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A traverse consists of a series of straight lines connecting successive established points along the route of a survey.
The points defining the ends of the traverse lines are called traverse stations or traverse points. Distances along the line
between successive traverse points are determined either by direct measurement using electronic distance measurement
(EDM) equipment or a tape or by indirect measurement using tacheometric method. At each point where the traverse
changes direction, an angular measurement is taking using a theodolite. When stand-alone EDM devices and theodolites are
used to measure distance and direction, the traverse is performed in two dimensions. If a total station system is used,
distance and direction are obtained by a single instrument and traverse are possible in two or three dimensions. Emphasis is
on the operations, computation, simple adjustment of two-dimensional traverse, and computations with coordinates.
Partition of land, error propagation, and rigorous adjustment of traverses by the method of least squares is developed for
two-dimensional traverse.
Traverse by the global positioning system (GPS) also possible. This operation is a special case.

Equipment for Traversing: Equipment usually consist of a total station system, or theodolite and EDM, or tape. The
following are supporting equipment for each system: prism poles, reflectors, targets or combined reflector and target, data
collector, range poles and plumb bob, stakes and hubs, tacks, axe or hammer, field notebooks, taping pins, and marking
crayons. Also included are devices for marking stations, such as ordinary or special nails, a cold chisel, spray paint, and
colored plastic flagging or tape. A two-way radio is invaluable to expedite communication. Where forced-centering is to be
employed, three tripods compatible with the total station instrument or theodolite, reflectors, and sighting targets are
required. In forced centering, after the instrument ( total station system or theodolite ) has been centered using the optical
plummet, the upper part of the instrument ( alidade ) can be removed from the tribrach by releasing a clamp. The centered
tribrach remains on the tripod and a reflector or target can be slipped into place and locked into position, where it will be
centered automatically and ready for making a sight or distance measurement.

Traverse Stations: Any temporary point of reference over which the instrument is set up is called a traverse station. On
most surveys, the traverse station is a peg, called the hub, driven flush with the ground and having a tack driven into its top
to mark the point of reference for the measurements. On pavements, the traverse station may be a driven nail, a cross cut in
in the pavement or curb, or a tack set in a hole drilled with a star drill and filled with lead wool. In land surveying, the
stations often are steel pipes or rebar, stones, or other less permanent monuments set at the corners. Pointed metal rods,
which are driven by a collar slipped cover the top, are available. When driven, the collar is removed and replaced by a
special metal cap on which a punch mark defines the point of reference. The location of the hub, pipe, rod or whatever
marks a station usually is indicated by a flat guard stake extending above the ground and driven at a slope so that its top is
over the station. This guard stake carries the number or letter of the traverse station over which it stands. Usually the
number is marked with keel, lumber crayon, or a felt-tipped pen on the underside of the stake and reads down the stake.
Hubs are generally are square, say 5 by 5 cm. and guard stakes are flat, perhaps 2 by 8 cm.

Purpose of the Traverse: Traversing is a convenient, rapid method for establishing horizontal control. It is particularly
useful in densely built-up areas and in heavily forested regions, where the lines of sight are short, so that neither
triangulation nor trilateration is suitable, and obstructions over head or surrounding the points reduce the effectiveness of
GPS surveys. Traverse are made for numerous purposes, including:
1. Property surveys to locate or established boundaries
2. Supplementary horizontal control for topographic mapping
3. Location and construction layout surveys fro highways, railways, and other private and public works
4. Ground control surveys for photogrammetric mapping
Frequently, traverse is employed to densify the number of coordinated control points in networks for which the primary
controlling points were established by photogrammetric or GPS surveys.

Types of Traverese:
1. Open traverse. Originates at a point of known position and terminates at a point of unknown position. No
computational check is possible to detect errors, or blunders in distances or directions in this type of traverse. To
minimize errors, distances can be measured twice, angles turned by repetition, magnetic bearings observed on all
lines, and astronomic observations made periodically.
2. Closed traverse. Originate at a point of known position and close on another point of known horizontal position.
Geographic latitude and longitude or x and y coordinates on a rectangular coordinate grid system. This type of
traverse is preferable to all others because computational checks are possible that allow detection of systematic
errors in both distances and direction.
Deflection Angle Traverse – This method of running traverse probably is more commonly employed than any other,
especially on open traverses where only a few details are located as the traverse is run. It is used almost entirely for the
location surveys for roads, railroads, canals, and pipelines. It is employed to a lesser extent in land surveying and
establishing control traverses for topographic and hydrographic surveys.

Successive transit stations are occupied, and at each station a back-sight is taken with the horizontal circle set at 0 and
the telescope in the reversed position. The telescope is then reversed, the foresight is taken by turning the instrument
about the vertical axis on its upper motion, and the deflection angle is observed. The angle is recorded as right (R) or
left (L), according to whether the upper motion is turned clockwise or counterclockwise. Usually, it is considered good
practice to observe the deflection angle at least twice, once with the telescope direct and once reversed, this process is
called turning the angle by double deflection.

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