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BS4D03 Management Project / Assessment Criteria

Client Aims &

Clear identification of the Client’s requirements setting out the objectives of the study 10%

Critical Identification and Evaluation of suitable industry studies and frameworks

Supporting Evidence

applicable to the project

A critical exploration of the relevant academic theory to support the subjects covered in the
project. 45%

This is NOT a literature review; it should identify and explain the RELEVANT methods
that would be used to conduct the study

Identification, explanation and critical evaluation of the range of activities needed to

Gannt Chart &

complete the Client’s project.

Understanding and critical reflection in scheduling the activities e.g. timelines, dependent 25%
activities, etc

A critical evaluation of the deliverable outcomes of the project. 20%


Clear meeting of the Client objectives set for the project

Remember, you are showing the Client WHY your approach is the most suitable to meet
their aims and thus win the bid
Total 100%
(70% weighting of the overall students’ grade)

Assumptions; 25
Reflective Report

Ethics and Values; 25

Time management; 25

Learning from Experience and Moving Forward; 25

Total 100
(30% weighting of the overall students’ grade)

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