corporation of this magnitude to match its total electricity

consumption with renewable energy. HP, a massive information technology corporation has

made fighting climate change its primary objective. The company launched HP Sustainable

Forest Collaborative to support reforestation. HP also worked to remove deforestation from its

supply chain by 2016 and did this for all paper-based product packaging by the end of 2020.

These efforts to go green by massive corporations give the earth a fighting chance to combat

climate change.
Climate change is a menace that needs to be fought vigorously. Companies like Cargill,

IKEA, and BlackRock however, choose to ignore the effects of their actions towards climate

change by accepting deforestation, while the motor vehicle industry has failed miserably in the

war to combat climate change by utilizing carbon dioxide-belching fossil fuel which accelerates

the greenhouse effect on the planet earth. Other corporations like HP, Alphabet, Unilever, and

Tesla have fought to manage climate change by dropping deforestation activities and using

reliable green sources of energy to power their vehicles. It is such efforts that show the massive

roles played by large corporations in climate change.


“Climate Change Litigation turns up the heat on corporations” (no date) Climate Change and

Law Collection [Preprint]. Available at:

“Climate Change Litigation turns up the heat on corporations” (no date) Climate Change and
Law Collection [Preprint]. Available at:

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